Both parties are not the same.
Um…the KKK was founded by Democrats after the Civil War…….
The parties switched roles/ideologies. Many times. The Democrats of the Civil War are today’s Republicans.
They’ve done this several times.
Why is this not well known?
Probably because it’s bullshit:
That’s a link to all my resources on the subject, but tl;dr: there was no magical point or points in history where the parties just “switched sides”.
You’re only partially right. The parties didn’t strictly speaking “completely switch sides”.
Democrats moved somewhat to the left, Republicans swung massively to the right. This de-facto results in America having two right-wing parties, and denying that this fact happened allows Republicans to claim being “the party of Lincoln” while enacting racist policy after racist policy.
I especially like that long post in your tag that debunks the party switch by listing things that happened before the party switch, then skipping literally everything until the late 90s and some random quote from Obama’s biography or something.
Fucking awesome.
Me debunking the WW2:
In 1898, there was no World War. In 1932, there was no World War. In 1938, there was no World War. In 1995, the State of Israel exists and demands reparations from the “”“Holocaust”“”, which couldn’t’ve happened because there were never any World Wars, QED