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Hi, Bell Fen! - Luminous Hyaena

Sometimes I write things. But this is usually an aesthetic blog.
Jul 1 '17

Anonymous asked:

Sorry if this is in a world building thread I missed, but are orange and red hair, fruit and firetruck color or is one closer to human "red" hair?

Human naturally occurring “red hair” would fall into the category “orange” on Amenta.  Humans do not ever naturally have red-hair-as-is-found-in-red-caste-people.  Orange includes tangerine, pumpkin, creamsicle, amber, copper, rust, turmeric, carrot, auburn but only if it’s not too brown, peach, apricot, sweet potato, etc.  Red includes crimson, rose, brick, burgundy, scarlet, vermilion, pink, maroon, ruby, cherry, coral, carnation, salmon, magenta, raspberry, etc.

  1. luminousalicorn posted this