Perhaps you’ve heard this joke:
There are only two hard problems in computer science: Naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors
Naming things ends up being actually pretty difficult! It’s a nontrivial problem in library design, and there are interesting constraints imposed by the technologies we use. There are a number of best practices and guidelines available for using libraries that make code easier to read and understand. But we don’t have compelling guidelines available for actually writing these libraries.
I’ve written a few libraries now and have tried out different naming and exporting conventions. I’ve developed a bit of a feel for how it is to write and use them, and I’m going to put out my personal preferences and opinions on library design here. This post will be discussing the Haskell programming language and ecosystem.
So you’ve got a bare Haskell module:
module Main where
main :: IO ()
main = do
The module $NAME where
starts the module definition, followed by a list of imports, and then declarations.
There are no imports declared.
So you know that all terms are coming from the Prelude
If you’ve enabled NoImplicitPrelude
language extension, then you won’t even have that in scope!
As we add imports, we add new terms. Each new term might be unfamiliar to a programmer who is unfamiliar with the import. As you add more and more imports, it’s important (sorry) to make it easy for people to find where that term comes from.
Consider this import list:
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Swagger
import Database.Esqueleto
import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Language (Update)
import Servant
If a new person comes upon a term that they don’t understand, where did it come from? It could be any of those imports. There are typically two proposed solutions: explicit import lists, and qualified imports.
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as Aeson
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Swagger as Swagger
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as Esqueleto
import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Language (Update)
import qualified Servant
Unfortunately, this leads to extremely verbose code, and also makes operators super annoying to use. Consider this example usage:
type Api = "hello" Servant.:> Servant.Get '[Servant.JSON] Hello
data Hello = Hello { helloMap :: Map.Map String Int }
Aeson.deriveJSON Aeson.defaultJSONOptions ''Hello
-- or,
instance Aeson.ToJSON Hello where
toJSON hello = Aeson.object
[ "map" Aeson..= Aeson.toJSON (helloMap hello)
Gross! This makes the code way noisier, and more verbose. Everyone pays a significant cost when writing and reading this code. Only new people to the codebase are benefitted, and even then, only for a short time.
It’s common for the module name to be shortened, so Data.ByteString
becomes BS
or B
, and Data.HashMap.Strict
becomes M
Sometimes you’ll have Data.Text
, Data.Text.Encoding
, and Data.Text.IO
all qualified under T
or Text
, which make it less easy to figure out where the term is coming from.
Qualified imports are great sometimes, but they don’t seem to be a great solution all of the time. So typically people use another strategy for making the namespace clean:
You can also list out all of the terms that you use explicitly after the import. This is a good practice, because it doesn’t make the code more verbose, it just makes the import lists bigger.
Here’s the previous code snippet and import list, but with explicit imports:
import Servant ((:>), Get, JSON)
import Map (Map)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), object, (.=))
type Api = "hello" :> Get '[JSON] Hello
data Hello = Hello { helloMap :: Map String Int }
deriveJSON defaultJSONOptions ''Hello
-- or,
instance ToJSON Hello where
toJSON hello = object
[ "map" .= toJSON (helloMap hello)
This looks a lot cleaner.
Anyone that wants to know where a term comes from can simply search for it in the import lists.
However, it requires developer discipline or tooling to keep the import lists up to date.
If you update the API type to include the Post
type, then you’ll get a compile failure to update the import list.
This can be somewhat frustrating to work with.
There’s another approach that some libraries use:
Some libraries, like Parsec, Esqueleto, etc. want to be used in their own module. In my projects at work, I typically will have a module structure like:
module App.SomeType where
-- type definition, functions for operating on the type, etc
module App.SomeType.Parser where
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
-- the parser definition
Why? The exports of Attoparsec
and the encouraged style of writing functions have a tendency to collide with the names and functions for actually using the types.
These aren’t typically imported or cared about: most clients of a Parser
module just want parseThing :: ByteString -> Either Error Thing
, not thing :: Parser Thing
or someSubComponentOfThing :: Parser Whatever
Likewise, the SQL library Esqueleto builds upon the Persistent database library for writing more advanced queries.
It redefines some of the terms and operators so that the language looks consistent with the Persistent DSL for queries and updates, but these are name collisions.
Additionally, the eDSL defines a bunch of common names like on
, from
, and select
, which easily collide with other modules.
So I’ll typically have a module structure like:
module App.Models.SomeModel where
import Database.Persistent
-- functions specific to the model
module App.Query.SomeModel where
import Database.Esqueleto
-- queries specific to the model
where I can use Esqueleto’s full edsl without having to worry about import/export business.
The problem of “where does this term come from” manifests mostly in very large modules with a ton of imports. It’s not an issue to find where a term is from if you have a 100 line module with 5 imports. If you have a 1,000 line module with 20 imports, you’re in trouble. By breaking your modules up into smaller logical chunks, you can avoid this problem, at the expense of having your code spread out more.
Most codebases use a combination of qualified imports, explicit import lists, and open imports. The decision tends to be made in terms of some combination of taste and the design of the library/module that you’re importing. Consider these modules:
-- 1. Designed for qualified import
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- 2. Basic enough that they don't need
-- to be introduced
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
-- 3. Designed for *unqualified* import
import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent
-- 4. Obscure enough that you might want
-- to have an explicit import list
import Control.Arrow (first, (&&&))
This is a somewhat moderate import strategy. Unusual terms are imported explicitly, common terms are imported implicitly. Some libraries are designed to be imported and used in a specific manner.
Let’s summarize what we want out of our import/export situation:
With all that out of the way, I think I’m ready to talk about library design.
There are a few ways to design libraries to handle the import/export pain.
The containers
library is designed to be imported qualified – that is, you must import it qualified in order to use it.
If you don’t, you get ambiguous term errors.
Any code that uses it typically has these two imports:
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
so that you can use the Map
term unqualified and the functions for operating on Map
s qualified, like so:
someMap :: Map String Int
someMap =
Map.insert "hello" 3 Map.empty
Map.singleton "bar" 2
This has a problem: If you want to write a custom Prelude to cut down on import related boilerplate, you’re unable to do so with this strategy.
module MyPrelude
( module MyPrelude
, module X
) where
import Data.Map (Map) as X
import Data.Set (Set) as X
import Data.Text (Text) as X
import Data.ByteString (ByteString) as X
When we import MyPrelude
, we get the type names in scope.
This is an improvement.
But we still need to write out all the qualified imports to use the types:
module Main where
import MyPrelude
import qualified Data.Map as Map
There is currently no way to do a qualified reexport, which would fix this issue.
If you are intending for your module to be used qualified, I’d recommend making the intended name available as a top level module.
Consider my library monad-metrics
, which is designed for qualified import:
import Control.Monad.Metrics (MonadMetrics(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Metrics as Metrics
This is a lot of typing! Instead, in a new version of the library, I will do:
import Control.Monad.Metrics
import qualified Metrics
where Control.Monad.Metrics
will export the types, and Metrics
will export the functions for operating on them.
This cuts down on the effort required by the user.
This scheme requires a lot of maintenance on the part of the user, or a dependency on tooling that may or may not be available for a user’s editor solution.
Furthermore, this encourages a style of naming where the same basic identifier gets used many times: empty
is used 25 times in the Stackage library.
This makes it more difficult for tooling to know what to suggest in these cases.
This strategy harkens back to the Esqueleto and Parsec examples I presented earlier. It also applies to some other libraries I’ve used, like the Swagger library. This is the easiest thing to do – you stop caring about stepping on anyone’s toes, and require that your users define functions that use your library in encapsulated, isolated modules, that they then reexport however they like. This makes a lot of sense when you’re defining an EDSL (embedded domain specific language) for working with something. Parsers, SQL queries, HTML DSLs, and Swagger definitions all fall into this role. Data structures and web servers typically don’t.
This approach puts a tax on users: it requires that they break functionality into a separate module. This is typically a good thing, but it asks more of users than a qualified import strategy or an open import strategy. Typically, there won’t be that many libraries that can use this scheme productively.
The open import strategy is quickly becoming my favorite. The library is designed such that you can just import the whole thing without an import list and it’s easy enough to find it. If your library uses operators, you’re strongly encouraging your users to use this strategy, even if the rest of your library doesn’t fit it well.
To do this, you’ll need to incorporate a bit of redundant information into the identifiers you use. This is a sort of Hungarian notation.
Let’s look at some examples of libraries that take this design.
import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent
main = do
ref <- newIORef 100
fix $ \loop -> do
val <- readIORef ref
if val >= 0
then do
modifyIORef ref (subtract 1)
putStrLn "Done!"
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
main = do
q <- newTQueue
forkIO $ forever $
print =<< atomically (readTQueue q)
forM_ [1..1000] $ \i ->
forkIO (atomically (writeTQueue q i))
import Lucid
view :: Html ()
view = do
h1_ "Hello world!"
div_ $ do
p_ $ do
"The consistent naming scheme "
"and specific identifier name "
"choices make this an easy lib"
"rary to use with an open impo"
ul_ $ do
li_ "Lucid is just great."
li_ "Fave HTML lib fo sho"
Now, where does newIORef
come from?
What does it result in?
It creates a new IORef
Likewise, what about newTQueue
It creates a new TQueue
The Lucid functions all follow a simple convention that make them easy to use and purposefully avoid collision with other identifiers: the _
suffix of an HTML tag makes it easy to know that an identifier is from Lucid
The only collision I notice ordinarily is for_
If these modules were designed with qualified import in mind, we’d write
, or Lucid.h1_
However, that would cause us a few problems:
import qualified Data.IORef as IORef
and import Data.IORef (IORef)
in all of your imports that use itIORef
anymore, so you need to explicitly import them every time, leading to more boilerplate in a custom prelude.How would Data.Map
look like with this scenario?
import Data.Map
main = do
let a = insertMap "hello" 0 emptyMap
b = singletonMap "goodbye" 1
c = unionMap a b
print c
Aesthetically, I think I prefer Map.insert
over insertMap
Unfortunately, until we’re able to re-export modules qualified, we’re unable to use the qualified imports conveniently.
In my opinion, designing libraries for open import is the most convenient and useful way to go. Alternatively, it would be nice to have a Template Haskell function that can take a module designed for qualified import and mechanically convert it to this style. Then you could design with qualified import in mind and people that want an open import strategy could simply use the function and make their own.