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SEC Files Fraud Charges in Bitcoin and Office Space Investment Schemes (sec.gov)
19 points by mikehotel 2 hours ago | hide | past | web | 5 comments | favorite

One of many SEC rulings to come for the crypto space.

Seems less related to crypto and more related to good old scamming. The only thing crypto is the company pitch which is not where the SEC had a problem.

Yes, it appears the bulk of the fraud was in the shared work space scheme.

Criminal charges [1] also mention another company that was used to solicit investment: InCrowd Equity Inc.

[1] https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/charges-unsealed-agains...

I'd change the title to 'SEC Files Fraud Charges Against Renwick Haddow'.

Right, for those that didn't read closely the only thing this appears to have to do with Bitcoin is that the scammer used the word "Bitcoin" in the names of one of the fraudulent investments he was pitching to people. He wasn't actually using Bitcoin or any other crypto currency in his scheme. He was using traditional banks.

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