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You Are Your Own Gym

You Are Your Own Gym

Using nothing but your own body, elite Special Operations trainer Mark Lauren has created short, incredibly convenient workouts that simultaneously build strength and endurance while giving you a lasting fat burning boost!

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Challenge of the week

Plank Challenge
How long can you hold a plank? Do any variation. Post your time below. Ready? Begin! Starting Position (on forearms) Lie Down on your stomach then prop yourself up on your elbows, bent at 9
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Success Stories

“ Everyone marvels at my body’s changes- nearly 50 pounds lighter and a six pack! No driving to the gym or gimmick diets, just focused workouts I can do anywh”
- Brandon Frame
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From our Blog

Salmon and Asparagus in Parchment
Ingredients 1 4oz skinless salmon filet 1 small leek (only the light green and white area) 5 asparagus stems (trimmed bottom) handful of fresh dill (chopped) 1/2 tablespoon olive oil salt a
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