Saturday, May 27, 2017




my fellow neoliberals:

we are LOSING THE MEME WAR. the ancaps make great memes. the commies make great memes. we are simply forced to alternately reblog ancap and commie memes in order to signal that we understand economics and also don’t hate poor people

however, I know SOME OF YOU are excellent shitposters and memelords, you are just spending all your time making trolley problem memes instead. so please redirect your attention to making, idk, good guy paul krugman memes. stalin saying “capitalism leads to the starvation of the poor” next to a graph of the last two hundred years of absolute poverty. look there’s a reason I don’t make memes myself, I suck at this, but I am sure some of you people could make something ABSOLUTELY DANK

thnx wholesome ancap memes


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