Thank god someone’s finally on this.

Alex Jones took a break Thursday from his important work of exposing the secret conspiracy to bring down Donald Trump, as well as revealing how Hillary Clinton’s death squads (or the CIA) keep killing Roger Stone, to do some old-school space-alien X-Files craziness for a change. It was actually kind of nostalgic! Jones’s guest, one Robert David Steele, had a lot of things to say about the pedophile rings that are everywhere (except not at Comet Ping Pong anymore, not since they threatened to sue Jones), and casually brought up the pedophile pleasure colonies on Mars that are the final destination for thousands of kidnapped children. (See! That’s why there’s no evidence!)

After Steele explained that virtually all pedophiles are also child murderers who kill children in a state of terror to take their bone marrow as a youth serum (oddly, he cited no clinical trials on that), Steele got to the real scandal that nobody dares talk about:

This may strike your listeners as way out but we actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20 year ride. So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony. There’s all kinds of —

Unfortunately, before Steele could explain more about this Mars colony, like how long it’s been there, who runs it, and why there’s no trail of evidence from missing children reports to these secret rocket launches, Jones interrupted him. That’s a shame since we wanted to know more about those 20-year rocket trips, which apparently use prop planes, since NASA usually gets probes to Mars in under a year — or maybe it’s a trip to Mars plus 19 years of servitude, and then the pedophile colonists eat the now-adult victims. In any case, Jones had to share what HE knows about all of NASA’s trickery:

Look, I know that 90 percent of the NASA missions are secret and I’ve been told by high level NASA engineers that you have no idea, there is so much stuff going on. But then it goes off into all that, that’s the kind of thing the media jumps on. But I know this: we see a bunch of mechanical wreckage on Mars and people say, “Oh look, it looks like mechanics.” They go, “Oh, you’re a conspiracy theorist.” Clearly they don’t want us looking into what is happening. Every time probes go over they turn them off.

Steele then called on Jones to be the Truth Channel to Donald Trump, who’s not learning the real truth about what’s really going on, and Jones briefly brought the conversation back down to Earth:

Well I don’t know about Mars bases, but I know they’ve created massive, thousands of different types of chimeras that are alien lifeforms on this earth now.

Well, yeah. Everyone knows about the alien chimera lifeforms.

Honestly, what with all the TrumpFluffing he’s been up to lately, we actually rather missed the good old bugfuck-crazy version of Alex Jones, the guy who’s worried about the Gay Bomb that’s Turning all the Frogs Gay and the New World Order plot to replace most of humanity with cyborg slaves. At least that nonsense is sort of harmless, as opposed to inciting idiots to harass the parents of slain children or go shoot up pizza parlors.

Of course, it only stands to reason Wonkette would be encouraging Jones to stay out of terrestrial politics, since we’re on his list of Fake News sites. We don’t want him to get to the real truth. We’re just following the directives of our reptilian overlords. And David Bowie.

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  • Bill D. Burger

    Alex Jones: “It’s all a black ops conspiracy. …. Everything is. ….. Maybe I’M a black ops conspiracy.” ~ gasp!~

  • armed_bears

    ‘Member when Alex was the nation’s most prominent whack job?

  • Joe Beese

    This may strike your listeners as way out…

    I doubt it.

  • BigCSouthside

    Kinda wondering if Alex is stepping up the crazy because everyday with president poopy diaper baby is crazy as fuck

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      Poopy diaper baby libelz!

  • Bill D. Burger
  • Joe Beese

    they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony

    Not if they weren’t too lazy to get training for 21st century jobs.

  • DainBramage

    Al Gore was all over these chimeras on an episode of South Park.

    • Latverian Diplomat

      “It’s actually a metaphor for global warming, because sometimes we can be pretty stupid too.”
      Parker & Stone

  • WomanInThePersistence

    And now I will take the dog for a walk. Because there’s only so much batshit crazy I can deal with this early in the day.

    • Phoenixdoglover

      Smart move. Your dog should provide early warning of nearby chimeras.

      (chimeras, chimeroos, chimerettes?)

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    “you’re a conspiracy theorist”

    Calling him and others like him a “theorist” bastardizes the genuine meaning and purpose of theorizing. “Enthusiast” or “speculator” or “numbskull” is more accurate.

  • msanthropesmr

    Remember Art Bell?

  • Latverian Diplomat

    90 percent of all NASA missions are secret, and 90 percent of of all alien chimeras are undetectable, invisible pink unicorns.

  • Ryan Denniston

    “Look, I know that 90 percent of the NASA missions are secret and I’ve been told by high level NASA engineers that you have no idea, there is so much stuff going on. ”

    Are these the same engineers Trump deployed to Hawaii by any chance?

    • Villago Delenda Est

      The Mai Tai Mafia!

    • Phoenixdoglover

      It was Sheriff Joe’s posse members that took on that vital mission.

      They went to Hawaii and got lei’d.

  • Villago Delenda Est

    Has anyone seen Matt Damon recently? Are these kids all growing potatoes in their own shit?

  • Vincent Ricola

    “… all pedophiles are also child murderers who kill children in a state of terror to take their bone marrow as a youth serum…”

    Youth serum supplements that can be purchased at the low price of $29.99 at an inforwars distributor near you!

    • Latverian Diplomat

      Clearly Alex Jones hasn’t aged a day.

  • canes_pugnaces

    And a very strange tweet from Eric Holder… WTF? Could the pee hooker film be coming out this summer?

  • schmannity

    Mars needs child slaves to do the work that ordinary Martians won’t do.

    • Latverian Diplomat

      For one thing, Martians don’t like to do their own barbecue:,204,203,200_.jpg

      • schmannity

        Mars should build a wall and make Neptune pay for it.

        • weejee


          • schmannity

            What about it?

          • OddMan

            Mine is perfect, it’s been tested.

          • grindstone

            Was that yesterday? How did that go? Vague answers preferred.

          • OddMan

            The actual thing was uneventful, apparently I babble like I’ve had truth serum when on the drugs they put me out with. Doc said I talked a lot.
            I am perfect for at least 10 more years.
            Now the hospital experience could be a fucking sitcom. Let’s just say of the things they forgot: my drug allergies to the common drug anesthesia, the fact I needed an anesthesiologist, my hospital bracelet (had to wait 15 for that bracelet for the procedure to start), the little plastic clips that show my allergies (waited 10 more minutes while they found a red one), my pre-procedure blood test ( they just skipped that one), I was not hooked up to an EKG as needed (they did not notice til just as the doc was about to start also waited for that).
            And I waited outside the procedure room in a dark hallway for 15 minutes while listening to two nurses describe in hushed tones a very very sick patient (soothing not).

            Looking back I am amazed that they stuck the damn thing in the correct end.
            Sorry to rant.

    • Rags

      Errmmm…. wouldn’t they be adults after the 20 year voyage?

  • shastakoala

    The truth is wayyyy out there.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    This doesn’t answer the most important question: How’s the Night Life on Cissalda? , audio, if you’re curious.

  • Thiazin Red

    A slave colony on Mars? Like in Phantasm? Is Obama the Tall Man?

  • ariel_gee_398

    I don’t know if it’s the chemtrails or the fluoride in the water causing it, but this Steele boy just ain’t right.

  • Ryan Denniston

    “This may strike your listeners as way out but we actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20 year ride. So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony.”

    Any good theory needs opportunity and motive. I really wish Jones hadn’t interrupted because for the life of me, I cannot figure out the motive.

    • Thiazin Red

      1.Send child slaves to Mars
      3. Profit

      • Latverian Diplomat

        After 4000 years of unskilled labor, child finally earns the cost of the trip.

    • WotsAllThisThen

      and that’s why he lost custody of his children.

      • WotsAllThisThen

        Some scientists believe pizza may have been distributed throughout the solar system by a comet ping-pong.

      • Doug Langley

        I’m told it’s out of this world.

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      “This may strike your listeners as way out” –
      Um, yeah. Ya think?

  • Scooby

    Wait! He forgot to say that they are all Democrats.

  • Ryan Denniston

    If this Steele fellow wants to be Director of NASA, he should really audition on Hannity where the Predisent is more likely to see him.

  • Bill D. Burger
    • AnnieGetYerFun

      OK, that made my laugh out loud and now people are staring.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    Trump loves Info Wars and National Enquirer … REAL NEWS, not FAKE!

  • memzilla Ω

    All this talk about pedophile rings forming a colony on Mars is simply a distraction from talking about the Nazi moon base.

    • Ryan Denniston

      I thought BJ Blazkowicz destroyed the Nazi moon base?

    • schmannity

      The pedophile rings are around Saturn, silly.

    • OddMan

      Or the Hollow Earth theory, that has been around for eons.
      I remember reading a book about this as a kid, and thought it was Sci Fi, then I realized that people actually believed in it. And I thought them fools and idiots even as a child. I remember talking to my parents about this and they compared these folks to John Birchers.
      Wow, have not thought of that in years.

  • schmannity

    Connect the dots, Alex! They get to Mars riding the Ping Pong Comet.

  • This sounds like a job for . . . SANTA CLAUS!

    • Kateaux

      Hooray for Santy Claus!

      • Bobathonic

        Hooray for Droppo!

  • weejee

    This is why we need an Orange Shitgibbon in the ever so White House.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      “It’s a flying whale!”
      “It’s a huge manatee!”

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      I’m glad they went with non-see-thru shorts.

    • jodyleek

      Captain Twitter Rants!

    • coozledad

      When half the world was very young
      And mountain voters played with dung
      The superman would fill his shorts
      In hotels built for watersports..

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    Seems sort of inefficient to use slave mines on Mars when places like the Mariana Islands exist.

  • Covfefe
  • x111e7thst

    can I at least threaten the chimeras with violence? it would make me feel better

  • beingreleased

    Mars Needs Moms is the reason there will never be a Bloom County movie. I saw Berkeley Breathed speak last year at the National Book Festival (he was in the comics/graphic novels session after Rep. John Lewis), and he showed concept animation for potential Bloom County movies. One was narrated by John Cleese. The other had David Hyde Pierce as Opus. His experience with Mom Needs Moms though was that they threw out everything from the book except the title and made a really really bad movie. Also, the studio thought it would be confusing if Opus talked in the Opus movie.

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      “What you have to remember is that in the movies there are two types of people: 1) the directors, artists, actors and so on who have to do things and are often quite human and 2) the other lifeforms. Unfortunately you have to deal with the other lifeforms first. It is impossible to exaggerate their baleful stupidity.” – Sir Terry Pratchett

      • Skeptical_thinker

        Having your book turned in to a movie is like seeing your oxen turned into bullion cubes.

        John le Carre

    • Latverian Diplomat

      It was also the reason they wouldn’t put Mas in the the title of John Carter, because executives became convinced that “Mars” in a title was box office poison.

      That change didn’t save John Carter though.

      • Bobathonic

        Well nertz, what about Mars Attacks!?

        • Latverian Diplomat

          That predates both of them, and added to the “Mars is toxic” idea. See also Mission to Mars, Ghosts of Mars. Red Planet didn’t help either.

          But, IIRC, Mars Needs Moms was the final straw.

          • WotsAllThisThen

            Or Matt Damon in My Favorite Martian.

      • doktorzoom

        Glad they reversed their initial decision to retitle The Martian as “Mark Watney’s Big Potato Adventure”

        • Latverian Diplomat

          The title Shit covered Potatoes, but not what you’re thinking was also rejected.

          • doktorzoom

            It’s become surprisingly popular at Cracker Barrel, though.

  • Swampay

    Somehow this seems appropriate.

    Elvis is everywhere!

    • msanthropesmr

      Donald J Trump has no Elvis in him

    • GoutMachine

      Damn, I haven’t heard that in ages. When I worked at a theater in high school we used to blast that every now and then.

  • Wild Cat

    Could be worse. Ridley Scott thought we’d have asteroid mines going full speed by now in Bladerunner.
    Even worse, a bunch of white male assholes in 1776 thought they wrote an Enlightenment-based set of governing laws that would be relevant 241 years later.
    Madmen all.

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      Bladerunner is starting to seem a little Utopian, given daily life in America in 2017 under Dolt 45.

  • Bill D. Burger

    They came because they thought it was an intergalactic bank….but they stayed because they became addicted to the drip coffee.

  • arglebargle

    This is not the Steele dossier you are looking for.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    Christianity vs Robert David Steele…

    Xtians: dead people go to heaven
    RDS: children go to Mars

    Xtians: invisible Jesus saves photo albums from tornadoes
    RDS: invisible alien chimeras watch us have sex

    Xtians: gaysexuals are secretly destroying America
    RDS: the New World Order is secretly destroying America

    • OutOfOrbit

      Does fapping count as having sex?

  • Joe Beese

    The central argument of the [Scarborough and Brzezinski] editorial, however, is that the president of the United States is mentally unwell; this fact is common knowledge among top White House staff; and the emotional volatility that Trump displayed in his Thursday tweets represents a grave danger to our nation. …

    This isn’t exactly surprising. White House staffers appear to spend roughly half their time whispering coded concerns about the president’s psyche to any reporter willing to listen.

    And yet, forthright discussion about the fact that the president is demonstrably, mentally unfit to hold high office has been in relatively short supply. If Joe and Mika’s op-ed helps start that long-belated national conversation, they’ll have performed a public service (in addition to a formidable act of trolling).

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      It’s not going to happen. For anyone in power to admit that Dolt 45’s unfit means they’d have to put country above party, and that’s just not something the R’s, who hold all the power, are willing to do, and they haven’t been since at least the 80s.

      • WotsAllThisThen

        I can’t imagine any Trump supporter I know admitting they were ever wrong about anything. Whatever happens, it’s everyone else’s fault.

        • Jamespuck

          That is a classic sign of narcissistic personality disorder. Been around it for years as my father and brother both are ego driven, avarice loving, its not me its everyone else type of ass clowns.

        • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

          Nope, they’ll rationalize it when they turn on him (He said he was gonna build the wall! He was gonna deport the furriners! He was gonna make it so I could say whatever I wanna!). But they’ll never admit they got played.

    • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

      If only someone had warned us the Trump was temperamentally unfit to be president. Anybody … anybody … Bueller?–cnn-tv-cnn-breaking-news.jpg

    • ariel_gee_398

      Lots of people have said it, we’ve all thought it. But I think it is important that people who have known him for years come forward and say, openly and on the record, that he’s no longer all there. Not that Republicans will do anything about it. But hey, at least future civilizations will know exactly what caused our collapse.

      • OutOfOrbit

        I suspect he’s been this way for a long, long time.

        • ariel_gee_398

          He’s been a narcissist with rage issues forever. At some point, he had enough savvy or self-control to be at least a little bit strategic in his actions. He no longer seems to have that ability.

          • BigCSouthside

            The evidence of cognitive decline lies in his speech patterns and complexity. It’s BLATANT. He may have always been a piece of shit but he used to be able to communicate like an adult.

          • ariel_gee_398

            And dementia, if some form of that is what it is, is genuinely awful, even for a piece of shit like him. It’s terrifying for the person experiencing it and heartbreaking for anyone that cares about the person.

            But concealing that from the country? If psychiatrists are required to report patients they believe might be a danger to others, surely people who actively conceal the president’s mental incompetence should be punished. (People with actual, confirmed knowledge, not just suspicions.)

      • BigCSouthside

        I don’t know why his children say nothing. I get the feeling Donald was an abusive father who punished any criticism of him

        • Pax Americana Per Ars Smith

          Really! If they get him declared incompetent, they get ALL the monies!

          • WotsAllThisThen

            You mean all the debt.

          • ariel_gee_398

            Yeah, the only valuable asset he’s got left is the “Trump Brand” and I don’t think that’s going to survive this administration intact.

          • WotsAllThisThen

            It’s getting to the point where I see his name on a building and think I’d rather stay at the Adolph Hilton.

          • BigCSouthside

            He probably has some kind of land mine in his will to prevent that

        • Good_Gawd_Yall

          Once the tide switches, and he starts costing them more money than he’s earning them, they’ll suddenly discover that he’s mentally unfit to manage his own finances.

    • Toomush_Inferesistance

      Nah, they kept Reagan on throughout the whole second term of Alzheimer’s….

    • greyXstar

      There are decades worth of video and stories proving he’s a scumbag. Just during the campaign, he publicly mocked a disabled reporter and bragged about sexual assault after being micced up for a TV show.

      Joe and Mika can claim he’s recently changed all they want. This is who he has always been. He should have been laughed out of the race the day he went down that gold-toned escalator to his paid audience.

  • Mavenmaven

    Who needs colonies on Mars when you can just go to the local megachurch.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      It’s like he’s never heard of the Catholic Church.

      • MarsNeedsWomen

        We’re not all pedophiles, dood.

        • AnnieGetYerFun


          • MarsNeedsWomen

            If the Church wants to defend diddler priests, that’s their cross to carry. I’m just saying there are some of us who are not down with sex with child. Maybe if the whole Church accepted that, I would actually go back to mass. Maybe, possibly, supposedly.

    • Randy Riddle

      Well, I’m just as likely to go to my local evangelical church as I am to visit Mars.

  • Latverian Diplomat

    “Evidence is for small-minded fools! Did Einstein need evidence?”
    — Every crank ever

    • Toomush_Inferesistance

      Yes. Yes, he did.

      • Latverian Diplomat

        “I don’t need evidence for my claim that Einstein didn’t need evidence!”

  • Good_Gawd_Yall

    Just a reminder, folks, that Reagan closed the mental hospitals where these people could get help.

    • Randy Riddle

      Sad to think that some of them could be in an institution receiving the care they need, rather than working in the White House.

  • shastakoala

    Would the children on Mars be considered anchor babies?

  • House0fTheBlueLights

    My only complaint with Wonkette, is that if I didn’t read it, I would never have heard of Alex Jones.

    • MynameisBlarney

      *adjusts hipster glasses*

      I was ridiculing Alex Jones before it was cool.

    • Latverian Diplomat

      They report, we deride.

    • Randy Riddle

      Back in my day, we had to wait two hours for the 56K modem upload on the Intertubes to ridicule Alex Jones.

  • Latverian Diplomat

    Somebody has to tend the herds of Buggaloes.

  • Mavenmaven
  • Toomush_Inferesistance

    Alien ain’t half the word for it – when Alex Jones climbs up trump’s ass, it’s a whole new kind of UFO….

  • Crystalclear12

    They are really stuck on that whole pedophile thing.
    Which pisses off and worries me considering how these people project.

    • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

      Exactly. We know they don’y give a fuck about the child once it is born.

  • WotsAllThisThen

    The plaintiff’s motion for custody is granted on the grounds that the defendant poses a risk that his children will be sold to Mars.

  • AnnieGetYerFun

    Oh, that’s child marrow in my serums? I thought Sephora was charging a lot for them.

  • Randy Riddle

    “…child murderers who kill children in a state of terror to take their bone marrow as a youth serum…”

    Tell Dick Cheney and Ann Coulter that the bone marrow isn’t working.

  • Raan
    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      Okay, now you’ve done it. I’m laughing so hard people three houses over can hear me.

  • greyXstar

    Ya know, it actually doesn’t strike me as way out that insane people believe insane, made-up nonsense.

  • SKruetheratbassedarDs

    Alex Jones: the result of cloning Art Bell in a petrie dish full of meth . . .

    • Randy Riddle

      With a little bit of Rush Limbaugh DNA

  • MynameisBlarney
  • OddMan

    It sounds like Alex and Mr. ‘Crazy-as-a Drunk-Toad’ Steele have been looking at 1950’s cheezy Sci Fi movies.
    Greats like Untamed Women
    Cat-Women of the Moon
    And my personal favorite,
    Devil Girl from Mars

    Just think Alex and ‘Crazy-as-a Drunk-Toad’ have the ear of the president.

  • SayItWithWookies

    Every time I read about shit like Alex Jones’s wild-ass notions, I start arguing with them in my head – “Do you know how big a spaceship would have to be to carry food, water and oxygen for a 20-year trip?” and other points. Then I realize this is a species of idea that’s so far removed from facts that they just don’t matter. The only way to fight theories this stupid is with one even stupider. So tune in tomorrow, and Jones will likely offer one up.

    • WotsAllThisThen

      ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
      If you’re wondering how he eats and breathes
      And other science facts
      Then repeat to yourself it’s just a show
      I should really just relax
      ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

    • GoutMachine

      It’d be so much nicer for us all if they were just forced to write sci-fi novellas and TV shows.

  • calliecallie
  • MynameisBlarney
  • La forza del resistino

    Alex calls about that FBI directorship opening? Just give him a Sherlock Holmes cap and a crack pipe.

  • Sophia

    Totally OT but WTF Tim Hortons?

    This Poutine Donut Is Officially A Step Too Far With The Canada 150 Nonsense

    The only good thing about this is it will only be sold in the U.S. Take that Trump!

    • NastyBossetti

      I like doughnuts, and I like poutine, and one time I ate a hamburger that had peanut butter cups in it, but I’m saying no to this.

    • covfefesumgame0005

      aren’t they Burger King now? did that go through? if so, no wonder…

      • Sophia

        Yea, there was some kind of merger but I still don’t think that this is my idea of “Have it your way”

    • Hollandaise

      Someone in Philadelphia once tried to tell me mashed potatoes (MASHED) with meat/gravy and provolone was poutine. :|

      • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist


    • Antonin Dvorak

      There are Tim Hortons in the US?

      • Alan

        On every corner.

    • h4rr4r

      I want one. I must have one.

    • Raan
  • Good_Gawd_Yall

    I wonder how many Alex Joneses are registered to vote on Mars? Somebody should get Kris Kobach on this, stat.

  • Alan

    Don’t they have involuntary commitment in Texas?

  • armed_bears

    Is this OT? I don’t know, but this guy is a friggin’ pyromaniac in a kerosene swimming pool:

    Trump’s reasoning, a source said, is that the measure probably won’t pass, but the president’s supporters will love the idea and enjoy the stagecraft of the resulting battle.

  • TJ Barke

    I’m not sure if AJ needs more or less drugs. In any case, he’s not taking the right amount…

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      I think I need whatever he should be taking.

      • Alan

        Whatever he is taking might be more fun.

    • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

      Thorazine Injections applied before straitjacket.

  • William

    Alex Jones? Seriously? The fundamental playbook of these people is to say shit so outrageous that only the clinically stupid believe it, and the rest just tune in to see what other stupid shit they will say next.

  • Pinkham’s Law

    Donald Trump is a false flag operation by the Democrats to make Republicans look bugfuck crazy! And it worked perfectly! But it backfired and revealed that nearly half the country thinks bugfuck crazy is perfectly fine!

  • aureolaborealis

    Those Mars pedophiles sure must have been pissed when all those unfuckably old 20- and 30-somethings arrived.

  • Joe Beese

    Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, a top informal Trump adviser who rarely holds back in conversations with reporters, quickly ended a phone conversation when asked about the drama unfolding on Twitter. “No comment,” Gingrich interjected as soon as The Daily Beast mentioned the words “Morning Joe.”

    “Goodbye,” he said, before abruptly hanging up.

  • Panika MCD

    what about the directives to us from Soros? I didn’t know we were also too supposed to follow directives from reptilian overlords destined to email every Pepe to dead and David Bowie!

  • Latverian Diplomat

    “I think there’s been a misunderstanding here. Because of Mars’ lower gravity, those children’s earth bones are too big and strong, so we deflate them by removing a little of the delicious, life-preserving marrow. It’s for their benefit, really.”
    — A Martian Child Slave Overseer and Alien Chimera of Indeterminate Age,

    • Alan

      That’s backward. Reduced gravitational force results in poor musculoskeletal development. The body adapts to the forces it experiences.

      • Latverian Diplomat

        Right, so those kids don’t need the strong bones they developed in their early childhood on earth.

        • Alan

          But by the time they get to Mars they have nothing left. Do you find it amusing that crazy as shit people actually inspire discussion?

          • Latverian Diplomat

            I was assuming that the twenty year vessel had artificial gravity of some kind, because aliens.

            And yes.

          • Alan

            Silly me, of course it does.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    You can get activated children’s bone marrow over at Goop.

    • Latverian Diplomat

      It’s one of the few items in there “don’t stick this up your vajayjay” section.

    • natoslug

      Is it locally-sourced and organic free range? I don’t want any of that imported foreign crap, all loaded with lead and thetans.

    • WotsAllThisThen

      The same marrow NASA uses to line their space suits!

  • MynameisBlarney
    • WotsAllThisThen

      Oh man I can just picture the look on Obama’s face when he’s caught running ISIS. Like oh shit, how did you guys find me here in Raqqa?

    • William
    • Nockular cavity

      “Why does popular culture glorify being a pussy?”

      I call that bold words from a roid-raging fat man.

      • MynameisBlarney

        He obviously thinks that anyone that isn’t a belligerent, psychotic, bigot misogynist is a pussy.

    • Raan

      NWO? I thought Hogan and Scott Hall retired.

    • jodyleek

      Fat and ugly dude says feminists are fat and ugly. Hmmm.

  • SomeBigRedDog

    I will admit I have a weakness for conspiracy theories. It’s really amazing how they can tie aliens, terrorism, pedophiles and the weather all together into one massive plot.

    Then I remember that its all bullshit and I go on with my day.

    • GoutMachine

      I’m fascinated, too, because a lot of them are decent premises for movies … which I wish they would stick to, rather than poisoning the minds of idiots who can vote.

  • Bill D. Burger
  • Jamespuck

    So my question . Is that thing on Trumps head an alien that whispers what to say in his ear?

    • Bill D. Burger
      • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

        Well, the models were all aliens.

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      That’s a better explanation than that he thinks of the things he says on his own. At least if it’s the thing on his head there’s a chance we could kill it with fire.

  • So… there are Martians… and the government is secretly kidnapping children and sending them on slow moving spaceships to Mars… for some reason… and then the Martians fuck these 20-30 year old now adult humans and then enslave them in the Mars mines… where they die… and they send the Martian-Human offspring back to Earth for presumably sinister purposes.

    Okay, you’ve sold me. Make the pilot.

    What? You’re not a screenwriter… Fuck. You sit there… I’m just going to go to the closet and get my, uh… coat… yes. My nice Smith and Wesson semi-automatic coat.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Just like on earth, the Martian slave children love their masters and are treated well.
    -Republicans everywhere

  • Latverian Diplomat

    You know was they say, for every Exa-file, there are a thousand Peta-files.

  • WotsAllThisThen

    I’m surprised the “government is going to sell my children to Martians” argument didn’t win him custody.

  • Michael R

    Not worth commenting on …… so here’s cat in shark outfit on Roomba again –

    • Latverian Diplomat

      Needz Moar “Theme from Jaws” :)

    • MynameisBlarney
      • Courser_Resistance

        I’m truly fascinated by cats who ride Roombas. It would seem to be something they avoid at all costs! But no, free transpo and entertainment, apparently.

      • Michael R

        He’s nude !!!

      • alpacapunchbowl

        What a dick! That cat clearly votes Republican.

        • MynameisBlarney

          I dunno…
          I think all cats are libertarians.

          • alpacapunchbowl

            Nominally. My kitty was not fiscally conservative.

  • beingreleased

    I worked for NASA for 10 years. We never once talked about child sex slaves on our Mars colony. We didn’t not talk about them though, if you know what I mean.

    • Jamespuck

      The number one rule of Mars pedo colonists, is to not talk about mars pedo sex colonies.

    • Alan

      Because it’s classified and the men in black might disappear you if you did talk?

      • Shanzgood 7 Days

        Sometimes, I wish the neuralizer thingy was real. I have some shit in my brain I’d like to get rid of permanently and doing it with alcohol has unreliable results and is bad for my liver.

  • not_vh

    there are some seriously job-less mofos out there.

  • Resistance Fighter Callyson

    Look, I know that 90 percent of the NASA missions are secret and I’ve been told by high level NASA engineers that you have no idea, there is so much stuff going on.

    Well, that’s true–there are a lot of technical details behind NASA’s missions of which I, as a layperson, am unaware.

    That’s what you meant, right?

    • msanthropesmr

      No, he meant the orbiting sex dungeons.

      • WotsAllThisThen

        Sadly this kind of space tourism is only for the ultra-rich.

      • Shanzgood 7 Days

        That’s where I’m taking baconz next week. I won tickets in a raffle at a Dem rally at the Cosmophere space museum in Hutch.

        • Good_Gawd_Yall

          Is that what the “7 Days” means? You and Baconz get to see each other again in 7 days?

          • Shanzgood 7 Days

            Yup! And he’s here for almost a whole week! Squeee!

            Or should that be soooeee?

          • Good_Gawd_Yall

            Awww! Y’all crazy kidz have fun!

          • Shanzgood 7 Days

            That’s the plan!

        • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist



    This kitty cat is a Chimera Cat:

    Genetically speaking it’s TWO KITTIES in ONE!

  • MynameisBlarney
    • Vincent Ricola

      I live in a state that probably already forwarded all the requested information (and a little extra that they collected just cuz) to these assholes and I doubt I will ever get to vote again. I imagine I will also too be bombarded with phone scams in the next month or so.

      Good luck to all the sane states, I’m counting on you all to save the country with the good kind of votes!

      • Courser_Resistance

        Same here. I think CO rolled over immediately, which shocks me. I’ve got questions in to my local TV station.

      • tomamitai

        Apparently some of these assholes cross you off the rolls if you don’t answer at the phone number they have for you. I don’t answer ANY number I don’t recognize, I let it go to voice mail, so unless they leave a message I’m never going to call the bastards to confirm my residence. Add to that the fact that my late father had the same exact name as me, except he didn’t have a “Jr.” after it, and that he may still be on the voter registration rolls in another state I may be screwed next time I try to vote, if these assholes get their way.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      “Voter fraud” is just a buzzword for “keep blacks from voting”. Nobody can show me one stitch of credible evidence that voter fraud contributed to swaying any election in this country. This is insane and dangerous.

    • greyXstar

      Wouldn’t be surprised if Bondi gave them our information months ago.

      • Antonin Dvorak

        I was just thinking that.

      • MynameisBlarney


      • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

        She hates us, ever since we objected to her taking bribes, not to pursue Trump U.

        • greyXstar

          Just because you committed a crime, doesn’t mean there should be any consequences. Let’s not be unreasonable!

          • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

            At least all my rich, white, old republican friends tell me that. (It only applies if you’re rich though.) Bondi quote from somewhere I’m sure.
            Side note (in typing this, the word rich came out as reich.)

    • TakingAmes

      I called the Illinois Board of Elections this afternoon about this. They said they have not yet received the letter, but are tallying complaints against it. They also recommended that I call my state rep and senator to let them know so they can put political pressure on the Board to do the right thing. I had a very productive conversation with the staffer at my state senator’s office, and she even asked me to follow up by email with more information.

  • jesterpunk

    So Shkreli “conned” investors by saying he would make them a lot of money off of orphaned drugs and the investors invested money because they like that. One of those investors said she also invested because he said her father was also investing but he wasnt. You know she could have just called her father and asked him about it instead of relying on a conman.

    During Martin Shkreli’s federal trial this week for alleged securities and wire fraud,
    a former investor explained how she got involved with the now-infamous
    ex-pharmaceutical CEO and what followed. In short, she testified that
    she was swindled by Shkreli after he made big promises to swindle
    vulnerable patients.

    As lawyers painted dueling pictures of Shkreli as a con-man and a “strange”
    yet brilliant financial mind, the investor, Sarah Hassan, laid out a
    story from 2010 that started with buzz in the hedge-fund world. She
    described a smooth-talking Shkreli, false name-dropping, and a winning
    business plan of sticking it to patients with rare diseases.


    Hassan testified that during all of this, Shkreli seemed to name-drop
    her father, Fred Hassan, to bolster business. The elder Hassan is a
    partner at private equity firm Warburg Pincus, the former chairman of
    pharmaceutical company Bausch & Lomb, and chief executive of
    pharmaceutical company Schering-Plough. Shkreli, Hassan alleged, made it
    appear that the elder Hassan had also invested in Retrophin when he had

    • House0fTheBlueLights

      The too-good-to-be-true investment con: a victimless crime if there ever was one.

      • JustDon’tSayShank

        As long as its just VCs and they’re not investing my 401k money (or my parents’).

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      So, I’m not sure I’m following her problem, here. Is it that there wasn’t enough money to be sucked from screwing the poor and ill, or that her father wasn’t actually in on the scam, which one would think she might have been able to discover by, ya know, asking him?

      • jesterpunk

        Yep you summed it up pretty well. The investors wanted to invest because he promised to screw the poor and he didnt get enough money from the poor. Also they are stupid.

    • The Librarian

      What is it with people not doing their due diligence? I once did some research on a smooth talker who bilked people out of their savings. He claimed to have worked at legit companies, but all they heard was “25% return”. Easily accessed free public databases would have shown this guy’s pants were on fire. He got away with it as far as I know. Tough lesson.

  • Vincent Ricola

    OT – just a reminder that Chris Cillizza sucks at his job.

    • Shoto

      I almost forgot. Appreciate the reminder.

      • Vincent Ricola


        • mardam422

          You can’t forget. He won’t let you.

    • tomamitai

      Never heard of him, am I missing much?

  • Chyron HR

    And as one might expect, I’ve been harassed for years.
    The Men In Black have been bending my ear.
    As a matter of fact, they were just here today,
    But I escaped them through a secret passageway.
    Once I lived there for one thousand days.

  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

    You know what? Every single one of these people are brainwashed goons. We have a president who ONLY consumes broadcast media of the fanatical right wing flavor and look where that’s gotten us. The time for “balance” is long gone and has been for some time. The right wing is the bastion of lunacy and conspiracy theory. Their media has nothing to add to the conversation. In fact, their media is the reason we can’t have conversations in the first place.

    Without the vast right wing conspiracy (Yes, Hillary Clinton was definitely right about that), there would be no Donnie. There would be no Alex Jones. There would be none of this bullshit. The progressive movement is not a political movement, it’s a normal shift in human civility that these loons have distorted into some kind of conspiracy.

    Yes, then, there are conspiracies. We’re conspiring to bring down the Trump presidency, we’re not exactly being secretive about that. This is the WORST is has ever been. I am not legitimizing these people any further. They are crackpots, crazies, “nutcases”, idiots who do nothing but lie often enough for people to believe their lies.

    Human beings, when left to their own devices, grow more and more progressive by nature. Is it not more natural to evolve to changing dynamics than to stifle change? On an evolutionary level, it is progressiveness that allowed us to crawl out of the primordial ooze in the first place. Conservatists would still be roiling in the goo, complaining about “those damned freaks who walk on the land!”

    Sorry, gang! I’m just done with these people. The right wing media IS the problem. We all know this. Stupid rant from my stupid brain.

    • not_vh

      Stupid rant from my stupid brain.

      thats the problem. have you ever heard any of the people you have talked about ever qualify their remarks as being “Stupid rant from my stupid brain”?

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Of course not, they think they have everything “figured out”. Nobody has most things figured out. They hear it on talk radio or through right wing emails, brietbart and the like, they go off the word of dead Roger Ailes and that’s enough for them.

        • MsYellowDog

          Don’t forget Dead Breitbart.

          • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

            I wish I could.

    • JustDon’tSayShank

      I disagree on one point: there will ALWAYS be Alex Joneses. He’s the Dunning-Kruger lunatic at the end of the bar; he’s fucking everywhere. This one got a website, unfortunately, but if he were to disappear (or go to Mars), he’d be replaced before the Moon changed phase.

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Sure, there will always be Alex Joneses, but they’ll go back to what they used to be and won’t be elevated to cult-like status.

    • tomamitai

      Oddly enough, after the little dust up we had with England back in the late 1700’s a bunch of conservatives moved to Canada. I don’t think the Canadians have ever forgiven us for that!

    • mardam422

      Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Only way.

      • nosuchuser

        There is a nother solution, it’s drastic but permanent; you could say its final..

      • Tiny kaiju

        Bring back the men in white coats with large nets first.

  • suziq

    I would be willing to contribute to sending Alex Jones to Mars to check out his story first hand.

    • JustDon’tSayShank

      Elon, looking at you! I’ll even pre-order a Tesla if you make this happen!

  • Everrett Fanuelli

    Cilliza is on CNN right now and all I could think was, “Those are nice glasses, Madam.”

  • nightmoth

    Well, at least we don’t have to worry about some poor dumb rednecks shooting up Mars in an attempt to rescue the child sex slaves. I think NASA may want extra security, though.

  • ken_kukec

    Good to see AJ getting back to his roots, like watching the Stones play a set of pure R&B …. er, no, not like that at all.

  • Michael R

    Here’s a ( very good ) song with the word ” chimera ” in it

    PYLON – BEEP – 1983

    • Swampgas_Man

      As the critic said of the play I>I Am A Camera— No Leica!

  • Shanzgood 7 Days

    How to rile up the Fox base to get behind defunding NASA. They might as well add that PPH has a taxpayer funded abortiarium there.

    • Parakeetist

      Yay, abortions in space!

  • OddMan
    • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

      Immediately bookmarked. This is the find of the century.

      • OddMan

        It is a lot of fun.
        I’ve made gag cards for friends with this.

    • Gregory Brown


  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

    “When Republicans floated their repeal bill back in 2016, CBO concluded
    that 32 million people would lose coverage, relative to the current
    baseline, by 2026,” Nicholas Bagley, a health policy expert at the
    University of Michigan, emailed me today. “Fully 19 million people would
    be kicked off of Medicaid. Those coverage losses are even grimmer than
    the losses from the House and Senate bills that are currently under


    I am convinced that this “out there” space alien woo horseshit is a deliberate tactic by Jones to thin the herd, that is, try to dump the more critical or simply misinformed followers who would ask questions and try to distil his base to those so needy or crippled in critical thinking they will buy ANYTHING he says.

    For instance, many naive, gullible people who could believe it’s possible Pizzagate was real–until they learned there was no basement.
    Or the scientifically ignorant who believe Chemtrials could be a thing…until they learn to “spray” a population you have to fly low like a crop duster.

    There all lots of folks who “fall into woo” because they’ve made some logical error or are lazy in their cognition. That doesn’t mean they can be depended on to promote everythng Jones says.

    See also: Scientology’s Xenu story, another type of “in for a penny, in for a pound” test.

    • Latverian Diplomat

      “Well I know it was too much for me to believe.”
      — A Bigfoot

      • C4TWOMAN

        “Dude, like— aliens? Get real!”
        –Lochness Monster

        • timpundit

          “El esta loco.”


    • tomamitai

      There all lots of folks who “fall into woo” because they’ve made some logical error or are lazy in their cognition.

      I believed in Uri Geller when I saw him on daytime talk shows when I was a pre-teen, but once I was old enough to stay up and hear James Randi on The Tonight Show explain the trickery I wised up.

      • C4TWOMAN

        I remember watching Uri as a kid and wondering why he needed to rub the spoons so hard if he had powers. Years later I saw the Randi exposure clips, and yeah, total fraud.

        • Swampgas_Man

          I was so intrigued by Uri Geller, I bent every spoon in the house.

          • sadboy

            It is not the spoon that bends, only yourself.

        • Gregory Brown

          Uri Geller libelz!

  • P’jama Pahnts

    Yes it’s a pretty shitty thing to do to kids but how else are we going to get our unobtanium?

  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack
    • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

      It’s a crime that the costume designer for that film didn’t win an Academy Award.


    And he wants to get the Tea Party guy on air….christ, how transparent.

  • mardam422

    “Well, yeah. Everyone knows about the alien chimera lifeforms.”
    Pig men. The government has been experimenting with pig men since the fifties.

    • Gregory Brown

      Manbearpig is the next evolutionary step. I’m serial!

      • mardam422


  • BrianW

    I’m sure it has been said downthread, but you can’t get me to click on an InfoWars link. Doesn’t matter what you entice me with, even babby photos. I used to listen to Art Bell when I worked nights, but he was fairly harmless compared to Alex Jones.

    • tomamitai

      I’ll only listen to him in a Richard Linklater film or when Colbert or Noah play a clip, and I’ll scowl and roll my eyes the whole time. I heard enough of that sort of nuttery back when I had to ride public transit on a regular basis.

  • SterWonk

    We actually have made lots of different types of chimeras! FOR SCIENCE!!! Just not the thing they’re talking about.

  • Duke

    This is very exciting news.

    Get back to basics, Alex!

  • Parakeetist

    Alex, please take your medication. The men in the white coats are here to take you back to the hospital.

  • anon_the_great

    Why in dafuk are you giving sworn Performance Artist Alex ‘shit gibbon’ Jones any fuckin’ meme space? There is no way for the forces of Strength, Freedom and the American Way to win that dumb show. Shame on you Wonkette

  • azeyote

    “Nanu Nanu” – Mork signing out for now

  • mardam422

    Wasn’t the slave colony of children on another planet the plot twist in Phantasm?

  • Daniel Hooper

    “I’ve got it right here, folks!” A.J. smiled as he waived the manila envelope as his obnoxious intro music started up. “My source within the government has finally got me proof! Proof of the alien creatures that live among us! I’m doing a special right now, before the government shuts me down for trying to reveal their secrets. I haven’t even read it myself yet!

    A.J. was sweating in heated excitement, wiping his forehead quickly as he tried to keep his excitement in check. His now slimy hands eventually managed to find the flap and tear it open, eagerly retrieving the lone sheet of paper inside. He had to be quick; the men in black could be on him at any minute!

    “Dear A.J.,” he read aloud, his eyes constantly glancing toward the door of his studio. “As per your request, I’ve used my secretive government access to confirm your claims about secret alien chimera living among humans. I was finally able to confirm the existence of one such being! Part Jabba the Hut, part pig, and part human, I’ve identified this individual as… as…”

    The look of excitement was slowly fading along with the color from A.J.’s face. After an eternity, he finally managed to choke out the full line.

    “I’ve identified this individual as… you…”

    • mondojohnson

      Well done :)

    • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

      The phone calls are coming from inside the house!

      • nosuchuser

        The voices are coming from inside the skull…

  • keinsignal

    I too wish to know more about this secret society of space pedophiles and their scheme to have children delivered to their Martian Sex Colony via a courier service that only delivers them long after they’ve reached adulthood.

    It seems to me that our invisible masters could have come up with a slightly less convoluted plan to get their sick thrills, but I guess that’s why I’m just an office drone and not a depraved interplanetary supervillain.

  • Lyly Sirivong

    He believes a lot of things. He obviously knows nothing.

  • sorbs

    Jones has had his panties in a twist since the alien chimeras wouldn’t let him go through the anal probe machine more than twice.

  • Jeff Mc Donald

    You know what I find weird? When someone like Mr. Jones interviews an American President, and I can’t decide who is more bat-shit crazy. I never thought I’d live this long. I mean, I still remember when a President (even if you didn’t agree with him all of the time) could speak intelligently about world events…you know real ones. I know, old curmudgeons like me are just not up to understanding the modern era.

    • Meanie-meanie, tickle a person

      Those days have, as Stephen King would say, “Moved on”.
      Welcome to The New Surreality…

      • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

        Stephen knew.

  • coozledad

    This may strike your listeners as way out


  • handyhippie65

    see! i told you the alt right were aliens! that vogon poetry a while back was just the tip of the chimera!

    • VirginiaLady

      Covfefe is Martian? Oh, well that explains everything.

  • JParkerSD46

    To think that there are people out there who actually believe this kind of bat-shit crazy is both horrifying and hilarious at the same time.

    • Swampgas_Man

      What bothers me are the ones like us who just tune in to laugh. Ratings don’t care if you’re listening “ironically”.

  • whitroth

    First of all, um, er, “sekret rocket launches”. The Pentagon has them, all the time. “Secret” means they don’t announce launch time. Secret, as you and I understand it? An orbital launch, like the Shuttle, was visible to the naked eye 200 mi away, in Jacksonville.

    Second… all the paedophile this and paedophile that… the man protesteth too much. Wonder what’s on his computer….

    Finally, why on *earth* would the kidnap kids to go to Mars. Tons of folks (like me) would line up to go. Besides, there’s all the homeless Martians who’d do pretty much anything to hope to
    earn something. I mean, why do you *think* the Rovers are still going
    after so many years? It’s the homeless Martians who sqeegee off the
    solar panels….

    • David Chaillou

      What you don’t understand is they do all the secret launches during Superbowl finals, when no one is outdoors watching.

    • shivaskeeper

      You and your facts. Who are you going to believe: Jones or your lying eyes?

  • Kiri the Unicorn
  • Kiri the Unicorn

    Trust your friendly neighborhood unicorn: this is bullshit.

  • Poly_Ester

    If it took 20 yrs for the children to get to Mars, they wouldn’t be children anymore now would they? They need to travel at the speed of light, so that they are still fresh when they get there.

    • David Chaillou

      Cryogenisation. Combined with radioactive sterilisation of the thyroid glands to preserve their Purity Of Essence.

      The entire process was detailed in “Bug Jack Barron”.

      • bobbert

        Boy, there’s an oldie.

        • David Chaillou

          60’s ffs. That’s not old.

  • javadavis

    I am NOT watching that loon again. I still haven’t figured out how to get the rage-spittle off the inside of my screen from that one time, I am not adding to it!

  • Canis Greyhame

    NASA confirms there is no child-slave colony on Mars
    (but that’s just what the DEEP STATE wants you to think!)

    • David Chaillou

      So the moon landings are fakes, but the Mars landings are real? Makes sense.

  • shivaskeeper

    Won’t watch it because not actually insane. From your transcripts it looks like Jones almost didn’t want to buy into this, bit then… alien Chimeras.

    It has to be hard for performance artist A Jones to have to ramp it up like this to keep the CTs fresh. Sorry, not sorry.

  • HazooToo

    I really can’t make sense of this story. I think my brain is just refusing to take it in. Especially when you connect “alien child molester chimeras on Mars” and “talks to the President of the United States”. I just cannot.


    “Peter File Goes To Mars”

  • AJ Milne

    Apart from all the other bugfuck nuttery, erm, you can get to Mars in less than a year* when the alignment’s good. Bad alignments, maybe a year and a half? I’d have to look it up… You want to do it with reasonable fuel costs, you’re probably best using the best windows there and back, meaning you gotta hang there some 500 days once you’re there… But… Erm… Twenty years? And just to _get_ there? Not likely.

    … But then, maybe they just got lost? I mean, I hear these guys aren’t exactly rocket scientists.

    (*ETA: looked it up. Nine month Hohmann transfer.)

  • tehbaddr

    But, my friends on Mars and those of us on Earth were so careful! However did they find out!? Also, too!?

  • The chances of pedophiles cumming on Mars are a million to one, they say.

    • Wellstone En Resistencia, Coño

      … but, still, they cum.

  • President in Exile Firefly

    They’re recruiting for the Martian Parachute Ski Marines.

  • BearLeft

    “we see a bunch of mechanical wreckage on Mars ….” Surely you didn’t think that Elvis walks everywhere!1 I can’t imagine how in heaven’s name any of this would strike someone as way out ….

  • Mahousu

    Don’t worry too much about the Martian children. Help is on the way:

  • Arthur Gane

    Who would have thought that there would come a time when we missed the wit, intelligence and dignity of GW Bush.

    • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

      I would never have believed it, but I miss his “evil lite”.

  • Ulricii

    Hey, Marty, a condition we laid down at the start of servitude was that you would never breathe a word of our arrangement to anyone. And here you are, laying out the whole gig as a side remark to spice up an Alex Jones post. You blew it buddy and there will be hell to pay when you report back at midnight.
    ——Yr Friendly Alien Overlord

  • Wellstone En Resistencia, Coño

    These fuckers smoke some really powerful shit.

    • Pre-Truth Ron

      Too bad it does permanent damage to the few remaining brain cells.

  • dshwa

    Crank magnetism at its finest.

    • Pre-Truth Ron

      Heck, it’s crank magnetohydrodynamics. If we could harness it we could start shutting down the last of those coal plants.

  • The Dead Milkmen released ‘Stuart’ in 1988… it’s scary how prescient the song was.

  • JCfromNC

    …or maybe it’s a trip to Mars plus 19 years of servitude, and then the pedophile colonists eat the now-adult victims.

    I’d love to hear about the massive rocket launches needed to lift 20 years’ worth of water and food for each of those child slaves (not to mention the pedophile slave masters, housing, the slave masters food and water, and…), because somehow I missed them. Maybe they were all sent one meal at a time, disguised as fireworks. And what are they supposed to be slaving away on, exactly? Are there blood diamonds on Mars, or something?

  • Zach Williams

    Dear god, no one show these two Aldnoah.Zero.
    If they saw that show,
    they’d instantly start rattling on about how there’s a secret advanced
    civilization on Mars with giant mechs and how they have bases orbiting Earth.

  • Iron_Celt

    That Orange Koolaid is some powerful shit.

    Alex Jones doesn’t just drink it, he bathes in it. Probably has his swimming pool filled with it.

    • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

      And Mainlines it.

  • Pinball or Submission

    Am I crazy for thinking this story has something to do with Trump reestablishing the National Space Council? Like if he pardons the Pizzagate gunman and adds him to a Mars mission, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  • andyshelt

    Meanwhile Trump has just responded to the news saying:

    “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on with these little green bastards, I’m going to put a travel ban on all martians and build a wall to keep them out”

  • Jgb979

    What honestly even prompted this?

    A bender of meth, Mountain Dew, pork rinds, lead paint, and turpentine while falling asleep watching Total Recall?

    So much would be explained if Alex Jones had a parasitic twin living in his gut.

    • Hairstrike Alpha

      He was the parasitic twin living Trumps gut…

    • toughsister

      He does. It’s going to burt through his chest wall anytime now.

  • GRH

    The DEEP STATE responds !!!!!

  • Pre-Truth Ron

    This is what happens when you take ‎Giorgio Tsoukalos seriously: your brain turns to jelly and sloshes out your ears.

  • In a society that took care of the mentally ill, these two would be part of a circle of chairs with a therapist.

    • shocktreatment

      Those two would be in restraints until they had a suitable dose of Thorazine, or whatever ‘chemical compliance’ stack on board…

    • shocktreatment

      In days past, ‘chemical compliance’ drugs would be used, Haldol, Thorazine, etc. Even though it is well known that drugs do not do squat for personality disorders, they sure made things easier for staff.

  • toughsister

    Alex Jones and Robert Steele need two things: straitjackets and padded cells.

  • Empress of the Iguana People

    Good to know my minions have been hard at work.
    -Your Empress

    • shocktreatment

      We are pleased that our Empress is pleased…

  • boredcatlady

    By the by, whatever happened to Art Bell?

    • shocktreatment

      Geeebuzz, Coast to Coast. I read that he moved to the Philippines, some kind of immigration troubles getting his latest bride into the US.
      That was years ago, and Bell is no spring chick, so who knows?

  • shocktreatment

    “…those twenty year rocket trips…”

    No, they don’t use prop rockets, they use galley rockets. It just makes sense, they’ve got all those kids, get ’em on the oars!
    “Ho weeee oh. HO oh. (Crack of whip)” Has the big advantage of getting the wee bastards tuckered out for nap time.

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