*posts something to ao3*

*obsessively refreshes my works page to see it peak at 8 hits*


posted with 0 notes on July 1, 2017



Her name is Ashlee Marie Preston ✊🏾 👑

I was scared first

posted with 47422 notes on July 1, 2017 via 0ct0pies (orig afropunk.com)




when you go back to daydreaming after having been interrupted and your brain does a previously on of your fantasy

When you go back to daydreaming after being startled into the real world and your brain has to search through the ‘recently closed’ tabs to remember what you were daydreaming about

ok mood

posted with 171740 notes on July 1, 2017 via chikkou (orig unplucked)


I hate when we’re in the spawn and soldier says “it’s my privilege to lead you into battle” like who tf said ur in charge… who r u leading… im lucio and im running this show

posted with 10395 notes on July 1, 2017 via 0ct0pies (orig ttalon)


incredible how "the hungry deserve food" and “the sick deserve medicine” are radical communist beliefs in 2017

posted with 74216 notes on July 1, 2017 via knife-lesbian (orig alchemy)


hey uhhhh

posted with 1775 notes on July 1, 2017 via pasta-la-peaches (orig ranmagay)



my femme girlfriend: [hour and a half later] ok I’m ready to leave the house

me: [throwing on shorts and a tank top] okay baby i love you and you look so pretty

My overdressed butch ass: [hour and a half later] ok I’m ready to leave the house

My femme girlfriend: [throwing on a sundress and head scarf] okay baby I love you and you look so handsome

posted with 35223 notes on July 1, 2017 via scorpionbutch (orig gh0stmother)



less adding a third gender option on IDs and more getting rid of gender markers entirely please

the biggest reason why gender markers should be done away with instead of being modified is that a nonbinary gender marker X will out trans people and could be used to harm or exclude them. the gender marker should be done away with to make the world safer for trans people, especially trans women. so yeah this post isn’t for TERFs.

posted with 7183 notes on July 1, 2017 via rustesque (orig mentallyillcatlady)


[wearing a fake leather jacket, eating ritz crackers out of the box, reclining in a casual position somewhere i shouldnt logically be able to access] im emotionally vulnerable as shit dude ill cry on any of you

posted with 23138 notes on July 1, 2017 via reiish (orig dajo42)




i love everyone’s love for bnha except mineta i love you all so much (except mineta)

absolute disdain and hatred for mineta is the only opinion keeping this website’s userbase unified at this point

the real mlm wlw solidarity is mineta hate

posted with 235 notes on July 1, 2017 via lyssafreyguy (orig jollibean)


just saw someone here say that tomatoes are bad for you because theyre in the nightshade family. real 18th-century italian peasant hours 

posted with 11148 notes on July 1, 2017 via noivern (orig armsocks)



shipping incest or pedophilia is not an “unpopular opinion” it is fucking disgusting and fundamentally wrong and anyone who disagrees with this post can just unfollow me right now

i’ve lost four followers already since posting this so in the spirit of weeding out the trash i’m going to reblog this again

posted with 25447 notes on July 1, 2017 via 0ct0pies (orig tabine)




i think turtles are a big threat to our national security

may i ask why


posted with 77464 notes on July 1, 2017 via kattenprinsen (orig rcktpwr)
Anonymous What does Jouta have to say on having a sticker version of himself? ( o 3o)


posted with 42 notes on July 1, 2017 via askthemwackyjohnjohns



does anyone ever do the opposite of dissociate?? where youre just suddenly and uncomfortably aware of your situation and reality 

more to the point why do i get that feeling when im sitting on top of my kitchen table watching a velveeta mac and cheese pack spin in the microwave for three and a half minutes and im just like I Exist I Am Here And Theres Nothing I Can Do About It 

posted with 13499 notes on July 1, 2017 via purplemode (orig buckysbears)