Story time.
So yesterday morning I picked up my 8 year old daughter for July. I could rant about this idea that the state gives me visits with my own fucking child, like I'm a summer camp... but this story isn't about that nonsense.
We went to a pool party later in the day at a buddy's house to swim BBQ and hang out. It was my daughter & I, and a couple of my friends (one who brought his wife) and 5 other kids. BBQ was consumed and pool fun was had.
So I'm kicking it in the pool and chatting with my buddy's wife, and she relates this story.
You see, her grown daughter (who is herself a worthless peice of shit) is pregnant by her current BB boyfriend and is about ready to pop. This nightmare of a person is a trust fund baby with nothing to offer society, and a welfare/food stamp queen despite the trust fund. But again, as bad as she is, this story is also not about her either.
This welfare thief has a boyfriend who already has a 7 year old boy with his previous plantation master, and is himself a trust fund lowlife, so it's a just a cluster fuck all the way around. He and welfare momma to be are living in my friends house and have had his young son for about a month at this point, and yesterday it's time for him to go back to mom's. My friend's wife is telling me this story, and apparently the hand off was filled with drama... the kid refused to go back with his mom, and there was a struggle to make that happen apparently.
So they finally get him strapped into the his mom's car, and are chatting before departing, when mom announces that she is sick of all this, and offers to give up her son... get this... for $50k.
I shit you not... she offered to basically sell her own child for 50 grand.
Now since trust fund momma to be will soon get another 1.5 million installment, they are considering it.
So I'm just standing in the pool listening to this shit and all I can think is... AWALT. I'm listening to this tale from an overweight, way post wall hag, who is herself a trust fund loser, and raised her daughter to be as big as waste of skin as she is. She is brutally calling out this mom for wanting to sell her son, and I'm thinking "Talk about from the frying pan and into the fire." This poor little boy...
So this is the future gentlemen... generations of worthless losers fighting amongst themselves about who's the biggest fucktard.
Everytime I think I have heard it all, this shit happens. We are circling the drain as a society and there isn't a goddamn thing any of us can do about it.
I have always considered the comparison of today's society to the collapse of Rome to be a bit exaggerated, but I must say I think we are there. How can a society possibly survive this level of decadence?
We are fucked.
[–]richirichrich 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]TVTestPattern[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)