This section contains current and historical data on production, supply, and distribution of agricultural commodities for key producing and consuming countries.
All data is sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture PSD database. It is updated approximately once per month.
Data is organized by commodity, country, and variable. Available variables include all the components of a supply and distribution table.
A supply and distribution, or supply and use, table is a standard method of accounting for the total supply of a particular commodity and the total use of the same commodity.
Supply and use tables are usually on the basis of the marketing year for the commodity because that is the period in which the supply and use will balance.
In every supply and use table, supply must equal use in each marketing year.
- Supply = beginning stocks + domestic production + imports.
- Use = domestic consumption + exports + ending stocks.
- Domestic consumption = all possible uses of the commodity: food, feed, seed, waste, and industrial processing.
Stocks include all of the commodity which is not currently in use, regardless of where it is stored: on the farm, in a warehouse or elevator awaiting marketing, at a port awaiting shipment, at a mill awaiting use, or in emergency government reserve.
- Ending stocks = the unused commodity remaining at the end of the marketing year for use in the next year.
- Beginning stocks = the ending stocks carried into the new marketing year from the previous year.
Although the supply and use data are balanced for the local marketing year, the PSD Online system also includes standard international trade years for some commodities for comparison purposes.