Welcome to Tyler Cowen's Web Page
Current Threads:
Articles on Economics of the Arts:
- Here is
Good and Plenty: The Creative Successes of American Arts Funding,
published April 2006, is available from the
Princeton University Press.
- The introductory chapter of my book on the economics of the arts, sans footnotes,
In Praise of Commercial
University Press, 1998.
- Other chapters are available from Laissez Faire Books
- What Price Fame.
The first chapter of another book. This is prior to copy editing and footnotes.
The book was published by Harvard University Press and is available through .
- Trade Between Cultures.
A draft of the first chapter of my book, Creative Destruction: How
Globalization is Changing the World's Cultures, published by Princeton
University Press and available through here,
and one in the LA Times here.
- Here is Chapter One
from my book on the amate painters of Mexico,
Markets and Cultural Voices, published by University of Michigan Press.
Here is the link to purchase it from
Laissez Faire Books.
Chapter One from my new book Good and Plenty, on arts funding in the
United States. You can get the whole thing
Here are some pieces on the economics of culture:
- Do Artists Suffer From A Cost
Disease? from Rationality and Society.
- Why I Do Not Believe in the Cost
Disease, from the Journal of Cultural Economics.
- Entrepreneurship, Austrian
Economics, and the Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry, from The Review
of Austrian Economics.
- An Economic Theory of
Avante-Garde and Popular Art, or High and Low Culture, an article written
with Alex Tabarrok.
- An article in the National
Postthat I adapted from my book Creative Destruction.
- The first chapter of my manuscript on
government funding of the arts, a work in progress. (Also available in doc format.)
- Do We Underestimate the Benefits
of Cultural Competition, from the American Economic Review.
- Why Women Succeed, and Fail, in the
Arts, from the Journal of Cultural Economics.
Here are some popular pieces of mine on globalization, economics, and culture:
- Modern Mix, from Forbes, on the
blending of world culture.
French Kiss Off,
from Reason Magazine, detailing how French protectionism has hurt the
French film industry.
- The Fate of Culture, from The
Wilson Quarterly.
- Culture in the Global
Economy, a lecture I delivered in Sweden.
- An
interview with me in Reason Magazine where I argue for the cultural
benefits of globalization.
- More recent writings
on Robert Putnam's Better Together and on Virginia Postrel's
Substance of Style.
- Economic Development in an “Average is Over” World
Here are some pieces of mine on microeconomics:
- More Monitoring Can Induce Less
Effort, in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
- Good Grapes and Bad Lobsters: Applying the
Alchian and Allen Theorem, in Economic Inquiry.
- Credibility May Require
Discretion, not Rules, in the Journal of Public Economics.
- Rent-Seeking Can Promote the
Provision of Public Goods, in Economics and Politics.
- A short essay on the socialist calculation debate, from the Journal of International and Comparative Economics.
- Should the Central Bank Target CPI Futures?, a piece from the Journal of Money, Credit and
My thoughts on cost-benefit analysis, as prepared for the New Zealand Business Roundtable.
Here is my paper with Sam Papenfuss on
for-profit education.
Here are some pieces of mine with an especially philosophical bent:
- Does the epistemic problem refute
consequentialism?, a paper on whether the "epistemic critique" defeats
consequentialist moral theories.
- Self-Constraint and Self-Liberation, from Ethics.
- Discounting and Restitution,
from Philosophy & Public Affairs.
- Against the Social Discount Rate, which I wrote with Derek Parfit.
- How Far Back Should We Go?: Why
Restitution Should Be Small, a piece on intergenerational restitution,
forthcoming in a Cambridge
book edited by Jon Elster. (Also available in doc format.)
- Policing Nature, a paper on animal
- When Are We Being Too Utopian? a paper in
progress. Comments welcome!
- What is the Correct Intergenerational Discount Rate? and Resolving The
Repugnant Conclusion, two papers on themes relevant to Derek Parfit's Reasons and Persons,including population paradoxes and discounting the
- How Do Economists Think About
Rationality? An article on how economists use the rationality assumption. It
defends economics against numerous critics, and shows that the practice of
economics is more philosophically sophisticated than one might expect. Published
in Satisficing and Maximizing – Moral
Theorists on Practical Reason, Edited by Michael Byron, Cambridge University
Press, 2004, pgs 213-236.
What Do We Learn from the Repugnant Conclusion? from Ethics.
- The Scope and Limits of Preference Sovereignty, from
Economics and Philosophy.
- Here
is my paper on whether most observed disagreements are in fact honest.
- Is a Novel a Model?, a piece on the productivity of fiction.
- My new paper on the Turing test,
and what it really means, with Michelle Dawson.
- My Tanner lectures comment on Elizabeth Anderson
Here are some pieces of mine on political philosophy:
- Self-Deception as the Root of Political
Failure, an article that considers models of political failure based on
- A Road Map to Middle Eastern Peace? - A Public Choice Perspective, a short piece on the economics of war, and the
logic of conflict.
- Does the welfare state help the poor?
forthcoming in Social Philosophy and Policy.
- Politics and the pursuit of
fame, from Public Choice.
- My response to David Friedman's comment on my original piece on The Economics of Anarchy.
- A draft of Chapter One, for a work in progress, which will use civilization as the fundamental value of political
theory. Comments are welcome.
- The Marshall Plan: Myths and Realities,
an essay on the Marshall Plan from Doug Bandow's U.S. Aid to the Developing
World, Heritage Foundation, 1985.
A review of the idea of
spontaneous order in Hayek's Fatal Conceit.
Other Topics
- Ethnic Dining Guide 2016 Edition
to the Northern Virginia/Washington D.C./Maryland area. This is my most popular page!
The Food Page of The Washington Post wrote up my ethnic food guide in the
summer of 2001. The article is attached here: The Lone Critic.
Here is an address I gave to the International
Association of Culinary Professionals, called "Is Globalization Changing the Way
the World Eats?".
Here is a
for some real Mexican food, from a small village, cook it if you dare.
Art Pages
A short page on Ranadip Mukherjee
A short Haitian Art page, with more to come.
A short page on the The
Camilo Ayala Brothers: Lost Treasures of the Art World
A page on Amate Painters
- Special Series on AMATE Painter -
Alfonso Lorenzo; Wall
Street Journal Article
My favorite books
My favorite music
Movie recommendations
Art recommendations
Reading Lists
Reading list for PhD Macro (updated 8/11/06)
Reading list for the Law and Literature course (updated 12/15/07).
Reading list for the Industrial Organizations course (updated 1/24/05).
Contact Information:
My work phones are:
703-993- 2312 (primary)
703-993- 4910 (secondary)
Email is tcowen@gmu.edu.
Mailing address at work is:
MSN 1D3, Carow Hall
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030.
This page will be periodically updated. Recommendations of all kinds are
welcome, especially in the fields of economics and/or culture, please do not
hesitate to email me at tcowen@gmu.edu
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