This subreddit is dedicated to documenting, parodying, discussing, and countering the insane amount of Trump spam.
If you don't like anti-Trump spam, this is not the right place for you.
Important Stuff
Upcoming Events/AMAs
Trump trolls aren't welcome unless they are able to remain within certain boundaries of discussion.
Maintain some civility and decorum. No calls for violence.
Off-topic posts will be deleted, and repeat offenders will be banned. This subreddit is meant to be anti-Trump, let's keep it that way.
No low-effort shitposts except on Saturday. These includes post begging for votes ("<---" or "Upvote to ..." posts), reposts, and karmawhoring. You can shitpost, but only if it is a good shitpost.
No bigotry, including racism, sexism, and islamophobia. Sic-quotes containing slurs are allowed.
No self-promotion. Please do not post blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain.
No linking to or mentioning antagonistic subreddits. Screenshots are allowed provided they black out all user names.
No misleading content, including sensationalist articles, fake news, or satire presented as real news.
Related Subreddits
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Further Reading
- 20 Lessons from the 20th Century - How to Defend Democracy from Authoritarianism by Yale Historian Timothy Snyder.
- The Town Hall Project - Find a Town Hall near you.
- Indivisible Guide - Step-by-step comprehensive guide and useful tools for individuals, groups, and organizations looking to get Congress to listen.
- 5 Calls - 5 Calls does the research for each issue, determining which representatives are most influential for which topic, collecting phone numbers for those offices and writing scripts that clearly articulate a progressive position. You just have to call.
- Resistbot - Text “RESIST” to 50409 or message me on Facebook and I’ll find out who represents you in Congress, and deliver your message to them in under 2 minutes. No downloads or apps required.
- Contacting Congress - All of your representatives' information in one spot, including local contact info. Information comes from each representative's official government page and Wikipedia. Local rep info comes from Google's Civic Info API.
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