全 4 件のコメント

[–]igetbucketsallday 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Modern women won't mess with guys without being courted. Women now force most guys to buy dinner and other shit to fuck them. Chad is the exception. He has a perceived sexual market value above the woman and so fucking him is its own reward to them. He makes her completely lack self control sexually. Red Pill calls it the top 20%. I think there are some objective factors at play (BF%, build, height, facial symmetry, genetics, etc) but one woman's chad may not be another woman's chad, and chad can become not chad to that woman if he commits because it lowers his value as a male to be tied down to 1 woman, and even that 1 woman knows that. It's why men, even former chads, become far less attractive to their wife after marriage.

To put it shortly, chad is who she wants to fuck. She'll supplement lifestyle and money with other pathetic dudes that don't really turn her on, but chad satisfies the sexual desire.

[–]silive 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Chad is the male equivalent of 9-10 looking females. He's not only just as brainless as those bimbos but also very self-confident in him being a GREAT gift to all women. Are we clear now?

[–]carini_bustout 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Chad can be alpha or beta, imo. There were Chads in my high school, fraternity and post-ed adult life that fell under both categories. The beta (no-talent) Chad's were figured-out over time, so they ended up with uglier girls than what that Chad's SMV might suggest.

For example, this one dude in my fraternity looked like Slider in Top Gun, no shit, no lie. Except, he was just a goof ball, with a dim sense of humor and giggled at everything, not a lot of depth and seemed out of his league when he was in the alpha circles. At first, girls were like, holy fuck who's that dude over there, but then looking at his date pics at formal dances later on, etc. Yikes, dude could only pull a 6.5 at best. So, he's Chad, until he isn't.

Then you have the alpha Chad's, but non-mgtow. These dudes married the upper tier hotties (now post-wall casualties of course) out of school, and are now used-up work horses with a beer bellies and thinning hair. Most of these married former Chads are miserable now with their wives, teen kids, and acquired properties and assets (jail). Chad can also be the shorter guy at her gym that lifts weights, or whatever. Chad is anything she is attracted to when her mini-van driving beta provider is off working in his cubical. Could be the 20 year old chain-smoking pool guy with a nose ring, or the tall guy at the Gyros shop with the mean-looking goatee. Whatever spins her wheel.

[–]DangZagnut 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Chad is the catch all term for a thug, and misogynist, a criminal, a guy that fucks them in that rapey way they like, the asshole who got away, that continually borrows money from her to fix his van, that absolutely cares more about himself than him, but not enough to just not get involved with her.

So girls love a chad, because he's exciting, drinks beer from the bottle, plays bass, fucks her like a whore.

Compare this to a beta orbiter, who isn't Chad, isn't an asshole, probably cares about education and career. because he does care about girls, and likes them, he's nice to them...but since Chad is the fantasy, every woman can't help but look down on the beta "provider".

So they want to fuck Chad. They want their bills paid for by the beta orbiter.

Chad isn't even an alpha if you buy into that shit, he's just an asshole that doesn't give a shit about her, he just fucks and uses her for money, a couch to sleep on, a hole to fuck, that kind of thing. But he won't get rid of her, just fuck her and some others and if they leave they leave, he doesn't give a shit and never will.

Basically a sociopath. So he's called Chad. He may be pretty and rich, he may be poor and ugly, but he fucks and doesn't care, so she falls in love, like a moron.

And she will never really ever care about that stupid simp she marries that's a provider with a job, because all she can fantasize about is the Chad that go away.