words words just words lying words more words

The fallout from #FaceLiftGate continues! White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on Fox News this morning to explain that Donald Trump has a right to punch girls right in their wherevers when they bully him and hurt his feelings. Wonkette thought, “That’s what you’re going with? Huh OK!” So we all knew today’s White House press briefing would be just great, and boy oh boy, did the Shuckster deliver! We hope she’s saving these tapes for her young daughter, when she’s teaching her about how she should expect to be treated by men.

After Huckabee Sanders yammered some bullshit about the Trump agenda Donald Trump is distracting us from by bellyaching on Twitter about what a pussy he is, the questions began, and so did the FIREWORKS. Here’s your video (the Q & A section starts about an hour into the livestream), and below we’ll give you some choice quotes.

In response to John Roberts, who asked if Trump went too far in his attack on Mika Brzezinski:

I don’t think so. I mean, I think that the president has been attacked mercilessly on personal accounts by members on that program. And I think he’s been very clear that when he gets attacked, he’s gonna hit back. I think the American people elected somebody who’s tough, who’s smart, and who’s a fighter.

Tough and smart? Hahahahahaha, OK, fuckhead, that’s your answer, so we guess we’ll just have to stick with it. Put another way: Trump lost the popular vote by three million, because the MAJORITY of Americans know that when you whine and cry like a baby every time a TV lady makes fun of you, you look like a sniveling crybaby with a half-inch penis.

The things that this show has called him. And not just him, but numerous members of his staff, including myself and many others, are very deeply personal. So to then turn and pretend like this is approach is, I guess it’s kind of like we’re living in the Twilight Zone. They do this day after day after day, and then the president responds and defends himself and everybody is appalled and blown away. Frankly, if this had happened in the previous administration, the type of attacks launched on this program, the things they say, “utterly stupid,” “personality disorder,” “mentally ill,” constant personal attacks calling multiple members liars, liars to their faces while they’re sitting on their program, the rest of the media would’ve said, “Guys. No way! Hold on!” But nobody does that. The president, he’s not gonna step back, he’s shown that, and that’s exactly what he did today.

So much to unpack here! First of all, Barack Obama put up with FAR worse than Trump does, from Fox News and insane elected racist Republicans and people named Donald Trump who started lying smear campaigns about him being a secret not-American, but Obama let it roll off his back, because Obama is a bigger man than Trump is.

Also, the Trump White House is full of liars, all of whom are paid to lie. Donald Trump is a liar. Kellyanne Conway is a liar. Mike Pence is a liar. Sean Spicer is a liar. So fuck off with your “WAAAAAH STOP CALLING LIARS LIARS JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE LIARS, UNFAIR!”

John Roberts followed up by echoing remarks from Republican senators Lindsey Graham and Ben Sasse, who said Trump’s tweets this morning (like all his behavior since the day he was born) is far beneath the dignity of the office of the president. Here’s what Huckafuck had to say about the “dignity of the office”:

Look I think that he shows that every day …

Nope, he’s a disgrace who deserves respect from no living man or woman.

But he’s not gonna sit back and be attacked by the liberal media Hollywood elites …

HOLLYWOOD ELITES! Liberal Mika and Conservative Joe and everybody in all of Hollywood made teases about Li’l Old Preznit Munchkin Paws, and his mama with the fucked up hair taught him if those people make him cry, it’s OK to punch girls and grab them by the pussy. Is that right?

Another journalist noted that some Republican critics of Trump’s tweets have drawn a parallel between Trump’s rhetoric and the violence that was visited upon Congress when a gunman shot Rep. Steve Scalise a couple weeks ago. Does the president bear any responsibility for trying to tone down his rhetoric in this heated climate?

The president in no way, form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. If anything, quite the contrary.

THE FUCK YOU SAY, HUCKASPAWN! Remember three paragraphs ago when we called her a liar? It’s because she’s a liar. Trump has promoted and encouraged violence ONE METRIC FUCKTON of times, most notably at the hootenannies/sibling speed-dating sessions known as Trump rallies. For instance HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE. Fuck off, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you asshole.

Finally, before we officially hit our wall of patience on this news story, here is Suckabee asking why we’re not more outraged at MIKA BRZEZINSKI for being MEAN TO THE PRESIDENT like ALL THE TIME to the point that TEARS TRICKLE DOWN HIS GRUNDLE AND MIX WITH THE SKIN FLAKES AND DRIED KETCHUP on his DISGUSTING FLAB-ASS INNER THIGHS:

Again, I think that the president is pushing back against people who attack him DAY after DAY after DAY. Where is the outrage on that? You guys are constantly coming and asking like “Is this OK?” He does it one time [one time? – Ed.], this is day after day after day. … The only person I see a war on is this president and everybody that works for him. […] I don’t think you can expect someone to be personally attacked, day after day, minute by minute, and sit back.

Um yeah, you can, it’s sort of part of being the leader of the free, democratically elected world. But we get it. Donald Trump obviously doesn’t have the testicular fortitude for this job, so he should probably resign and go do something he’s qualified to do. We’ll fill in the blanks on that one as soon as we figure out a job Trump isn’t too stupid and weak to do.

There was a lot more bellyaching we left out but we don’t want to watch this fuckery anymore.

Mike Huckabee, can you come collect your daughter and check her brain for ticks?

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  • Bill D. Burger
  • msanthropesmr

    No, a man with a personality disorder would never ever tweet about someone bleeding from plastic surgery.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      From her wherever?

  • Wild Cat

    You know, I’d really like to make fun of her, but she’s too fucking pathetic.

    • whitroth

      Should that be bathetic?

  • msanthropesmr

    I remember when Barack Obama called George Will a bow tie wearing pissface after George criticized Obama’s fiscal policies. Good times.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      Well, that’s just calling a spade a…..
      Wait, what?

  • Bill D. Burger
  • Lizzietish81

    But we’re the snowflakes.

    • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

      what’s that Trump t-shirt: “Fuck Your Feelings.”

      Fuck Your Feelings Donnie.

      • whitroth

        That should be Unfuck Your Feelings, Snowflake Donnie.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    So glad I missed this bullshit, instead choosing to spend my afternoon trying to get either the credit card bank or the site that hosts virtual doctor meetings to explain to me why I keep getting my credit card authorization refused (Three different answers from the bank so far, and a lot of huhwhat from the site).

    (Trying to get Andy Cuomo to agree to sell me medicinal hemp for my chronic (no joke intended) pain. Fucker.)

  • msanthropesmr

    Do you remember when Jimmy Carter told Walter Cronkite that his jaw flaps made him look like Droopy Dawg?

  • bookish

    LONDON — ISIS has seen its income drop by 80 percent in two years as it loses territory and the oil and tax revenue that comes with it, according to a study of its finances.
    The self-declared caliphate has seen average monthly income plunge from $81 million in the second quarter of 2015 to just $16 million in the same period this year, according to IHS Markit, a global data monitoring company that provides analysis to businesses and governments.

    • msanthropesmr

      Explain to me how solar energy is a problem.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      Donnie Two-scoops has advised them to look for a Russian sugar daddy. Did wonders for him.

    • Joe Beese

      Still doing better than Radio Shack.

      • msanthropesmr

        Woolworths is still doing better than radio shack

    • MrTusks

      Dafuq? Does ISIS have tax returns or some shit?

      • Maybe it’s SEC filings, lol.

  • jesterpunk

    I remember Josh Earnest and Jay Carney spending every press briefing crying how mean everyone was to Obama. Wait no they didnt do that because they are adults and Obama wasnt a thin skinned baby.

  • Daniel Hooper

    As a human being alone I can’t imagine how anyone can stomach defending Trump’s bullshit, but how can a woman especially go out there after that and say what he did was totally appropriate?

    • Crystalclear12

      Well, it starts with self-hatred.

    • Vel Venturi

      Nepotism, personal gain, lack of empathy and/or self-respect, moneys

    • GrungeFactor

      Doing what you have to do to Make America Great Again. Hang tough, we’re getting there.

      • jesterpunk

        Define that term, when was America great, when did it stop being great and how exactly will we know when its great again?

        • GrungeFactor

          1) Pre drugs, pre- globalization, pre-aids, pre-massive guilt complex for our exceptionalism, pre-terrorism, pre-20 trillion debt, pre- plastic pollution in the ocean, pre- humanity using 90% of available bio-mass, pre- global leadership trying to make the world in our image.

          You know, the good old days.

          • jesterpunk

            So a time that never actually happened except in fantasy land?

          • WotsAllThisThen

            The Jurassic period, then.

          • So pre-agriculture.

      • whitroth

        Maybe that should be Grape Again. I’m certainly turning purple in anger….

  • Bill D. Burger

    So remember Trump’s rule ladies:

    (1) Nice smile? come over over to the Resolute Desk so POTUS can see you better.

    (2) Bleeding? Stay away. Ewwww…..get out!

    Honestly, that orange bastard’s fear of female-associated viscera may be unmatched in modern history.

    • BigCSouthside

      Start a national campaign to mail all used tampons to the White House?

    • whitroth

      Time to recall that i saw a comment by his second? first? wife – wish I could remember where – who said he *never* satisfied her in bed.

    • GrungeFactor

      Well, atleast he doesn’t make them sit out in the hall.

  • Audrey Carangelo

    slack-jawed yokel says what?

    • msanthropesmr

      Some folks’ll never eat a skunk…

      • Daniel Hooper

        But then again, some folk will

    • marxalot

      Cletus libel

  • Mpeg

    Did no one ever school young Donnie Drumpf about Slam Books fer pete’s sakes??
    Yeah, I can’t think of anything funny on this anymore..

  • La forza del resistino

    no personality disorder, no personality disorder, you’re the personality disorder

    • msanthropesmr

      Yeah, well, true. But I’m not precedent.

  • GrungeFactor

    “Twitter punch girls” isn’t that like not genderless?

    • Lisa

      It’s a great name for a band.

  • msanthropesmr

    You remember when FDR told Charles Murray to kiss his lily white patrician ass?

  • Joe Beese

    Those goddamned liberal media Hollywood elites!

    They make me so angry I could shoot somebody!

  • Bill D. Burger
  • Mpeg

    Shhh, Donald can’t hear your pleas for his sanity right now, y’all. He’s having another fake Time Magazine cover doctor’d and printed to frame for his wall~

  • GrungeFactor

    If girls can’t take a Twitter punch, what’s gonna happen when they leave their safe place?

    • jesterpunk

      Trump will cry when he leaves his safe space.

    • If trump can’t take a TV punch, what the fuck is he doing pretending he is strong? Fucking weak assed idiot totally cucked by a 50 yr old woman, lolz

      • Wild Cat

        Weak? Man, he was Roy Cohn’s BOTTOM! He’s beyond weak!

  • Crystalclear12

    Well, that was rage inspiring.

  • armed_bears

    Mattis and Tillerson are exasperated? Well, I have an existential fear I’d like to share. I am not sure I have my mental ducks in a row yet, but here goes:

    Conflict is initiated and waged either synchronously or asynchronously across a range of variables: manpower; technology; financial resources; domain knowledge; intangibles like ‘will’ and the like; and so on. Sometimes countries invade countries; other times some nutter shoots the archduke.

    You hear this concept today when DoD, State and others refer to ‘non-peer’ and ‘near-peer’ competitors… essentially, potential adversaries who either are or are not comparably disposed vs the US across all of these variables, and not just the guns and other shooty stuff.

    In something like 300 years, we have built up institutional decision points, checks and relief-valves that operate across the range of conflicts with which we have had experience, and we respond (or do not respond) in accordance with the acquired institutional experience we have gained. It’s not just one guy pulling a trigger.

    Consider some past conflicts: Revolution, Civil, WW1 or 2, Korea, Vietnam… and even those with non-state or non-peer adversaries: the ‘expeditions’ (Sumatra, Fiji, Formosa, etc.), western expansion, the ‘Africas’ (Simba, Shaba, etc.), and most recently 9/11…. or whichever ones you want. We prevailed or not, we supported the actions or did not, we understood the conflict or did not. But in every case (I think?), we responded using the tool set of military options adjusted (to a better or worse degree) by our understanding of the nature of the threat. We were on the banks of the Yalu River in 1950, for example, but we didn’t haul off and piss on China directly. In fact, I think Douglas MacArthur got ‘you’re fired’ for thinking about it.

    I think this is because, for previous conflicts, threats presented themselves within a framework that required the review and judgement of a hierarchy, and passed thru several — many, lots! — of desks and eyes. A threat did not appear directly and uniquely to Roosevelt (pick your favorite Roosevelt). Lots of folks saw and read the intelligence that Roosevelt used to make a decision and marshal a response. And Roosevelt’s ability to react to a threat and mobilize a nation’s commitment required much the same hierarchy, only in reverse. Even in those cases when the excrement very nearly hit the fan (Cuba, Able Archer), this system knowledge was crucial: Indeed, even for those within the system, exposing differences of opinion among decision makers prompted debate, planning and caution.

    But we now live with a president who can respond to intelligence — and even slights — without system review, discussion or planning. He can reach right into some significant portion of the nation’s amygdala… He is petulant, prone to immediate response, and boasts that he “punches back 10 times harder.”

    So, back to that symmetry thingy:

    Are we confident Trump can judge the level of threat presented by an adversary (or even by a nasty tweet)? Can he judiciously respond (or not respond) according to national interests? In responding, does he even understand the escalation points and demarcations of the choices he would make in conflict? Can he tweak the response? Do we think he respects — or even solicits — meaningful input from those within the system? Can we be sure his rage boner can be controlled by those around him?

    Too, also: Do we face adversaries who have demonstrated a willingness to use strongly asymmetric attacks (hacking, twitter, misinformation) in war-fighting domains as diverse as, let’s say hypothetically, the Ukraine’s power grid, world financial markets, South Korea/Japan’s computer networks, France’s election system, and both the physical infrastructure and election systems here in the US?

    So maybe this more than just a good idea:

    Giving Trump continued access to the AUMF puts a razor blade in the paws of a very drunk monkey. The more degrees of freedom he has militarily, the more we risk responding to an asymmetric provocation with the full and unrestrained military tool set — and to an escalation out of irrational anger rather than any knowledge of war-fighting strategies and limits.

    Mattis and Tillerson are exasperated. We should be worried.

    • GrungeFactor

      Paraphrase anyone?

      • msanthropesmr

        Trump is bad.

        • Cancer is bad. Trump is a weak willed petulant pajama boy who wets his pants

        • GrungeFactor


        • bookish

          Also stupid, unpredictable, and impulsive.

      • bookish

        Are we confident Trump can judge the level of threat presented by an adversary (or even by a nasty tweet)? Can he judiciously respond (or not respond) according to national interests? In responding, does he even understand the escalation points and demarcations of the choices he would make in conflict? Can he tweak the response? Do we think he respects — or even solicits — meaningful input from those within the system? Can we be sure his rage boner can be controlled by those around him?

        • Resistance Fighter Astraea

          I’m not even sure he knows what day it is.

        • GrungeFactor

          No worries, he turned the details over to the pros. Besides having the world think Trumps a bit of a loose canon can work wonders in negotiations.

          • bookish

            Unless our adversaries decide they’re best served by attacking us first.

          • GrungeFactor

            Not likely seeing as we’re prepared for any eventuality The fear is more likely that we’ll strke first, which they really don’t want us to do Have you seen where NATO’s contributions are way up? Everyone’s trying hard to keep Trump from throwing a temper tantrum
            Pure genius.

          • jesterpunk

            Wait so its good that Trump is a fucking child with access to nuclear weapons that will get upset over a tweet and cry about it?

          • redarmyzombie

            Methinks this Grunge fella might not be here entirely in good faith…

          • jesterpunk

            Yeah, i think the same thing just having a little fun.

          • bookish

            I wondered if your first comment was satirical, which was why I tried to keep my comment neutral and polite. If you think being a big-mouthed, unpredictable neophyte in a world with competing nuclear arsenals is pure genius, then I’ll leave you to it.

          • GrungeFactor

            Where are you going to go?

          • Maclare🌮

            “Pure genius”…

            Certainly no genius, and DEFINITELY not pure.

          • redarmyzombie

            He turns the detail over to the pros, then completely disregards his earlier decision, sticks his hands in them, and shits the bed, a la Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

          • arglebargle

            I agree, Trump is a bit loose with his principals.

            can·on kanən

            noun canon; plural noun: canons; noun: canon
            of the Mass; plural noun: canon of the Mass

            1. a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by
            which something is judged.

          • Suttree

            Or just cause a whole bunch of people to die for no reason because we have a petulant child acting as president.

      • armed_bears

        Eliminate Trump AUMF.

    • Résistance Land Shark Ω

      Like many people, Trump has no filter on what he says or does. In a normal administration, the filters would be experts and experienced personnel. Very experienced decision makers, like Mr Tillerson and General Mattis, are frustrated by the complete lack of process and filtering. How can one engage our friends and enemies if the strategy varies depending on the mood of a virulent tweeter?

  • liberal media Hollywood elites
    And there we have the dog whistle tie in to the NRA ad.
    Good job, Sarah!
    Oh, btw, it does not make the president look smart or strong to lie about something easily proven a lie just to insult someone.
    It makes him look stupid and really easily manipulated.

  • Ezio

    Aaaand while we’re all distracted by Donnie’s lastest boorishness, the congressional GOP is probably planning to pass something nasty.

    • Health care. We were promised a surprise!

      • Vagenda of Rebel Scum

        Surprise from Donnie 2 Scoops = sick feeling. Kind of like a surprise from Annie Wilkes in Misery.

      • NotReallyHere

        Oh crap, I’d forgotten about the surprise. I guess the twittertantrum worked.

      • OneYieldRegular

        I expect the surprise to be the unveiling of the world’s first system of martial health care.

    • CogitoErgoBibo
  • Bill D. Burger
    • Indivisible Snark Tank

      I’m pretty sure he does hear Piper Laurie repeating “They’re all going to laugh at you!” over and over in his head.

  • Joe Beese

    Hannity allowed that viciously misogynist tweeting might not have been the ideal choice by the President, but a guy can only take so much, you know?

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    Twitter’s position on Donnie Two Scoops is – “Well, we don’t take down posts that speak to ‘newsworthy’ events. And since everything the President says is by definition newsworthy we’re not about to take action against him. Besides, he’s GREAT for business!”

    • ariel_gee_398

      I have a feeling that last sentence is the primary motivation.

  • AyeDiosDrinko

    “They insult him day in and day out”



    • whitroth

      Trump: you are an insult the the office of the Presidency, the United States of America, the world at large, and a failure as a human being.

      Come on, mention me by name. (And I’ll see you court, coward.)

  • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

    i’m sure the mandatory loyalty pledges will start any day now.

    • Suttree

      Blood oaths!

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      At least they’ll know where to look for people not pledging their fealty. I know the comparison to Hitler thing is a bit hyperbolic, but asking for lists identifying your enemies at least makes a person’s thoughts wander that direction.

      • AnnieGetYerFun

        Two things: holy fucking shit


        You may submit your data to You know what to do.

      • OneYieldRegular

        Holy Mother Russia.

  • Toomush_Inferesistance

    Sarah Huckleberry is gonna go down hard, when she goes…

  • Joe Beese
  • NotReallyHere

    …it’s kind of like we’re living in the Twilight Zone.

    Well, I have to say I do find myself agreeing with Huckleberry-Sandbag here (shout out to Randy Rainbow). But otherwise she can fuck off.

  • Suttree

    WTF is a “liberal Hollywood media elite”? Do these fuckers know that the national news comes from New York and D.C.? Or are they bitching about George Clooney? Do that have any idea what they are bitching about besides the fact that their jobs are to defend the indefensible actions of A Idiot?!

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      Don’t you know “the media” is one big amorphous mass that can mean whatever is necessary to justify whatever manure’s being spread at the moment?

      • One of the things I saw on Fox News while waiting for my car to be fixed was their whining about “the mainstream media.” One would never think that Fox was a major network, listening to them.

        • Suttree

          Fox is just a young wide-eyed network, that searches out what the everyman thinks and feels. Fighting against the status quo of any sort of honesty or integritude in journamalism.

    • Wild Cat

      It’s obviously Jon Voight, Gary Sinese, Bruce Willis, James Woods, and a whole bunch of other poor, sensitive souls.

      PS: Did any of the above ever even join the National Guard, let alone the army???

      • Suttree

        Hahahaha! Jon Voight was perfect for the role of Milo Minderbender, other than that, I doubt it.

        • Wild Cat

          Yup. He was already filming Midnight Cowboy in 1967-1968. Looks like the Westchester Racist got a few Rush Limbaughesque deferments.

          Voight played a chicken hawk in movies and real life!

      • Shanzgood 8 Days

        Man, I’m still bummed about Gary Sinese.

    • WotsAllThisThen

      Today we are all Being John Malkovich.

    • Manders

      DONALD TRUMP STARRED IN A REALITY SHOW FOR YEARS. How does that not make him “Hollywood media elite,” whatever his political persuasion?

    • whitroth

      It’s all the Stars and Producers and such that are being MEAN to them, and donating to, like, Hillary PACs…. But then, he was on tv….

    • arglebargle

      They’re all Joos too, aren’t they?

    • Darrell Imaginarian

      Wonkette is the very definition of “liberal Hollywood media elite”.

      • Villago Delenda Est

        And I’m as pleased as punch to be a part of it, in my own very small way.

    • OneYieldRegular

      At least people in Hollywood actually do their f*cking jobs.

  • Resistance Fighter Astraea

    Everyone involved in this farce is just incomprehensible to me.

  • Gee, Your Hair Smells Horrific

    Trump’s idea of tough is to return every insult. That’s the mentality of a fourth grader from a broken home.

  • elviouslyqueer

    We’ll fill in the blanks on that one as soon as we figure out a job Trump isn’t too stupid and weak to do.

    Ooooooh! OOOOOOOOH! Pick me, PICK ME!

    Shit farmer and supervisory shit producer at Ivanka and Jared’s Empoorium de Merde?

  • BigCSouthside

    I saw a PAC ad this morning that was more or less whining about how mean people are to Donald.

    Some tough guy

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      They’re going to keep pushing that window rightward until any criticism of Dear Leader is met with violent force.

  • Joe Beese
    • Villago Delenda Est

      No doubt about it, I need another hat!

  • Toomush_Inferesistance

    “353 minutes (the press) spent on pushing a false narrative on Russia”…….um, Sarah? Sarah? That wasn’t false….

  • WotsAllThisThen

    Well the Prez certainly defended himself against accusations of…. what was the original argument about?

    • II Gosala

      Fake time magazine covers.

  • HorseChestnut


    Good job with the body horror there! Now, I’m going to have Ren & Stimpy nightmares.

  • Bill D. Burger
    • cmd resistor

      I keep thinking about how when my kid displayed this or that behavior being exhibited by Trump, I tried to teach him NOT to act in that particular jerky way.

  • Apple Scruff

    OT In case you hadn’t heard — “MSNBC Will Replace Greta Van Susteren with Ari Melber”

    How long will they give Megyn Kelly?

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      Oh thank gawd. I simply can’t handle Greta during the dinner hour. Too difficult to wield silverware and throw things at the teevee at the same time.

    • Everrett Fanuelli

      I hear it’s because she’s too busy filming her scenes as Supreme Leader Snoke in Star Wars episode 9

    • Darrell Imaginarian

      If her ratings don’t improve, not very. Greta’s ratings were always bad and those people get cancelled.

  • Bill D. Burger
  • ariel_gee_398

    I saw someone on Facebook proclaim that – even though they voted for him – this was the last straw in their Trump support. Not because he’s a misogynist sack of crap with terrible policies, but because his tweeting is a distraction from his agenda. Baby steps, I guess. (Someone argued the point, because Facebook, claiming that had had “passed” several regulations and “got the deal to sell Beef to China.” MAGA indeed.)

    • whitroth

      When you want someone to change their mind, you need to give them a way without saying “I was A. Idiot”. Clearly, this looks like that person’s way out of admitting stupidity.

    • cmd resistor

      Yeah, what’s up with that Sugar deal he was tweeting about this morning before he decided the Mika thing was the most important thing to address today?

      • ariel_gee_398

        I don’t know – ensuring there is enough supply in the US to both make his wigs and fill in for his brain?

  • The Wanderer

    Did we need a mental image of Trump’s grundle?

  • Everrett Fanuelli
  • CogitoErgoBibo

    It’s really difficult to pick my favorite stoopid quote from Sarah’s presser, but I think this is it: “What about the constant attacks that he receives, or the rest of us? I’m a woman, and I’ve been attacked by this show multiple times but I don’t cry foul because of it.”

    Said in defense of Trump and his tweets crying foul regarding what he perceives as an attack. See, asshole? Even a common Huckabee says she would have responded better* than you did.


    • AnnieGetYerFun

      Oh, fuck yeah. Nobody noticed, though?

  • Joe Beese

    Josh Marshall:

    We’ve collectively been living in Donald Trump’s house now for more than two years. We know him really well. We know that he sees everything through a prism of the dominating and the dominated. It’s a zero-sum economy of power and humiliation. For those in his orbit he demands and gets a slavish adoration. Even those who take on his yoke of indignity are fed a steady diet mid-grade humiliations to drive home their status and satisfy Trump’s need not only for dominance but unending public displays of dominance. He is a dark, damaged person.

    Trump’s treatment of the press is really a version of the same game, a set of actions meant to produce the public spectacle of ‘Trump acts; reporters beg.’ ‘Reporters beg and Trump says no.’ Demanding, shaming all amount to trying to force actions which reporters have no ability to compel. That signals weakness. And that’s the point.

    Let me say this: I don’t think this is an easy situation to grapple with. But I don’t think the press can do its job if it allows itself to play this role in Trump’s public spectacle. The only way to grapple with this type of gangland White House is not to beg or demand but simply make clear that hiding, acting in secrecy is cowardly, a sign of hidden bad acts, simply unAmerican and let the Trump entourage live with that label.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      HAHA, but then someone might have to give an opinion on the President. So far, not that many publications are even willing to call him a liar.

    • whitroth

      No wonder he’s got such a hard on for Kim Jung Un – twins, separated at birth!

  • Bill D. Burger

    Trump: “Nobody respects women more than I do. You can believe me. Believe me. I respect women more than anyone.”

    • lowenufc


      • Villago Delenda Est

        Worst Bond/DC/Marvel/Green Acres Villain ever!

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      I got nothin’. Just. . . that’s terrifying.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      What? Looks like most Male Pattern Baldness sufferers who shave their head.

      /please don’t throw stuff

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    Let me put a little nice time in here – after 10 years of riding buses in the minors, Diamondbacks infielder Ildemaro Vargas gets his first call up. So what does he do? Takes time to play catch with his son.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      This is just awesome!

  • Rags

    No story today about 23 million folks getting butt-fucked. The squirrelz is working!

  • Bill D. Burger
  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

    Uhuh. Poor widdle snowflake being PICKED ON because he’s trying to kill 22 million Americans, elevate the American nazi party, roll back LGBT rights, increase discrimination against all groups that aren’t white cis male Christians, poison the air, poison the water, cut social programs, destroy every single policy that Obama even glanced at while in office, sell us out to Putin, sodomize the English language, discredit our entire system of governance, destroy the first amendment, bring back the war on drugs and mandatory minimum sentencing, wreck our education system, get us into war with an ally or allies. . . Yeah, he’s doing NOTHING to deserve being picked on.

    Sarah said exactly ONE thing that was true. “I guess it’s kind of like we’re living in the Twilight Zone.” Yes, Sarah. We’ve all thought that since November. Welcome to the party.

    • Shanzgood 8 Days

      Sodomy libe–


      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Funny thing is, I wanted to use another word, but it just didn’t work as well.

        • Shanzgood 8 Days

          It was a good description! I can barely stand to struggle through reading transcripts of his speech. Listening is torture.

          • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

            I can’t do it either. It’s harder on the ear than on the eyes, which is telling because it’s migraine inducing on the eyes.

            The stupid burns.

          • Miss Dill

            Watching that guy’s mouth literally makes me sick.

      • redarmyzombie

        Depends on whether there’s lube or not, I guess.

  • Bill D. Burger

    This horror show and its fallout are what happen when this man was your life coach.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      One of the most vile excuses for a human being in history.

    • OneYieldRegular

      It was never too soon for the silence of Cohn.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    Susan Collins: “this [Trump’s tweets] has to stop”.
    McCain: “This is not presidential”
    Ben Sasse: “This isn’t normal and it’s beneath the dignity of your office,”
    Murkowski: “Stop it!”
    Graham: “your tweet was beneath the office”

    One way those five Republicans could stop Trump’s tweeting is to impeach him out of office.

    • Granny Sprinkles

      *shoves glasses up nose, takes a hit on her inhaler, and prepares to be no fun*

      Those are all senators. Impeachment happens in the House. Think of impeachment as an indictment, the House would be analogous to a grand jury and the Senate to a trial jury. Impeachment doesn’t kick a president out of office, conviction in the Senate does. Ergo; they could convict him out of office.

      *returns to sitting alone in the back of the room, reading manga and grumbling that the other kids don’t like me because I’m too cool*

      • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

        Yeah, I tried to split the difference with “impeach him out of office”.

  • OrG

    The turd doesn’t fall far from the horse’s ass.

    • TJ Barke

      Well… 5ish feet…

  • Spurning Beer

    Sarah, every time you make up something to defend Donald, Satan gives Jesus a wedgie, a purple nurple, or the dreaded Rear Admiral. You’re making Jesus sad. Stop it.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      She’s not concerned with Jesus. Only with Mammon and Moloch.

  • Johnny Appleseed

    And Trump now needing his third personal lawyer in this quagmire proves none of this is Fake or false! No less, The Oaf wants to hire Mueller’s assistant and friend from the FBI…AFTER screaming about how unfair it was that Comey and Mueller were friends and worked together. That’s sane!? It was bad with Comey but if Trump benefits from this acquaintance, ya it’s alright. Dumb like stump. And it’s “everyone else” to the poorly educated!

    • Ms.Moon

      So is this another lawyer or is this the first lawyer’s lawyer I think we will need pictures and a flowchart to keep track of all the lawyers soon.

  • Résistance Land Shark Ω

    I love the Wonkette, but this steady diet of fake news and mean girls articles is really taking its toll.


    • whitroth

      “Mean girls”? You mean “women”? And if you want mean women… ah, right, like my late ex in the late afternoon or evening, when she’d gotten down to serious drinking…. Oh, what she could have done to Donnieboy

  • Joe Beese

    It’s been a recurring theme of my analysis for months that the Trump administration had blundered badly by marrying his unorthodox and in many cases heretical campaign for the Republican nomination and presidency with a strategy that is wholly reliant on conventional conservative Republicans for implementation and passage. …

    It’s not just health care and tax reform that are in peril. If Trump attempts to raise the debt ceiling using nothing but Republican votes, he will fail, too. If he tries to pass appropriations bills without any Democratic support, the government will either shut down or be funded on continuing resolutions that keep Obama’s priorities in place. He will not get an infrastructure bill without significant Democratic input and support.

    Not only can he not govern successfully using this strategy, he cannot govern at all. This is why I foresaw that his administration would crack up on the shoals sometime this summer, and certainly no later than September when the fiscal year ends and the debt ceiling becomes critical. …

    The consequences will begin to pile up now. Trump will lash out in ever more confusing and bizarre ways. And then the indictments and plea deals will start to flow in from Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s shop. By Thanksgiving, if not before, the nation will be confronted with the urgent need to remove Trump from power and I suspect there will be more consensus about it by then than most people can imagine right now.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      Who knew presidenting would be so hard?

    • Canned Covfefe

      OK. I hope for all of this but am I the only one who wants all the prognostications to STOP. Please. They have pretty consistently been wrong. Starting with November 8th. No matter what we want to happen we don’t know what is going to happen. God, if we haven’t learned this one thing about Trump yet…

      Edit: God, it started with Trump coming down the escalator…or long before.

  • Bill D. Burger

    There were hints along the way, huh?

    • beingreleased

      Look, he was just trying to impress Billy Bush. I mean, who wouldn’t pretend to be a malignant asshole to get Billy Bush to like them?

      • Mehmeisterjr

        And he got to pretend to be malignant asshole by actually being a malignant asshole!


      • Miss Dill

        Excellent point – you might want to forward that to Suckabee for her next lame “press briefing.”

    • TJ Barke

      Fuck the people that voted for this embarrassment.

      • Slamtundra

        A-fucking-men, brother.

    • cmd resistor

      Somehow every time I see it all written out like that, I think, did I really forget how awful that was? I mean I knew it was bad but every time I see it, it’s like the horrid all over again.

  • alpacapunchbowl

    That might be the most flattering photo I’ve seen of Spawn of Chucklefuck.

    • Robert James Nugent


      • alpacapunchbowl

        Uh, gesundheit?

  • Crystalclear12

    Looks like Greta has lost her show with MSNBC.

    • Canis Greyhame

      Good. I can’t stand to sit through her passive-agressive sourpuss routine every time she disagrees with a guest.

  • motocat

    Headline: Greta van Susteren is out at MSNBC

    • Villago Delenda Est


    • redarmyzombie

      And may Megyn Kelly be not far behind!

    • TJ Barke

      Turns out the audience for Rachel and comp. don’t want to watch a bunch of Fox rejects…

    • Me not sure

      Maybe CNN is hiring…again.

      • Mehmeisterjr

        Alex Jones could use a slightly-less-insane sidekick.

    • susan_g

      That’s great news. Greta was real click-bait, as in, see her mug and change the channel. Enough with the Fox rats and republicans, MSNBC.

  • TJ Barke

    I wonder if Joe waited until Zbigniew died before making a move…

    • Canned Covfefe

      From what I understand, Zbigniew has long known about and accepted the relationship.

  • Johnny Appleseed

    With the exception of the Devil incarnate, can you see who would hire Trump’s lying DOPES?

    This is their last job!

    • susan_g

      Texas is always ready to hire these types. Huckogirl could be a future governor. Spicey the Atty Gen, Kellyanne could be the Speaker of the statehouse.They have all the qualifications for these jobs.

      • Johnny Appleseed

        That’s true. Spice makes me laugh to the point of ALMOST feeling bad for him. But not. And I swear Conway is working for the television manufacturers. You’d think they’d make rubber Remote Controls by now. Those suckers do real bad things to the screen when she’s on. Hey….patent pending!

  • Villago Delenda Est

    Sarah is a chip off the old diseased block.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      A drip off the old cock.

    • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

      Disease libel!

  • Bill D. Burger
  • Mirful

    The comments are beneath the dignity of the Office of the President of the United States.

    The comments are not beneath the dignity of Donald J. Trump.

    But then again, nothing is beneath his dignity.

  • Bill D. Burger

    A real president knew what should happen from the beginning of this FUBAR shitshow.

  • Résistance Land Shark Ω

    I actually feel sorry for Sarah Sanders. She was pushed into the job by her Daddy (allegedly) and now has to suffer the consequences. How are you resolving your lies to your faith?

    From the Big Ten: #9, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      They’ve substituted the 10 Commandments for the Golden Calf, and are unable to connect the dots.

      • Résistance Land Shark Ω

        … and so become a laughingstock to their enemies.

        — Exodus 32:25

    • Elvis Causticfellow

      She’s married and a mother. How does her father push her into a job?

      • Résistance Land Shark Ω

        Allegedly, her father used his influence to secure the job, and he “suggested” that she take it.

  • Bill D. Burger
  • elviouslyqueer

    Sarah, it is way past high time that you crawled back into Satan’s taint and fucked the fuck off forever.

    Bitch, BYE.

  • Ms.MLG on Maui

    Donald Trump is a sad, flaccid, weaksauce piece of whiny shit who hurls the same old tired, boring insults women have already heard a thousand times from other fragile, small, toxic man-babies with bruised snowflake egos. He holds the highest office in the land and it STILL isn’t enough to fill the giant wasteland of pathetic that lives inside him. WHAT A FUCKING LOSER.

    • GrungeFactor

      Yeah, but he keeps winning, so what kind of loser is that?

      • jesterpunk

        Yeah, but he keeps whining, so what kind of loser is that!


      • Maclare🌮

        Winning what exactly?

        • JustPixelz (((Ω)))


  • Bill D. Burger

    It’s there for a reason. Use it!

    • WotsAllThisThen

      Until Republicans decide to use the 25th Amendment, I’ll be using the 21st.

  • Ezio

    Look, what Johnny Depp said was stupid, but I can never bare to listen to republicans complain about Hollywood being hostile to conservative actors. Hell, even Tim Allen claimed that being a republican in Hollywood was like “1930’s Germany”. Um…WHAT? Clint Eastwood, Kelsey Grammer and others are all openly republican and they still get work. Seems like the right has their own victim complex.

    • Everrett Fanuelli

      The right has been attacking Hollywood since movies were created. There’s a book called “Movie Made America” about the history of film. In the book the author cites many instances where groups like the Catholic church, upper class and government tried to castigate the movies as bad for the unwashed masses. It’s a good read.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      I think Depp’s observation was brilliant and snarky.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      And who on the left was defending Depp?

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      Hollywood is only hostile toward people nobody wants to pay to see. It’s an industry, not a charity. When Tim Allen can sell a ticket on his own merits, they’ll start casting him again.

      It’s a risk/reward argument. Is someone’s personal baggage too large for audiences to overlook? That’s the only thing that matters in the entertainment industry. I worked with this industry, it’s about talent and personality. If people don’t like you, no amount of talent is going to help.

      • Zippy W Pinhead

        Jon Voight is an asshole, but he gets work because he’s bankable

        • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

          Yeah, reward overrides the risk.

          It’s like this, it’s actually super rare for a hardline conservative to get work in the entertainment industry only because they’re not suited for it. You have to work with different classes, races, genders and you have to sometimes be the lowest man on the totem poll there. Johnny Depp, for example, got his first role in A Nightmare on Elm Street. He was not the lead. He had to play second fiddle to Heather Langenkamp and Robert Englund, both no more well known than he was.

          Conservatism is not typical in the entertainment industry for the same reason it’s not typical in the hospitality industry. Conservatism is a sense of entitlement. People who feel the world owes them something will be hard pressed to seek employment as a waiter, for example. Conservatism is beneficial for jobs in finance, but not service. You have to think of entertainment as an extension of the service industry mentality.

          Entertainment is also art. I cannot think of one conservative artist. I honestly can’t think of one viable entertainer of any kind that’s deeply conservative. Yes, there’s some country singers and Ted Nugent, but I kind of suspect they’re mostly pandering to their fan base, even if they do believe what they’re promoting. So, that’s basically it, I guess.

          • Maclare🌮

            “Conservatism is not typical in the entertainment industry for the same reason it’s not typical in the hospitality industry. Conservatism is a sense of entitlement.”

            Thank you. I’ve been trying to put my finger on the relative lack of conservatives in the arts. It’s all about dues paying.

      • ButtercuptheHarelessRabbit

        Right? If Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson can still get work, Allen needs to STFU and stop whining.

    • HazooToo

      What he said wasn’t dumb because it was dumb, it was dumb because it feeds that victim complex of theirs.

  • II Gosala

    In other news:

    “34 House Democrats ask the Justice Department to investigate Jeff Sessions for violating his recusal from the Russia probe”

  • Résistance Land Shark Ω

    Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt. They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf.

    Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies.

    — Exodus 32

  • Joe Beese


    Republicans would be wise to make their stands against such behavior vocal and decisive. There will come a time when the stench of this administration will rub off on every Republican representative down the ladder.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      Which is a good thing. The GOP needs to go the way of the NSDAP and the CPSU.


    • Résistance Land Shark Ω
    • II Gosala

      “Will come a time”?

      What did the old Honeywell add say? The future is now.

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      when even the morons at red state are starting to get a clue and can see the handwriting on the wall…

      • Résistance Land Shark Ω

        And I would ask the “left” not to be nice about this. You don’t get to go from supporting trump to denying him without repercussions.

        • Suttree

          Kick them in the nuts so hard the next generation is embarrassed for them.

          • Résistance Land Shark Ω

            Last night I went on a tear about this … never, ever, ever let any one of these dirtbags forget this. Never let them forget they chose money over people’s health. Never let them forget they allowed the US to become a laughingstock so they could pass their evil, twisted agenda.

            “Never forget”

  • Bebecca

    I’ve read a lot about this today and I’ve never seen anyone address whether they think Mika was actually bleeding profusely from her face. I don’t think she was, she probably wouldn’t be out and about.

    • HazooToo

      She wasn’t. There are pics. Wonkette even had some.

      • Villago Delenda Est

        Yup, pics all over Twitter. Donald is a serious dumbass.

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      There was a pic of her tweeted at the time, a closeup of her face. She looked fine, not a drop of blood. The boy king was lying…

      • Granny Sprinkles

        Also too, there would be visible swelling.

    • Granny Sprinkles

      It’s a sad state of affairs when we just accept as a given that president is lying.

    • Edith Prickly

      She looked fine in the pictures from the party. But exactly – even if there weren’t pictures, who the hell would be at a NYE party if they’d just had surgery and were still bleeding?

      • WotsAllThisThen

        Gary Busey?

      • LucindathePook

        Also, as someone has already said, what is this thing with women bleeding?? I’d love to hear from Ivana, Marla or Melonhead about his behavior during their periods. I mean, did they have to live in a shack out in the yard, or what?

    • Mehmeisterjr

      I assume he was doing his usual projection thing and attributing to Mika what actually applies to Kellyanne, the mysteriously absent-one who has re-emerged with a bizarre absence of wrinkles and bags and the same old lying routine.

      • Suttree

        “I thought you said the one with the blonde hair.”

        • Mehmeisterjr

          Just learned Lisa Simpson stole pearls idea from SHS. Also Maggie: face lift. So-called first amendment won’t let you know this. Repeal and replace.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      Like everything the man has tweeted, this is a complete lie. His tweets are completely uncontaminated by truth.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Less then one million people watch Morning Joke daily. Just saying. President Pussypants might not be giving them so much attention.

  • saraeanderson

    Jesus fuck. Turns out there are infinite ways to be disgusting.

  • Sorry for the repost, but I believe Jesus said, “That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also” and “And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them”. In other words don’t continue the fight, wash your hands of them.
    It would be nice if Sarah is going to bring her religion into this, she would at least listen to the person she is supposed to be following. The only thing I can figure is that there is an alternative text in two Corinthians that suggests you hit back ten times harder.
    Jesus wept.

  • beingreleased
  • Mr. Blobfish

    Trump has offered to take Mika furniture shopping,

    • Résistance Land Shark Ω

      Ikea date?

      • Suttree

        Ikea is soo expensive far away, why don’t we just stop at Goodwill?
        -Turnip on a date

  • Wellstone En Resistencia, Coño

    I don’t feel sorry for Sarah. I’m sure she doesn’t enjoy the daily shit show Spicer makes her muddle through every day but she chooses to do it. So, fuck her for being the tool she is and fuck her for being so lousy at it. She’s fucking useless.

  • Jamoche

    “I think the American people elected somebody who’s tough, who’s smart, and who’s a fighter.”

    Yes, but the EC picked the other guy.

  • baconzgood

    This post articulats my rage perfectly. Good jerb Evan.

  • OneYieldRegular

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders is NOT a good person. And that is not an attack.

  • MaryMitch

    I got BINGO from my “Trump Excuses” card about 2 minutes into her defense of His Whineness.

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      Granted, “I’m the real victim here” is the free space

  • DensityDestiny

    Dear Evan,
    I am your number one fan (SHUT UP, I AM TOO!!!) and I especially love your super creative Trump insults. But the bit about grundle and ketchup…well, that image was so mesenterrically vivid that I lost my lunch, ten IQ points and the rest of my afternoon which will now be spent bleaching my brain. NEVER STOP!!!!!!!


    • EvanHurst

      Sometimes I have contests to see if I can gross MYSELF out. This was one of those times.

  • II Gosala

    National Review, but worth the read

    — As we’ve learned countless times since his inauguration, President Trump is the exact same person as celebrity Trump and candidate Trump. He’s crass, vicious, and petty.

    — It’s a sad symbol of our times that one feels compelled to actually make an argument why the president is wrong here.

    — It doesn’t matter if Mika has been “mean” to Trump. Nor does it matter that we can point to any number of angry personal attacks on Trump from others. We have to get past the idea that another person’s bad acts somehow justify “our” side’s misconduct

    — Attacking Mika like this doesn’t silence her or anyone at MSNBC. It doesn’t move the ball downfield on repealing Obamacare. It does, however, make more people dislike Donald Trump. It’s a misuse and abuse of the bully pulpit,

    — please stop with the ridiculous lie that this is the only way to beat the Left.

    — A conservative can fight for tax reform, celebrate military victories over ISIS in Mosul, and applaud Trump’s judicial appointments while also condemning Trump’s vile tweets and criticizing his impulsiveness and lack of discipline. A good conservative can even step back and take a longer view, resolving to fight for the cultural values that tribalism degrades. Presidents matter not just because of their policies but also because of their impact on the character of the people they govern. Conservatives knew that once. Do they still?

    • Résistance Land Shark Ω

      In a word, “No.”

      • II Gosala

        And thereby hangs the tale

        • Résistance Land Shark Ω

          When the conservatives embraced the religious right in order to gain votes, they sold their collective souls to zealots. Now they have no way to walk it back: they will forever be mired in this social conservative agenda which embattles them.

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      Sorry NRO, but you’ve been an enabler of this vile and boorish behavior for decades now. You helped pushed that snowball down the hill, you don’t get to whine now that it’s turned into an avalanche. Until you all do a deep, honest and unflinching look in the mirror and assess your complicity in turning the GOP into the rank dumpster fire that it is today, nothing will ever change. As long as the Bobos and Douchehats and people like you continue to try to spackle over the fundamental problems with the angry, screaming, foaming at the mouth crowd that your party has become, it will continue to sink into the sewer where it belongs. Good fucking riddance…

    • therblig

      made it as far as “good conservative”. any philosophy which cares so much about money at the expense of people, is morally bankrupt.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      A conservative can fight for tax reform, celebrate military victories over ISIS in Mosul, and applaud Trump’s judicial appointments while also condemning Trump’s vile tweets and criticizing his impulsiveness and lack of discipline


      What tax “reform?”

      What “victories” over ISIS?

      And his judicial appointments? Oy!

      You bought all of this crap and knowingly traded it for his vile tweets, impulsiveness and lack of discipline. (And you forgot about the sex crimes. Oops!)

      C’mon, NR, he’s the bad boy on the block and you are just afraid he won’t invite you to the Prom.

    • sgt. jmk of the résistance

      Funny stuff from the folks who put him in the White House and are now mostly concerned about his damage to their brand, not to the damage he’s doing to people’s lives.

      “Oh look how we shake our heads in his direction and make tsk-tsk sounds with our teeth… how principled we are!!”

      • alwayspunkindrublic


    • Mehmeisterjr

      Two Corinthians walk into the editorial offices of The National Review.

      Corinthian One: He’s vile, vicious, and petty. This would never be countenanced at the Country Club.

      Corinthian Two: He misuses and abuses his bully pulpit for actual bullying. Skull & Bones would recoil at this kind of behavior.

      Corinthian One: I will vote for him every time.

      Corinthian Two: So will I.

      Corinthians One and Two: Uh, oh. Here comes a bus that we might thrown under. Surely he wouldn’t…!!!!!!,11,111,11,1!1,x!,1,!

  • Zippy W Pinhead
  • Résistance Land Shark Ω

    “It is not worth while to strain one’s self to tell the truth to people who habitually discount everything you tell them, whether it is true or isn’t.”

    – Autobiography of Mark Twain

  • natoslug

    Listening to her talk makes my soul bleed.

    • mardam422

      That’s almost like bleeding from your wherever, isn’t it?

      • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance

        The wherever is the space wherein the soul exists, as I recall.

  • Bub, Zombie of the Resistance

    Donnie is tough? I don’t think so. He is a bully and a blowhard. Bullies and blowhards are never tough. They go through life blustering and obnoxious, trying to intimidate people by sheer volume. But when someone stands up to them, looks them in the eye and says “fuck you,” they turn into oily, obsequious little bitches. That’s exactly what Donald Trump has never had – someone to tell him to shut the fuck up. Or to punch him in the mouth. A solid punch in the mouth would have done Donnie a lot of good forty years ago. Unfortunately it’s too late now.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      To be fair, Putin did that exact thing and Trump has been his devoted servant ever since.

    • Smibo

      “Unfortunately it’s too late now.”

      Interesting hypothesis. What’s the next step in the scientific process?

      Something something, “with votes”, something something…

    • Thiazin Red

      This is pretty much the opposite of how an actually tough person acts.

    • LucindathePook

      Ralphie vs. Scut Farkas

  • WotsAllThisThen

    Just to clarify, she’s NOT the one who tortured a dog?

    • alpacapunchbowl

      Maybe not physically.

    • sgt. jmk of the résistance

      No, she is the sister of the one who tortured a dog, so she was raised with the same values.
      My guess is that she just never had the opportunity to torture a dog on her own.

  • Résistance Land Shark Ω
    • alpacapunchbowl

      Trump administration: “Hold my beer!”

  • “because Obama is a bigger man than Trump is.”

    Well, Trump is fatter, but I’m probably splitting hairs.

  • All Vulgarmort has to do is stop watching twelve hours of TV per day.

  • Brian Loudermilch

    They can put a New Clown behind the Podium as often as they want.
    The Suck is the same as it ever was. And the same as it will ever be.

  • NotALiar

    She doesn’t deserve the last name she shares with my man Bernie.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      She doesn’t deserve the first name she shares with Sarah Silverman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Vaughn and Sarah from the Bible.

      But she definitely deserves name Huckbee.

  • Chris Hall

    The only person I see a war on is this president and everybody that works for him.

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders, not good on numbers bigger than one.

  • Lyly Sirivong

    What a nasty woman.

  • Pisto75666

    “Finally, before we officially hit our wall of patience on this news story, here is Suckabee asking why we’re not more outraged at MIKA BRZEZINSKI for being MEAN TO THE PRESIDENT like ALL THE TIME to the point that TEARS TRICKLE DOWN HIS GRUNDLE AND MIX WITH THE SKIN FLAKES AND DRIED KETCHUP on his DISGUSTING FLAB-ASS INNER THIGHS.”

    My God, guys I just had dinner!

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