Shep Smith enrages Fox viewers with devastating look at the reaction to Trump’s ‘bloody facelift’ tweet
On Thursday afternoon, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith incurred the wrath of angry Trump fans by accusing President Donald Trump of “sexist cyber bullying” toward MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski.
“First on the Fox News deck this Thursday afternoon,” Smith said, “the president of the United States, Donald Trump, this morning, engaged in what critics are calling sexist cyber bullying in tweets at the MSNBC anchors and ‘Morning Joe’ co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough.”
Smith went on to quote critics who called the tweets “beneath the office of the presidency.”
Within minutes, Twitter trolls were flooding Fox News’ and Smith’s timelines:
@FoxNews @ShepNewsTeam Really…Shep doesn't like the tweets? Report the news don't act so disgusted, just report the news dude!
— Tim Sweet (@AGCarRestore) June 29, 2017
@ShepNewsTeam — are all gay golks as hateful as you? Or were you born full of hate. Go elsewhere Shep. Replace bleefing face on msnbc.
— Judi Stanton (@JudiStanton1) June 29, 2017
@ShepNewsTeam what was that, shep, 13 whole minutes you wasted on tweets today? Im so SICK OF you and your despicable hatred of @POTUS
— Nonna Sue (@nonnasuzi) June 29, 2017
it's called "shep smith reporting" yet he's not reporting, he's ranting and attacking the entire time. wtf is that
— M. Cobretti (@CobraTheCure) June 29, 2017
@ShepNewsTeam Shep I don't give a dam what you think. Morning Joe is a jerk and America is ok that Trump thinks so too.
— Mary Gehrmann (@MgehrmannMary) June 29, 2017
@FoxNews turning you off today. I watch FOX for news but all Shep can talk about is the tweet. So much important to report but NO, not Shep.
— Cindy Quinn (@ccquinn430) June 29, 2017
@FoxNews Sheppard Smith you need to apologize to President for your lies as disparaging remarks Fox fire Shep your ratings are dropping
— Build The Wall (@LAMOONLYNN) June 29, 2017
Watch the video, embedded below: