全 39 件のコメント

[–]yomatt626 25 ポイント26 ポイント  (1子コメント)

OP is correct. be courteous, but not warm. do not treat her differently or offer her anything you wouldn't offer a man of equal stature. starve the bitches of attention and special treatment, because that's ALL they want from you.

[–]RogerBateman 42 ポイント43 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Stop showing off your breasts, legs, and asses. Don't wear fake up and perfume.

[–]SilverGryphon 37 ポイント38 ポイント  (7子コメント)

women show off cleavage and then get annoyed when men look, go figure.

[–]carini_bustout 21 ポイント22 ポイント  (0子コメント)

If they were serious about it they'd wear sports bras to work, with buttoned-up collared shirts. Instead they wear miracle push-up bras and outfights that whores wear, literally. Painted-on tight-as-fuck leggings or jeans, with the night-stalker high heel boots or open-toe designer lifts with perfectly manicured toe nails, just to snag the fetish perverts too. The fucking struts with their camel toes practically exposed from arching their backs like some female monkey in heat.

[–]Teflon0819 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (1子コメント)

They have to maintain that plausible deniability.

They don't want you to think that it was their intention to draw attention to themselves, because it exposes how important it is to them to receive attention.

Of course they give it away completely when you don't give them the attention they're looking for by becoming bitchy because you didn't notice their new hairstyle or whatever.

[–]MRA-automatron-2kb 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Society turns a blind eye to normalize this dress like a whore behavior but it still distracts men.

[–]MaraxHooves 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The two on the outside (especially the blonde) are literally covering up because they know their clothing is too revealing and it makes them uncomfortable.

They could start there and see where that thought leads them.

[–]fuu999 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Only when average guy look

[–]BubbleGas 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Some women have taken that advice. The arab womem who wear burkhas are never sexualised or objectified.

I don't know what to make of that.

[–]_Hachiman_Hikigaya_ 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (1子コメント)

ignore them.

[–]UncleDisgusting 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is the best option. No drama or stress or "OMG!!! I'm being stare-raped by a Cis scum shitpig!"

[–]chester444 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (8子コメント)

You make an excellent point. Sadly, given the true nature of women, and of white knights, we know this will never happen.

If men, as a collective, were to suddenly cease any and all flirtatious conduct with women entirely, we all know what the female reaction would be. They'd instantly turn into shrieking harpies, unable to handle the lack of male attention, and would immediately resort to shaming men with comments intended to emasculate and denigrate the very traits which they (the women) are supposedly attracted to.

Of course, given the fundamental biology of the human race, we all know this will never happen (thirsty white knights will continue to chase women no matter what)..... so this just operates as another way for women to use their sexuality to prey upon and manipulate men, and to extract even more power and resources from men, courtesy of the wildly imbalanced sexual harassment laws (created and enforced by the state, of course) that confer virtually unlimited power upon women.

This is feminism, folks. It's just more giant shit tests by women, designed specifically to marginalize and destroy men, while simultaneously elevating females to positions of unlimited power with zero accountability. And this is the direction our culture has been headed for quite some time now, and there is absolutely no sign of it abating or ending anytime soon.

It is literally just so sad and totally exhausting to even try to deal with it. And so this is why thousands upon thousands of men are checking out, in droves. But it will have no effect on the larger trajectory that this entire culture is following. This situation is going to get worse, far worse, before it gets better. I wish that I could be content to grab popcorn and watch it all burn, but it is so very sad, and I truly weep for what the future portends, with this entirely bassackwards and fucked up culture we live in.

[–]ZCnegan 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (6子コメント)

Take the vote from women and you get that tackled in one generation. MGTOW is not invested in fixing women, i dont really care. But true that a society commanded by men for men, will automatically protect the weak and even women will benefit from it. We might not be interested in politics or to fix things, and that the system as it is right now allows men to go their own way with the least shaming (until the now in history), but a society commanded by men even something more like the tradcon is better in general. Now nobody here will volunteer to be the tradcuck knowing what they know

[–]BCPrepper 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (5子コメント)

All the unmarried women are going to be a serious drain on the system. Rather than using socialism to take care of them like the globalists are hoping for, and since no man wants to be a tradcuck for some CC rider --- I think a better solution is for men to "adopt" one of these leftover women, not as a wife, but as an incubator for a wife. Essentially she'll be impregnated by someone else, and any daughters will be raised to become the man's wives. In return all the women receive shelter, security, and provisioning. Not this perverted materialist provisioning they receive today, which consists of handbags, shoes, McMansions etc. We're talking modest clothes, food. And they will have to pull their weight. This will essentially be a post-collapse society.

[–]ZCnegan 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Oh my god. You are a fucking genius. That would actually work. But for that to work, all the pro women laws would have to be abolished, which will happen in case of colapse. Then women without daddy gov to protect them would have to sell themselves very cheap, and still men would not want them. But if I could have a woman raised to by a wife, with 100% loyalty and efficient, and without brainwashing bullshit, then i would maybe consider giving part of my resources, in case i wanted a family/kids and needed a womb. Sex is all they have to offer, and men are becoming tired of it, more and more we see sex for what it is, just sex. And whores are better for it.

[–]BCPrepper 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Yup it's the only solution as I see it. Socialism won't work, especially when men don't get good women in return for serving the state. The globalists overplayed their hand, thinking men would just accept their fate as a slave class. Now our biggest concern is Islam taking over. Really not interested in that happening. Artificial wombs might help catalyze the rebirth of western civilization, but it's not a long term solution. There's a humanitarian aspect to caring for the women that made bad choices and are no longer fit for pair bonding. The solution I outlined above gives them safety and purpose.

[–]ZCnegan 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

The issue is that islam solves the very same problems that western society presents to us. So in a sense Islam would put women in their places and would give the power to men. The only issue with islam is stagnation, and it ends making men slave to a religion instead of women and western bullshit. Im often confused when thinking about these issues, when i think of islam. Because it seems very plausible that some european youths are converting. Because its like the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And islam fullfils the aspect of revenge, honor, heroism. I dont want nor i like islam, but sometimes i really think that i would prefer to die for something that would destroy this and instead of living here forever and do nothing like a coward. No other ideology, say communism, or etc... is strong enough, and at the same time simple, and with all the details islam presents like you can marry 4 wives, it honors the man first, especially the warrior, it takes all the pressure from men, and gives you the comfort of an afterlife. Christianity is a joke when you compare it to islam afterall. Just read this:


[–]BCPrepper 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Good reference. Yea I can see the allure of Islam. But I'd have to compromise my integrity for the benefits it provides. Once you've tasted freedom it's hard to go back. It's not in my blood to submit to such an ideology. Spiritually I'm on my own path... my relationship with god is personal, and I'm not looking to pay some dhimmi tax to continue my journey. Everything we love about western culture and the luxuries of the developed world are the results of freedom to dream and create. And the individualistic nature of men who crave independence.

[–]ZCnegan 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Freedom, pleasure and selfrealization are all feelings and sensations that are not independent from the perception of others. 100 years ago if you could have access to an airplane and fly it, you would feel like you had an awesome experience, like that nobody had so you would release more dopamine. Nowadays flying is common so its like whatever.

So in this sense, islam takes all the pain from men. Because men are individuals that prefer the idea of honor and a reason to live than the life itself. Life for men is dull without action, and men know they will die sooner or later. Unlike women who the senses of preservation and procreation dictate their lives. Men are not even materialistic, and can easily be more happy without nothing as long as there is a sense for them to live. So men will always prefer a greater reason to live than an actual life where there freedom is being bought by goods and comfort. Men will rather die a quick glorious death than live a life as a lesser man with all the goods.

This is why islam is successful because it hits straight in the masculine mind. And + it creates a warrior culture where the martyr is also exalted by society as if he won the ultimate prize (lots of women in heaven) while they all are here stuck with none. See its related to the perception others have of you, and the perception you have that they have of you. Imagine you are a non-mgtow bluepill man living in the middle east, If you could choose between a life of poverty, no pussy and living under tyranny. Or a life where your pain can end fast, with honor, being admired by others, fighting this same tyranny (or having the feeling you are), and being compensated with an afterlife of luxury. I think the answer is clear, death sometimes is preferable to life. That is what the terrorists say "we love more death than you love life".

In our case in the west islam is not so captivating yet because things are not so bad yet. But they could become, and as people get desperate, islam fullfils that and starts to catch lots of converts among the slave classes.

You would not pay any tax as a dhimmi if you simply convert. Thats why in past islamic conquest many converted.

Ohh and even if you paid tax as a dhimmi. That tax is insignificant when compared to all the taxes and bullshit that is being raised on men in the west.

Anyways this is a pure analysis. I dont like islam nor do I stand for any religion. But I understand what can make Islam win in the long run. Afterall its a religion that was created for the desert warriors and it certainly can survive a nuclear holocaust.

[–]addictiveadditive 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

If men, as a collective, were to suddenly cease any and all flirtatious conduct with women entirely, we all know what the female reaction would be. They'd instantly turn into shrieking harpies, unable to handle the lack of male attention, and would immediately resort to shaming men with comments intended to emasculate and denigrate the very traits which they (the women) are supposedly attracted to.

Well, hypothetically, if all men suddenly went MGTOW (including the white knights), I doubt women would complain one bit. They'd come slobbering for any dick they could get. Remember, this is truly all women are good for, they just convince everyone it's not. I doubt even one female would have the time to complain or shame when suddenly she has to swallow the fact that she's no longer getting any special treatment or extra attention, even from the guy bagging her groceries at the supermarket. It's simple supply and demand. When you dry up the market, suddenly these beggars can no longer be choosers. If humanity had gotten it right, men would always be the ones being chased. In my opinion, it's completely unnatural for a man to chase a woman. Women have no inherent value and are weak. Women should be the ones competing for male attention and not the other way around. The only way we could ever achieve this is if all men suddenly took back their power from women, realized how worthless they really are, and fixed all the broken laws so that women no longer had any legal power. Women have no accountability or agency whatsoever; they're more closely related to the animals than to us. Society as we know it today is 100% unnatural and all of our problems are 100% man-made. In summary, men are the deciders of who, when, and how they fuck. Women have full market control at the moment and it's fucking everything up; it should be the exact opposite of how it is right now, if not even further in men's favor.

[–]DangZagnut 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Tease but not please. Do both or neither, but don't do half and half.

Don't worry ladies. They'll be losing interest shortly, then you can enjoy sitting in a cubicle as a sexless resource just like everyone else. Then you're job skills will quickly be under the microscope and you'll learn what the definition of "over promoted" means.

If you work in technology, and you find yourself being "promoted" into architecture, be aware that it means you suck, because that's where you stick the kids who eat too much paste are sent. It "sounds" like its prestigious, but its where you stick the morons to keep them quiet and have toys to play with and busy work. You'll be a "system architect" but everyone knows what that means. If you remember "short bus" from school, "Architecture" is the technology short bus.

Treating a woman like a man and equal is the best revenge, if you're into revenge, on a woman. It drives them insane.

[–]SilverGryphon 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (5子コメント)

let's interact with women coldly and professionally, and see what happens!

I have been called a cold hearted weirdo for doing just that.

[–]addictiveadditive 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I've been fired for doing just that. Along the same lines of being a "weirdo", I didn't make small talk with the office manager who was a single, semi-attractive woman in her upper 20s who may or may not have been attracted to me. I really just tried to keep to myself while at work (I worked out in the warehouse, but had to interface with her on a daily basis). I was by far the most attractive guy there, but had no interest in her and was MGTOW even back then. All the guys both in the office and in the warehouse would go out of their way everyday to visit her in her office and small-talk her (everyone knew she was single) and constantly kiss her ass. I made no such efforts. I was friendly, but strictly professional and business-related with her. On several occasions she would do this weird shit like come out into the warehouse and try to lend a hand and work side-by-side and make small talk with me. I had no interest in her, but I guess she was attractive so I didn't mind the eye-candy. Not only would she try to work with me, but she'd also make weird comments to me in front of everyone, like jokingly yell that she "hates me so much!" in front of everyone, with no context or reason, in this weird joking but flirty kind of way. It was so fucking weird. Everyone would look at me, like in a "you guys have a thing going on?" kind of way and I was just as caught off guard as them. She was my superior. I was just some dude trying to work and make some money, she was a college graduate with her nice little office job settling into her career. Eventually she started becoming a huge bitch to me, she would assign me weird tasks like staying late and delivering packages for her in my own personal car after-hours. She would use this sarcastic child-like tone with me in the cuntiest possible way, right in front of the CEO of the company who was a bluepilled, married mangina who did nothing about it. Everyone starting seeing that she blatantly hated me. It got so bad, my coworker buddy asked me what the fuck was up with her towards me. All I can think of is that I didn't kiss her ass or give her the dick she needed. Long story short, she talks shit about me to my boss one day (my boss kissed MAJOR ass to her as he had to interface with her as well, manager-to-manager) and gets me fired. And yes, my boss was another bluepilled, married mangina. All that shit fucking sucked. I've lost faith in the workplace. Can't even work in an all-male warehouse without some cunt coming out from one of the offices to start some drama bullshit.

[–]SilverGryphon 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Sorry to hear about your story. Women at work try to do the same shit to me, but I'm in a managerial position and so they have less power over me, but still I had women in positions below me call me all sort of names just because I did not respond to their flirting and they got away with it. Had the tables been turned I would have been fired within 15 minutes.

[–]addictiveadditive 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks, glad you handle it well and are in a place of superiority. Most women I've encountered don't handle authority well, and when put in places where they have a lot of it (or even just a taste) are like young cops. Power-tripping, blood-thirsty and uppity. For some reason, women think 'strong and authoritative' translates to 'bitchy and rude' if you're a woman.

[–]MRALawyer 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I’m sorry to hear that man. Workplaces can be so incredibly toxic for men.

[–]dot_dot_beep 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can back this observation up. Life isn't easy when you're dealing with rejected women. They'll be really sweet to you until they finally realize you aren't going to bite. You see the switch to real evil bitch almost suddenly.

I've had real cunty women managers single me out, over what I could only perceive as them overcompensating for whatever attraction they may have to me. Those cunty managers always became that way after they saw the attention I'd get from female coworkers.

If they have power over you, expect them to use it. Women in the workplace are a liability when you're a straight-laced attractive male.

I imagine it'd be better professionally to be an average looking male.

[–]Booshank25 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

That's feminism 101. Liberate women sexually so as to be allowed to behave like pigs in shit and puritanically demean and accuse men on a whim for even having his sexual instinct and attraction, no matter how he goes about it. They want all the power.

[–]MRA-automatron-2kb 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Women use so many passive aggressive sexual mind games.

They are experts at emasculating.

Worse than the feminists are the white knights who worship women and defend this behavior.

[–]montereybay 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's only sexual harassment if its unwanted attention. Translation: If you don't meet my standards, I"m calling the cops.

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[–]davisyoung 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

So let me get this straight, the three women above opened a company called Wet Ho's, sought financing, and was met with inappropriate comments? Okay.