The Nation has long been a home for investigative journalism. Today, new technologies make it possible to leak or share information with The Nation in a secure manner.
These methods are designed to allow you to send The Nation a tip. A good news tip is a piece of information that is (a) newsworthy, (b) documented with evidence, (c) clear to our reporters. The methods below are designed to help you share such tips confidentially. For example, if you work in a federal agency in which there has been wrongdoing, you may wish to leak documents to us showing that wrongdoing without your messages being read by your boss or email service provider. Please note that the methods below offer varying levels of security, and if it is risky for you to share your tip with The Nation, we advise that you carefully review your options.
To pitch a story, send us feedback about published articles or the magazine, or to write a letter to the editor, please use this form. We will discard anything received to the accounts below that is not a news tip.
We check our tip lines daily. We read, but cannot guarantee that we will respond to, every tip.
Signal is a texting and phone app that looks a lot like iMessage, Facetime, or Android Messages. It encrypts your messages so that they cannot be intercepted, and can be read or heard only by the sender and intended receiver. Signal also does not keep metadata, meaning information about your chats, such as which phone number you communicated with and when. Signal does retain your phone number, when you first registered with Signal, and when you were last active on Signal. The app is free and open source.
Visit Signal’s developer, Open Whisper Systems, to learn more.
Download for iPhone.
Download for Android.
Our Signal number: 646-975-1955
WhatsApp is another texting and calling app, similar to Signal, and allows full encryption of the information shared over its platform. WhatsApp is owned by Facebook, and while your communications can be encrypted, certain metadata is kept and some of it is shared with Facebook. Metadata kept by WhatsApp includes which phone numbers you have communicated with, when, and for how long.
Visit WhatsApp’s website to learn more.
Download for iPhone.
Download for Android.
Our WhatsApp number: 646-975-1955
Postal Mail
Traditional postal mail is a good way to communicate secure information if you do not need a response or anticipate further communication. Place your envelope in a postal box (do not send from home or work) and leave the return address blank. Do not purchase your postage with a credit card. Address the envelope to:
Features Editor
The Nation
520 8th Avenue, Floor 21
New York, NY 10018
Pretty Good Privacy, or PGP, is an encryption protocol for email. We recommend using Chrome and Firefox extension Mailvelope to easily get started with PGP. Please note that while PGP allows you to encrypt the contents of an email, metadata like the subject line, sender, receiver, and time of communication will not be encrypted and may be retained by your email provider. To communicate with The Nation using PGP, please find the author or editor you would like to contact here.
Visit Mailvelope’s website to learn more.