
No, Seattle’s $15 Minimum Wage Is Not Hurting Workers

Contrary to what one unrepresentative study found, the city’s workers are actually benefiting from the wage hike.

Michelle Chen

The Trump Administration Is Planning an Unprecedented Attack on Voting Rights

We are witnessing the beginning of a nationwide voter-suppression campaign, led by the White House and enabled by Congress and the Department of Justice.

Ari Berman

16 Years Ago, Barbara Lee’s Warning Against the AUMF Was Ignored. Nevertheless, She Persisted.

Congress is finally taking steps to repeal a blank check for war.

John Nichols
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GOP Wealthcare Plan

The GOP Health-Care Bill Isn’t Dead Yet

A delay in the Senate doesn’t mean Republicans have given up. 

The Nation

Mitch McConnell’s Health-Care Setback Is a Big F*cking Deal

Progressives have to continue to agitate, but they dealt the right a blow this week.

Joan Walsh

The Senate Health-Care Bill Is Morally Indefensible

The bill makes an equivalence between affording care and deserving care.

Laila Lalami
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Gun Sales Are Plummeting and Trump Wants to Help

The NRA’s new playbook includes guns for kids and open carry in every state.
George Zornick

A beaming Donald Trump stood before hundreds of National Rifle Association members at their annual meeting in Atlanta this past April. “You are my friends, believe me,” he said, as the crowd hooted and hollered for the first sitting president to appear at the NRA’s national convention in more than… Continue Reading >

Focus on Foreign Policy

Trump’s Chaos Is Covering for Stealth Escalation Overseas

Americans are tired of wars without end. But the reality is that we are headed into more war without public support, without a sensible strategy or a clear purpose.

Katrina vanden Heuvel

American Special Ops Forces Have Deployed to 70 Percent of the World’s Countries in 2017

And we’re only halfway through the year.

Nick Turse

A US Military Officer Explains Why Another Surge in Afghanistan Is Not a Good Idea

No matter what, Surge 4.0 won’t change a fundamentally flawed strategic formula.

Danny Sjursen

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