06/19/2017 03:46 am ET

Jason Chaffetz Slams Donald Trump And Jeff Sessions As He Leaves Congress

Outgoing lawmaker says Trump administration is "almost worse" than Obama.

With just two weeks left in office, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) took some shots at President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in an interview that aired over the weekend. 

“The reality is, sadly, I don’t see much difference between the Trump administration and the (Barack) Obama administration,” the outgoing chairman of the House Oversight Committee told Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Chaffetz, who announced his resignation last month, said he thought the “floodgates” would open and his committee would obtain documents that the Obama administration never provided related to investigations into Hillary Clinton, Fast and Furious and the IRS.

That didn’t happen. 

Chaffetz said: 

“In many ways, it’s almost worse because we’re getting nothing, and that’s terribly frustrating and, with all due respect, the attorney general has not changed at all. I find him to be worse than what I saw with Loretta Lynch in terms of releasing documents and making things available. I just, that’s my experience, and that’s not what I expected.” 

Chaffetz also said Republicans had been pushing Trump to fire IRS Commissioner John Koskinen over a scandal involving allegations that the agency targeted tea party groups for audits

That hasn’t happened either. 

“We tried to issue subpoenas. We tried to hold people in contempt and the Obama administration said ‘no,’ and the Trump administration came in and did zero,” Chaffetz said. “Nothing. Nothing changed.”

Chaffetz leaves office on June 30. He has not yet announced his future plans, but Politico reported last month that he may appear on Fox News.  

See the full interview above. 


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