


8,400 words
Only available in print, in the March/April 2017 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact magazine.
Space Zombies want to save humanity.
Related: Author Comments

Of All Possible Worlds

5,000 words
Only available in print as part of the Swords v Cthulhu anthology. Can be purchased from Amazon (as well as most book sellers). Audio version available here.
Lovecraftian horror in ancient Rome. A tale of visceral gladiatorial combat in the Roman arena that quickly turns to hallucinatory madness and confusion.
Related: Two Reviews + Author Comments, Monster Art

Red Legacy 

(10,100 words)
(originally published in Asimov’s Feb 2015 issue)
Finalist for the 2015 Sidewise Award for Alternative History
Read it Here, or at AO3. Available in Audio format here – Part 1, Part 2
A Soviet mad scientist tries to do science in her secret lair and also cure her daughter’s illness, while fending off British secret agents, American commando raids, and Russian auditors.
Related: Third-Party Reviews, Things Learned While Writing part 1 & Part 2, A Note On The C-Word, How The Story Almost Sucked But Sheila Williams Saved It, Gun Saftey


Amazing Man

(2900 words)
(self-published)Read it Here, or at AO3
The world’s most powerful superhero finally gets fed up with being insulted by the news media, and being constrained by silly laws meant for flimsy humans.
Inspired by the 2015 “Sad Puppies” Hugo Fiasco.

One Hundred Words

(600 words)(originally published at Evil Girlfriend Media)
Read it at Evil Girlfriend Media
The meaning of life can be summarized in one hundred words.


Amazing Man 2: Love Conquers All

(4400 words)
Read it Here, or at AO3
Amazing Man continues to liberate the world, one coup at a time. But when he encounters the only person who can keep secrets from him, will the mystery of this handsome raptor-scientist pick the lock to Amazing Man’s heart?
Inspired by the 2016 “Rabid Puppies” Hugo Fiasco, and Chuck Tingle’s brilliant counter-trolling of Vox Day.


(~15 minutes, interactive, self-published)
Official Twine version, or in basic HTML
A very short Interactive Fiction piece with a strong audio component
Related: How this came to be

New work coming soon in the Humans Wanted anthology.

In the past I enjoyed entering short-fiction contests, the restrictions one is placed under make it fun. If you’d like, you can see those here. Note that these are VERY early works, as I was still learning to write, and unpolished. For curiosity only.

For tipping, if you’d like. Thanks.


  One Response to “Fiction”

  1. Have you considered self-publishing?

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