Monthly Archives: December 2016

2016 Predictions: Calibration Results

At the beginning of every year, I make predictions. At the end of every year, I score them. Here are 2014 and 2015. And here are the predictions I made for 2016. Strikethrough’d are false. Intact are true. Italicized are … Continue reading

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Addendum To “Economists On Education”

A couple of people have challenged my essay yesterday, saying that they didn’t find the article misleading (or that it was only very slightly misleading). They argue that it pointed out that economists were overwhelmingly in favor of ride-sharing arguments … Continue reading

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Contra NYT On Economists On Education

[epistemic status: still having a hard time believing I am right about this, but have double-checked. Tell me if I’m missing something. Correction: I previously left the word “Generally” out of the title by accident. I have slightly softened a … Continue reading

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Book Review: Mount Misery

[Content warning: psychiatric abuse (especially around borderline personality), rape, spoilers for Mount Misery] I. Last month I reviewed Samuel Shem’s House of God. The sequel, Mount Misery, is about his time training in psychiatry. This is obviously relevant to my … Continue reading

Open Thread 65.75

This is the twice-weekly hidden open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever.

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Open Thread 65.5

This is the twice-weekly hidden open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever.

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Links 12/16: The Site Before Christmas

International Date Line In Judaism: Some authorities posit a “zone of pure doubt” stretching from longitudes 169W to 177E and containing Tonga, Samoa, and American Samoa, where it is so confusing when to observe Shabbat that Jews should just completely … Continue reading

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Open Thread 65.25

This is the twice-weekly hidden open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever.

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OT65: The Early Thread Gets The Worm

This is the bi-weekly visible open thread. There are hidden threads every few days here. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever. Also: 1. New ad on the sidebar: 80,000 Hours, an effective altruist group that tries to … Continue reading

SSC Journal Club: Mental Disorders As Networks

I. Suppose you have sniffles, fatigue, muscle aches, and headache. You go to the doctor, who diagnoses you with influenza and gives you some Tamiflu. There’s some complicated statistics going on here. Your doctor has noticed some observable variables (sniffles, … Continue reading