Comments on other people’s looks.

By now you know Donald Trump took a Trump-branded shit on his own message Thursday morning (did you know it was “Energy Week”? Us neither) by sending two tweets six minutes apart about how MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski is a gross Nasty Woman who gets face-lifts and proceeds to face-bleed all over the gold-plated sconces of Mar-a-Lago. We don’t know why there was a six minute lag time between the tweets. Maybe it just takes his tiny hands that long to finger-punch out tweets. Maybe his brain isn’t good enough to sound out words and compose sentences any faster. Maybe he was hunkered over the toilet concentrating on pooping out the burnt steak brick ‘n’ ketchup he had for dinner last night before he finished his very important presidential thought about Brzezinski.

And wouldn’t you know it, but a tiny handful (tiny enough for Trump to hold!) of Republicans are DISMAYED and SHOCKED and APPALLED by Trump’s tweets! They are so saddened and upsetted they decided to SAY SOMETHING. Let’s take a look!

Hey Congressional Republicans! Are you just WELL-I-NEVER-ING all over the place?

You tell ’em, Ben Sasse and Lindsey Graham! Having said that, Ben Sasse is now free to go back to voting for Trump’s agenda 95.2% of the time, while Lindsey Graham may carry on voting with Trump 93% of the time. But these two men (both of whom not-so-secretly hate Trump) are right. Good job saying so!

Next, here’s dead-eyed Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma:

Very nice statement! Lankford, having done his part to encourage the barely elected president to ACT SWEET, may now continue voting for Trump’s agenda at the insane rate of 97.7% of the time.

Here’s Speaker Paul Ryan (Trump score 100%), who grew enough of a spine this morning to say the tweets were not “appropriate,” then immediately pivoted to shilling about the Republican agenda. Good job, Mister Speaker!


Known Republican woman Rep. Lynn Jenkins, who has a truly alarming Trump score of 100%:

She’s completely right of course. Maybe in the future she will say it WITH VOTES.

Senator Susan Collins (Trump score 86%):

Senator John McCain (90.5%) and Rep. Carlos Curbelo (90.9 %):

Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia (Trump score 97.6%added that what Trump said was “distasteful,” like OH MY STARS.

Good job, all you Republicans in Congress! You did a really good job of saying Trump said the bad words and we should be more civil! Now go back to being Trump’s legislative lapdogs, and maybe afterward, you will get Snausages!

And now a word from the women of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

Noted anti-cyber-bullying activist Melania Trump, who also is the First Lady of America, knew just what to say:

That’s right! Punch back! Punch the lady in her face-lifted face! When the mean lady on MSNBC says something that pierces the thin, pock-marked skin of the man with the nuclear codes, he’s gotta punch back!

White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders chimed in on Fox News:


This is a president who fights fire with fire and certainly will not be allowed to be bullied by liberal media and the liberal elites within the media or Hollywood or anywhere else. […] I have seen far worse things come out of that show … directed not just at the president but everyone around him. And again this president isn’t going to sit back and not push back and he’s going to fight fire with fire and I think that’s exactly what he did today.

Awwwwww, the poor crybaby Trump got BULLIED, so he had to bully Mika RIGHT BACK! Holy shit, Sanders, you have officially rendered yourself unemployable after the Trump presidency ends, which at this rate, could be any day now.

The Daily Beast caught up with a couple of White House officials, who may or may not be women, so we’ll just include them right here:

“This is who the president is,” one official noted, adding the tweets were at least better than those about the travel ban or James Comey.

“At least you’re writing [about] this and not that we’re going to kill millions of people,” another White House official said, referencing the awful coverage of Trumpcare.

Oh, we’re still writing about that, don’t worry your little dick off, anonymous White House official!

On the other hand, the media is ready to fuck that motherfucker the fuck up.

In our post this morning, we included a tweet (retweeted by Mika’s sexxx lover Joe Scarborough) from Mark Kornblau, head of PR for MSNBC. It sums up how all sentient Americans feel right now:

That wasn’t MSNBC’s official statement, though it would have worked fine. This is the network’s official response:

That’s all well and good! Fake News CNN is pissed too:

It’s funny because CNN has been in the middle of a shitstorm this week over publishing a Trump-Russia scandal story that was likely only about 89% right. They took that story down, but if they feel like putting it back up just to stick their dick in Trump’s eye, Wonkette offers the following headline as a suggestion:

On Second Thought, This Trump-Russia Story Might Not Be Totally Perfect, But Good GOD Donald Trump Is A Cunt.

They don’t even have to pay us royalties! (Please pay us royalties.)

In conclusion, go fuck yourself Donald Trump and HOLY SHIT WAIT UP, Trump’s tweets about Mika weren’t only asshol-ish and disgusting, they were also LIES? We are FOR SHOCKED!

CNN’s Brian Stelter tweeted a picture of Mika Brzezinski at Mar-a-Lago, during the time when she was allegedly COVERED IN FACE-LIFT BLOOD:

Fucktroll babyhands popular vote loser can’t even do misogyny without lying. Weak! Sad!

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  • Kakariki
  • Kakariki
  • Everrett Fanuelli

    Ana Navarro is fucking shit up on CNN

    • Vincent Ricola

      “Mean, nasty, immature, unstable, crazy person, over-grown manbaby, get help.” Yay.

    • Joe Beese

      A-Nav will cut you like it ain’t no thing.

    • cheetojeebus

      OOo tell us more. Hang on…zip…Okay go!

    • Persistent Tennessee Rain

      She didn’t call him a “cunt” but you just know that’s what she’s thinking.

    • BigCSouthside

      The problem with Ana is at the end of the day she still will support the covksuckers that vote with trump 90+% of the time

  • Joe Beese

    At least you’re writing [about] this and not that we’re going to kill millions of people.


    • Pre-Truth Ron

      I’d think so, except he just isn’t smart enough to think strategically like that.

  • Scooby

    Ironically, this isn’t even his worst tweet.

  • Crank Tango

    Sarah has a wife? Mazel tov!

  • Michael Smith

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ response is the right-wing line on this, which is that this is just Trump firing back at the horrible liberal media that bullies and lies (CNN!!!) with no repercussions.

  • William

    Just a disgusting old man hiding behind twitter. That’s all

  • Fitzgerald Chesterfield

    I’m not buying that picture of Mika as evidence.
    Everyone knows face-lift blood comes out of your wherever

  • UncleTravelingMatt

    I wonder why he only GRR TOUGH-GUY PUNCHES BACK 10 TIMES AS HARD against Mika. Joe’s the one that does all the talking, but Big Ol’ Tough Guy Trump always seems to focus on Mika.

    • Darrell Imaginarian

      China seems to get lighter treatment.

    • Michael Smith

      He and his supporters share a common resentment of women

    • Covfefe

      You don’t suppose Mika shot him down on New Year’s Eve at Mar-a-Lago?

      • Pre-Truth Ron

        I’d take a small flutter on that.

  • Vincent Ricola

    “… but if they feel like putting it back up just to stick their dick in Trump’s eye, Wonkette offers the following headline as a suggestion:

    On Second Thought, This Trump-Russia Story Might Not Be Totally Perfect, But Good GOD Donald Trump Is A Cunt.”

    Please do this, CNN, you fuckers owe me.

  • chickadee

    Is this what these people teach their children (or were taught)? I guess we have the answer: all three Trump Original Recipe children, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her dog torturing and killing brother.

    • BMW

      +1 for “Trump Original Recipe children”.

  • MynameisBlarney

    Just when I think he’s reached Maximum Derpitude…

    • Rick Hill

      That belt always has a notch or two it can be let out

    • Pre-Truth Ron

      He’s achieved full fractal derp. No matter what scale you examine it at, it’s still completely derped up.

      • Pax Americana Per Ars Smith

        Chaos theory has a sad!

  • Rick Hill

    Jeebus, I can’t tell if this is all made up or real, anymore

  • Joe Beese

    On occasions like this, I visit the Ace of Spades HQ to get the feisty owner’s right-wing take on stuff.

    How can the flailing old women of the Nominal Right huff themselves up so much to pretend outrage that a guy being attacked by the media everyday decides to occasionally attack them back?

    I understand the leftist media’s interest in pretending that they’re behaving normally and haven’t rewritten the professional code of conduct to allow attacks on Trump which would have been near-hanging-offenses on Obama.

    But what is the interest of the sissified Nominal Right over defending the media and pretending along with them?

    We are not in a normal situation. Why do the sob sisters and pearl-clutchers of the Pretend Right insist on pretending the media’s behavior is normal and that it’s only Trump who’s guilty of “norm-breaking”?

    How much are we supposed to pretend to satisfy these sissies’ demands that we pretend we’re all Good Friends so that their delicate constitutions aren’t too discombobulated?

    Honestly, I wonder how anyone with this threatened a sense of masculinity manages to go out the front door each morning.

    • Pre-Truth Ron


    • Michael Smith

      Good, good, let them eat each other

    • UncleTravelingMatt

      I hadn’t heard “sob sisters” in a while. Good to know they haven’t abandoned the classics.

    • Ricky Gay

      #CUCK NEWS!

    • Oblios_Cap

      I guess he’s still upset about his BBQ being destroyed by the wind a few years ago. I don’t think he was able to get his “readers” to buy him another one.

    • MrTusks

      Trump apparently gets “attacked” by the media whenever they write down something he said and read it back to someone else.

    • BMW

      Was this written in a parralel universe, or is he really suggesting no one ever talked about Obama like that?

  • cheetojeebus

    Just did a scan through the chuckleheads who voted for this nutjob on my faceplace thing and see they are fucking ignoring everything that’s going on. With the exception of some dumbass meme about all the good things he’s done which required a suitable amount of head-desk banging. I really am hating those people right now.

    • Michael Smith

      Here in PA, most Penn State fans think Joe Paterno was dealt a terrible injustice after the child-raping scandals came out and he was fired and disgraced.

      Its that kind of tribal loyalty.

      • BigCSouthside

        President fuckface thinks that too

  • Mary Theresa

    OK, this is a post from another thread but worth a repeat.

    • Michael Smith

      “I said no!”

      Hahaha what the hell, I just can’t get over that part. Did he shout it? Did he shriek?

      • Pre-Truth Ron

        Being Donnie, my guess would be that it was the other way around. He sleazed up to her and she shut him down.

        • Mary Theresa

          That sounds about right.

    • Vagenda and Pee-ara

      What’s even more bizarre is that he’s claiming he didn’t hang out with them, when clearly he did.

      • Paul

        Just because you saw it with your own eyes DOES NOT mean it’s true, FFS.

        He is our Commander in Chief and deserves your praises and loyalty.

        • How about mocking and derision? I am pretty sure I can drum up some mocking and derision…..

          • Paul

            That’ll do in a pinch. Until you can locate some praise and loyalty.

            Please don’t wait too long though, his ego depends on patriots like you.

  • unagidon


    • Pre-Truth Ron


  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    So, Melania, cyber-bullying’s okay if the victim really, really deserves it?

    • Persistent Tennessee Rain

      “He’ll hit back ten times harder.” I suspect she’s speaking from personal experience.

      • 🛶🗣️ Mr Canoehead 🛶🗣️

        Isn’t hitting back ten times harder pretty much the definition of overreacting?

        • Persistent Tennessee Rain

          I never thought of it that way, but yes, yes it is.

  • Persistent Tennessee Rain

    I’d like for Sarah Sanders to point out the Bible verses where Jesus taught that we should fight fire with fire. Either that or admit she’s a shitty fucking hypocritical Christian.

    • Joe Beese

      It’s as if the things she says have no integrity.

      • Pre-Truth Ron

        She learned from one of the best.

    • Republican Jesus says, “You have heard it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’, but I say, if he pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. Amen.”

      • HarryButtle

        From the Gospel of Alphonse.

        • BreakingDeadMen

          Love the pancake breakfasts.

          • Riley Whodat Venable

            And margarine.

    • Mavenmaven

      As they hear it, it’s “a lie for a lie”.

    • Pax Americana Per Ars Smith

      An eye job for an eye job?

    • Michael Smith

      Well, anything’s fair game when you are defending Christianity from the forces of liberal evil atheism and homosexuality. The teachings of Christ don’t apply to your dealings with non-Christians! Next thing, you’ll be arguing that constitutional rights apply to non-citizens!

    • Riley Whodat Venable

      I prefer to fight fire with water.

  • Skwerl the Taco Hunter

    Fuck Trump

    • Persistent Tennessee Rain


    • Which one, because that is a very important question as to whether or not I’m giving consent.

  • Oh, no. The Republicans has a sad. But I bet that voting to take health care away from 22 million people to give the rich a tax cut would turn those frowns upside-down.

    Because nothing is more important than tax cuts, oppressing the gays, and making sure women don’t have total control over their own bodies. Even if it means your party’s standard bearer is a moronic geriatric toddler with tiny hands.

  • crisptickle

    Half the people so “upset” by it gleefully repeat the “offending” tweet in their response.

  • Toomush_Inferesistance

    Yeah, none of these asshats will demand an apology on behalf of that America they hold so dear….

  • WotsAllThisThen

    Sounds like Trump was bleeding from his wherever this morning.

  • Joe Beese

    Cue Alex Jones demonstrating how the facelift blood was Photoshopped out of that picture.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    So. Here we are.

    • Pre-Truth Ron

      Not by choice.

      • Toomush_Inferesistance

        “What do you mean?”


    • pussygrabber in chief

      Entertain us.

    • mardam422

      Thanks, Michigan.

  • Oblios_Cap

    tweets were at least better than those about the travel ban or James Comey.

    I’m not so sure about that.

  • thewalkindude

    War criminal backs Trump-
    Say what you will about President Donald Trump’s rhetoric, but the man still stands for American values just like all the others who served as president before him—at least, that’s what Condoleezza Rice says she believes.

    Advocating for Trump while appearing at the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship and KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit recently, the former secretary of state said Trump’s style of political speech didn’t take away from his having the United States’s best interests at heart.

    • Michael Smith

      His “style of political speech” is the least of our concerns, but, sure belittle our extremely reasonable qualms.

    • Skwerl the Taco Hunter

      She owes the man in front of me a new shirt for the coffee I just sprayed on him.

    • Pre-Truth Ron

      ‘Trump’s style of political speech didn’t take away from his having the United States’s best interests at heart.’
      Can’t take away what isn’t there, Condi, hon.

    • pussygrabber in chief

      “the man still stands for American values just like all the others who served as president before him”

      Except for that one guy. What was his name. You know, that Kenyan Muslim Marxist Nazi? It’s right on the tip of my tongue. . . .

  • Randy Riddle

    You know who else made public statements that were beneath the dignity of his office?

  • virgomusic
  • Skwerl the Taco Hunter

    I often read the great speeches of the United States. Trump will never give one.

    • Pre-Truth Ron

      I dunno, the ‘I resign’ one might be pretty epic. Especially if it gets personal.

  • Jo Mathie

    Oh bring on Kelly-Anne Conway, she of the perpetually frozen face to defend her lord and master, the spin will be brilliant! Also you must need horse strength tranquilizers to work in the White House right now.

    • Bebecca

      I imagine her response will be something like “Mika started it!”.

  • CogitoErgoBibo
  • sadboy

    NBC: Never imagined it would be beneath my dignity to respond to the President of the United States. ** goes back to reviewing ratings for Megan Kelly interview with false flag school children spree murder conspiracy theorist**

  • Crystalclear12

    I am so glad the Republicans had time to pearl clutch between the Granny killing and giving their donors blow jobs.

  • Relativicus

    Fuck you, Ms. Lindsey, Trump’s twat says nothing whatsoever about the state of American politics. But it does say plenty about conservative politics, none of it good, and none of it likely to get any better anytime soon because folks like you try to pin this shit on “everybody.” It’s not on everybody, Sister. It’s on you and yours. Everybody else just has to deal with it.

  • Christopher Story

    Amazing: The most powerful man in the world is so small he can still be bullied by a glorified daytime news pundit. Not to disparage Mika and the job she does, but it really is the equivalent of an elephant getting bullied by a mouse.

    • Doug Langley
      • Christopher Story

        That elephant is excerise healthy caution to the mouse’s presence. It didn’t run to its friends to complain how mean and unfair that mouse was for being there.

  • Joe Beese
    • Oblios_Cap

      That’s just fucked up.

    • Suttree

      Wasn’t she supposed to be somewhat “moderate”? Because she is an ass.

    • Darrell Imaginarian

      I’ll acknowledge that “peacekeeping” usually means “funding for armed garrisons in chaotic countries”. But for a wide variety of reasons it’s odd for the Trump administration to oppose that.

  • WotsAllThisThen

    EU leaders cheered when Trump’s commerce secretary got his mic cut. Imagine how we’ll all cheer when Twitter bans Trump for violating their terms of use.

  • SayItWithWookies

    How come all these Republicans just now noticed how vile, slanderous and immature Assmouth’s tweets are? Oh – because he’s attacking fellow Republicans. Well they’ll get over it just like Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio did.

    • Toomush_Inferesistance

      Paul’s busy using the cover for his college days wet dreams….

      • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

        As soon as Donnie Two Scoops can’t deliver on the agenda, he’ll go over the side. Not one second before.

        • Riley Whodat Venable

          25th the 45th

          • PabloDali

            By any means necessary.

  • canes_pugnaces

    The foul stench of Trump, the gas lighting, the perfidy, the ugliness is a non-stop horror show. That the GOP, and his cult members, are OK with this shit show is beyond belief.

  • Resistance Fighter Callyson

    This is a president who fights fire with fire and certainly will not be allowed to be bullied by liberal media and the liberal elites within the media or Hollywood or anywhere else.

    I agree–there is a difference between being held accountable for your statements and actions and being bullied. Glad we’ve reached a common understanding.

    Wait, what?

  • waspuppet

    Never forget, the bully never, ever, says he’s a bully. He’s always just defending himself.

    • Pre-Truth Ron


      • BackDoorMan

        … read elsewhere (here): “she hit me back first!” – the bully first line of defense. It will now forever be associated with BLOTUS 45 in my mind at least.

  • BMW

    Regarding the response by Sanders and Mrs. Trump (and Kellyanne Conway, who I have heard use this same argument about earlier tweets and insults), they seem to be missing an important reason why it is wrong for him to do this. People can understand him wanting to defend himself, but there’s a way to do it that involves actually refuting what others said instead of just lobbing irrelevant insults that prove nothing.

    If Donald Trump had been Pope Paul III, the Counter-Reformation would have just been a series of Papal Decrees denouncing Martin Luther’s hair and weight.

    • Pre-Truth Ron

      Hope you don’t mind if I spread that last around the intertubes. Riot!

      • BMW

        Do it!

    • WotsAllThisThen

      Martin Luther and is failing Reformation is in bigly need of a facelift. Sad!

    • TundraGrifter

      And, probably, Mr. Luther’s poor handwriting. Who could read that thing? Couldn’t he learn to print?

    • chimichanga

      He would definitely reinstitute indulgences for the 1% paid for with the sweat of the 99%.

    • cmd resistor

      Having been raised by Lutherans so with much Martin Luther history, that might have made it more interesting as a kid.

  • Mormos
  • Villago Delenda Est

    “Your tweet is beneath the dignity of your office”

    “Hold my beer.”

  • Hopefully the blood all over her face was actually her face turning bright red over the embarrassment over being in TRUMP DOMAIN.

    It would be kinda fun to see Joe punch Trump’s lights out (with a good left hook VOTES) the next time he sees him.

  • Jeff Mc Donald

    “At least you’re writing [about] this and not that we’re going to kill millions of people,” another White House official said…

    See? THIS is what is wrong with the current administration. They think that makes it all better. I won’t even get into the school yard level of argument about how “he did it too”, or “she pushed me first”. As for Melania, defender of all bullied people everywhere (in her family), we have know all along that she has no shame. So! Moving along, who wants to talk about how they are going to kill millions of people?

  • Joe Beese
    • Bub, Zombie of the Resistance

      Seriously…they got him a tiny phone receiver to make his hands look bigger, right?

      • Darrell Imaginarian

        That is pretty weird.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      His desk is always uncluttered from work.

      • cmd resistor

        Or sometimes cluttered with fake work.

  • Relativicus
  • Bananas Foster

    “As the first lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder.”

    This sounds like a plea for a domestic violence intervention.

    • Bub, Zombie of the Resistance

      Oh yeah. What is the first thing many abusers say after slapping the shit out of their partner? “She made me do it!”

    • Covfefe’s Evil Twin

      Melon can go fuck herself with a chainsaw.

  • Spurning Beer

    You hit me? I hit you. You criticize me publicly? I burn your house down. Fair is fair.

  • Doug Langley

    Even the kids at summer camp don’t whine and cry this much.

  • Ezio
  • Pre-Truth Ron

    Seriously, America, the joke isn’t funny at all any more. Send this idiot home and tell us who the REAL president is, okay? Please?

    • Oblios_Cap


      • Pre-Truth Ron

        No, SERIOUSLY.

    • Paperless Tiger

      This is the part of the movie where they realize that psychopaths are rather tiresome.

  • Joe Beese

    To Trump, women’s worth lies in their fuckability; it’s why he’s praised his own daughter by saying he’d sleep with her if they weren’t related. Trump’s tweet was meant to make Brzezinski seem grotesque and pathetic, a failure in the struggle to remain attractive—the only struggle that, in his eyes, really matters for women. (Another Vanity Fair story alleged that he only let his third wife, Melania, have a baby on the condition that she would “get her body back.”) The reference to Brzezinski “bleeding badly,” of course, also recalls his claim that Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her whatever” when she aggressively questioned him during a debate; he instinctively projects his own revulsion toward menstruation onto women who threaten him.

    I’m not sure that even well-intentioned men understand how relentlessly degrading this presidency is for many women. Having a man who does not recognize the humanity of more than half the population in a position of such power is a daily insult; it never really goes away. Perhaps this is why many women found the TV version of The Handmaid’s Tale so resonant, even though Trump, the former owner of a casino strip club, is the last person one can imagine instituting a Calvinist theocracy. Gilead’s fictional dystopia captures our constant incredulous horror at finding ourselves ruled by thuggish, unaccountable woman-haters who appear to revel in their own impunity.

    If there is the barest sliver of consolation, it’s that Trump appears almost as miserable and anxiety-ridden as we are. He’s losing the tiny bit of control he had. It’s better for Trump to show us all who he really is than to let his lackeys pretend he’s remotely worthy of his office. Every time he tweets, he reveals his presidency as a disgusting farce. Let’s hope he keeps doing it.

    • Everrett Fanuelli

      Oh it’s obvious he’s either done some shit with his daughter or come very close to crossing that line

  • Mavenmaven

    Too bad about the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, as clearly Trump has a sharply honed sense of humor, as in “so funny I forgot to laugh”.

  • mardam422

    Well, you got what you wanted. It’s burnt down. I can’t believe how low the Presidency has been taken. To think….that black guy put his feet on the desk!!!!111

  • msanthropesmr

    I think he’ll probably start attacking her dead father next.

  • jesterpunk

    My congress critter (100% Trump score) hasnt said anything about this yet.

  • Granny Sprinkles

    Bear with me guys, but I’m beginning to think there’s something wrong with him. Anyone else getting that vibe?

    • msanthropesmr

      What’s the plural of something?

      • Pax Americana Per Ars Smith


      • CafeenMan

        “What’s the plural of something?”

        All of them, Katie.

      • Granny Sprinkles

        Some… things

    • Vecchioivan

      What gave it away?

    • Bananas Foster

      Yep. He definitely fucks with his socks on.


      • TundraGrifter

        “Porn star style.”

        Earl Long liked to wear his cowboy boots. At least in the movie he did.

        • Riley Whodat Venable

          Sir or Madam,
          Even when used in humor I will not stand for the besmirching of the honor of Uncle Earl. As far as I know he is the only politician to be certified by psychiatrists to be sane enough to carry out his elected duties. Plus he gave my Brother in Law (Bryan) a pet goat when Bryan was 7.

      • Persistent Tennessee Rain

        Oh that’s a deal breaker, for certain.

      • BackDoorMan

        … socks AND sandals… I read it on the twitternet.

    • TJ Barke

      Noooo… Couldn’t be. Americans would never elect such a man…

    • TundraGrifter


    • Cat Cafe for the Prosecution

      I know, I’m just beginning to have the teeniest sense that there’s something a bit off–I’m probably wrong, I know, but…

  • Mary Theresa

    I’m going to give Trump 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 out of 5 💩’s for that tweet.

  • mardam422

    What a fuckstick.

  • ltmcdies

    Is it ever going to fucking end

    • BreakingDeadMen

      Like the Hindenberg

      • mackafritz

        I hope so. People actually survived the Hindenburg. Maybe we will too.

        • BreakingDeadMen

          Gasbags exploded. It’s the fatal design flaw.

      • TundraGrifter

        Remember this one?

        “What’s the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenberg?

        “One is a bloated Nazi gasbag. The other is a dirigible.”

      • Pre-Truth Ron

        ‘Oh the humanity! Oh, and the Republicans too. I guess.’

        • BreakingDeadMen

          Oh the Replicantity

    • Doug Langley

      Well gee, that meteor’s racing as fast as it can.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      Yes. And badly.

  • BreakingDeadMen

    Huckabee Sanders and Melania are as bad for enabling.

  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

    The most galling thing about these alt-right dicks is that they bully the hell out of everyone yet start whining and crying about being bullied whenever anyone calls them on their shit.

    • jesterpunk

      “You pointing out my racism means you are the real racist” You can substitute any other word in for racism too.

      • BreakingDeadMen

        No racist no racist you’re the racist

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      Yup. Because then we’re violating their “First Amendment rights” (Sarah Palin interpretation) or somesuch. They are allowed to spew whatever they want without challenge. We just have to take it.

      • jesterpunk

        Its even worse now, the NRA is basically saying its ok now to shoot anyone who dares question Trump.

        • mackafritz

          I thought the 2nd Amendment was to *protect* us from tyranny.

          • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

            Then the tyrants figured out how to exploit it.

          • jesterpunk

            Tyranny is people hurting the Snowflake in Chief’s feelings.

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Such rubbish. Sure, they can spew hate and lie to our faces but we can also say “you’re lying”. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

        I’ll add that it’s not possible to “bully” the president of the United States. It’s just not,

    • BreakingDeadMen

      Yellow snowflakes

      • Riley Whodat Venable

        So I picked up a yellow snowcone and crushed it in his right eye.
        I am stealing you concept of yellow snowflakes.

        • BreakingDeadMen

          Rub it, Nanook

    • Villago Delenda Est

      The alt-right assholes are the actual snowflakes.

      Always projection with them. Always.

  • jesterpunk

    Remember when we had a President who didnt attack everyone when they insulted him or questioned if he was born in the US? He instead focused on trying to get shit done.

    • A Groucho Marxist

      God, eight years of total embarrassment with that guy.

      • cmd resistor

        The shoe throwing guy will look pretty tame….

  • TundraGrifter

    If Mr. Trump doesn’t believe in women getting plastic surgery, why did he pay for his daughter’s Formica top?

    • BreakingDeadMen

      He doesn’t believe in them getting old. Boob jobs and the like are cool

      • TundraGrifter

        When his daughter got the work done I don’t think she was exactly “old.” Actually, I wouldn’t say she was old right now. Or very mature.

        • BreakingDeadMen

          Yeah, that’s my point, she was young, so she was still be carved into a ‘ten.’ Mika is past Trump’s ‘use by’ date.

    • Randy Riddle

      I thought Formica Top was the name of a drag performer.

      • BreakingDeadMen

        Drag prop comic

        • WotsAllThisThen

          I saw him at the Mirage in Vegas. Not on purpose, of course.

          • BreakingDeadMen

            Could be worse. I saw Cosby. I was even proud to be there.

          • WotsAllThisThen

            You know what they say. If you remember your encounter with Cosby you weren’t really there.

          • BreakingDeadMen


      • TundraGrifter

        Could be. I stole it from Dolly Parton.

  • Scooby

    Republicans are becoming really good at feigning surprise.

  • jesterpunk

    Hey Melon what about this? Is this just more people being mean to Trump?

    • WotsAllThisThen

      Well yeah, she questioned the size of his… uh… popular vote.

    • Villago Delenda Est

      Nancy Pelosi is being mean to poor widdle Donald just by existing.

  • Pax Americana Per Ars Smith

    I can’t wait to see Sarah defending the president for attacking a woman about her looks. I’m sure no one has ever attacked her for her looks. I mean, Sarah is so attractive in a Walmart/bingo parlor kind of way.

    • pussygrabber in chief

      After this, I’ll have no problem attacking her for her looks because I know she’s cool with that kind of thing.

      • WotsAllThisThen

        Are we really supposed to hit her ten times harder? Because I’m not exactly comfortable with that, morality-wise.

        • pussygrabber in chief

          “Ten times harder” is Melania’s thing. “Fire with fire” is Sarah. But to be honest, I’m okay with either approach. I’m not a “keep turning the other cheek until I’m a bloody pulp” kind of gal.

    • Nyumbu

      So you like her cut-rate botox that gives her those Jack Nicholson eyebrows?

    • Edith Prickly

      She looks like Mike in drag.

  • timpundit

    If only people knew what a disrespecting bastard of a person he was BEFORE the election.

  • Ryan Denniston

    “We don’t know why there was a six minute lag time between the tweets.”

    I know what I am doing when I go home. I am gonna totally Zapruder Morning Joe. What segment could have possibly made him angry, and were there any 6 minute blocks that could have plausibly distracted Donald from his ragegasm.

  • pussygrabber in chief

    I’d be fine if all these republicans clutching their pearls strangled themselves.

    • NellCote71

      Or missed the fainting couches they are falling on. I would say they would break their backs when falling, but I think a spine is required for that to occur.

  • William
    • armed_bears

      And if he was up at 3 am, he was gettin’ some stuff done.

      • TundraGrifter

        That’s what she said.

      • Villago Delenda Est

        Probably deescalating a crisis that would have Donald tied up in knots.

  • dslindc
  • Mike Wallace

    Has Donald Trump been spousably abusing Melania with punches to the face in the bigliest of ways? People are asking.

    • 🛶🗣️ Mr Canoehead 🛶🗣️

      It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

    • Rags

      Not the face! Not the face! Anything but the face!

  • Bub, Zombie of the Resistance

    Trump is scum. Not only is he scum, but he’s worse, more vile, more disgusting scum than even many of us who loathed him ever believed possible. He does not have one single redeeming characteristic. Not one! He is the noisome scum from the surface of a pigshit lagoon, skimmed off, poured into an ill-fitting suit and animated by ignorance, hatred and pure, unfettered, untrammeled greed. I hope that the date that he eventually leaves or is removed from office will one day be celebrated as a U.S. national holiday. On the day he dies I will pour myself a drink, light a cigar and enjoy a few moments of deeply satisfied reflection on the fact that he is no longer befouling our planet, no longer breathing the same air as me.

    Fuck Donald J. Trump. I don’t believe there is a hell, but if there is, few human beings have ever more richly merited being condemned to spend eternity there.

    • mackafritz

      I imagine a hell for him where he is completely ignored by everyone forever.

      • Villago Delenda Est

        Makes The Devil and Miss Jones look like a happy ending, it does.

    • elviouslyqueer

      If it’s true that only the good die young, this motherfucker is probably going to live to be 150.

    • NellCote71

      when that day comes, we Wonkateers need to pledge to meet at a place most convenient to everyone and drink our silly brains out.

      • A Groucho Marxist

        Can we all hold hands and sing Elvis Costello’s “Tramp the Dirt Down”?

      • marxalot

        Can someone please score some acid or something so I can enjoy myself too?

        • SweetDeeKat

          Let me join the line behind you.

    • Courser_Resistance

      I’m not religious or in any really believe in this shit, but as far as I’m concerned Trump is the AntiChrist foretold in ancient texts. It doesn’t really look overtly mythological, or whatever, but in fact, he is the equivalent of the anti-Christ the way he’s quickly destroyed whatever hegemony the nations of the world had been able to achieve. The EU is properly hunkering down.

      Aside from religious prophecy, it’s essentially what we’re seeing. The decline of the Western World.

  • TundraGrifter

    The First Lady says Mr. Trump fights fire with fire.

    So he accused Ms. Brzezinski of posting fake Time Magazine covers with her photo on them?

  • elviouslyqueer

    Every time Shuckabee Sandblasters opens her fetid maw, a bunny gets his brolly.

  • Les Appentis De la résistance

    “Energy Week” or Weak Energy?

  • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

    I thought the smarter of Trump’s minions DID allow him to do this to “SQUIRREL!” the world away from the healthcare bill, but then I realized that would be stupid, as there is nothing going to happen to that till after the 4th.

    IOW, Trump neatly gave the media something to write about until the senate reconvenes.

    • HazooToo

      I wouldn’t be so sure. Don’t trust McConnel.

      • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

        that actually crossed my mind yesterday. Get every one out of town, then call a special vote.

        People would raise holy hell, but the R’s wouldn’t care.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      I call BS. He watches them every morning.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      Also to SQUIRREL the travel ban vote today.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    We need a president that is going to go to DC and shake the place up.

    • TundraGrifter

      Instead we got an Administration that went to DC and is dedicated to shaking the place down.

    • II Gosala

      Mr. Smith. Calling Mr. Smith!

    • Boscoe

      I’d vote for a president with mutant earthquake powers!

  • FDRliberal

    The only reason this scumbag has not been impeached yet is because of clowns like Sasse and Graham, who continue to protect him in order to get their fucking tax cuts. Stop wringing your hands over the scumbag’s obnoxious tweets and help get him out of office.

    • mackafritz

      Why do they care if Trump is in office? The next in line is just as awful. Maybe more so, since he’s only a religious kook and not just a kook.

      • FDRliberal

        They are scared of Trump’s cultist, deranged base, far more than Trump himself.

        • Natalie Au Natural Hedonist

          Rightly so I suspect.

      • Two reasons:
        A: FDR mentioned the cult of Trump
        B: When the shit hits the fan and people are hurting, and they will be, they can blame it on that maverick Trump, not the GOP.

        • Mystery_Poster

          They’ll still find a way to blame Obama.

        • teele

          True, this, so I no longer refer to the Dolt’s antics using his name, but blame all his bullstink on republicans in general. They own him, now. He is Mr. Top Republican in Charge, and his every action represents all of them.

      • Boscoe

        Yep. And waiting behind him is PAUL RYAN. I say we stick with the Drumphster fire, it’s actually better than the alternatives.

  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

    Now I have to call and fax about the damned Muslim ban. He’s trying to sneak it to a vote TODAY. It defunds sanctuary cities among other horrific things. That stupid ruling by the SC is being taken way out of proportion. Of course, you give Donnie an inch and he’ll take it to the Sun and back.

  • Rags

    And, courtesy of yr Wonkette itself, is a photo of Mika bleeding all over 4-5 at that very party….

    • cmd resistor

      Well it is obvious that the bleeding part is blocked out by the guy standing in front of her.

  • Sophia

    I was never quite sure how I felt about Melania. Fuck that shit now. She’s as bad as he is.

    • Persistent Tennessee Rain

      She lost me when she went on television promoting that racist birther shit.

  • MynameisBlarney
    • I love the taken down ones especially XD Cause you are know babby fingers will see that and flip his shit

    • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

      wonder why the Irish and Scottish ones were the only ones actually taken down.

      Might be because British/European media laws are much more strict.

      • TundraGrifter

        Thank you for reminding me! The “Trump Crest” he displays everywhere like the tail of a drunk peacock is stolen from the Post family. He tried to use it in Great Britain but they actually have laws about such things.

        • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

          yeah, I don’t even know all that much about it, to tell you the truth.
          I just know the intersection of media and law is very complicated and very much unlike the American one.

          • TundraGrifter

            Great Britain still takes the heraldry stuff pretty seriously. You can’t just haul off and claim a fake family crest. They have laws about that stuff – and then enforce them. Mr. Trump discovered the Post Family’s when he purchased the Palm Beach property and just started using it as his own (replacing the Latin motto with his name). Sound familiar?

      • cmd resistor

        I think I read somewhere that in at least one of those foreign places it was because tourists asked them to because they didn’t want to see it.

    • cmd resistor

      So when is Trump going to tweet nastily about Fahrenthold? Guess it would be too hard to spell and he is just included in the failing WAPO.
      It would be interesting to see if someone asks Sarah Fuckabee about the Time cover. Actually I think maybe they did and she blew them off yesterday.

  • Rags

    Repub reactions – Squirrlez!! Squirrelz!!!! Nothing else to see here!!!!!

  • Mr. Blobfish

    So, this is the important news trump needs to get to the people unfiltered by the MSM?

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      Apparently. Might also be part of that “big surprise” he promised yesterday.

      If he’s going to resign, can’t he announce it on the twelfth? It’s my birthday and I deserve something nice for a change.

  • nightmoth

    Ya’ll remind me again why you feel sorry for Melania?

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      Because. . . I mean she– Umm. . . I dunno, never felt sorry for her at all. Honestly, she could have left at any time.

      • Mystery_Poster

        I don’t feel sorry for her, either. She fucked a gross, old man for money and power. Now she’s got exactly that.

        • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

          Also, she’s a public figure. If she’d decided to leave him, there’d be no shortage of people willing to step up and help her out. It’s not like she’s an isolated woman in the styx. I know that’s cruel, but I also know it’s true.

    • pussygrabber in chief

      I’ve never felt sorry for her. She’s a dishonest whore. (I have no problem with the honest ones.)

    • I always figured she was sold into marriage.

      • nightmoth

        I figured she sold herself.

  • nightmoth

    I want Miss Lindsey for First Lady. At least, he has good manners.

  • Rags

    Here, courtesy of yr Wonkette – a pic of Mika bleeding all over 4-5 at that very party.

    • Rags

      oops – duplicate post; Discus bork…..

  • Once again, Melly, he is not punching back 10X as hard.
    He is lying about things and insulting people
    Not a punch; just cyber bullying. Hope that helps!

  • JAKvirginia

    I’m not sure why you would, but if you’ve ever wondered what it must be like to be married to Donnie… now you know.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    “I’m told ‘Chopped’ judges were VERY unfair to Chef Beth last night. Queer-I Ted better step in to fix show or I will!” #DeletedTrumpTweets

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack


    • Cat Cafe for the Prosecution

      “Hardworking Jack just wanted an apartment with “Paris charm,” but bleeding Laura forced him into one in Neuilly with modern applicances! Cancel House Hunters International!”

  • Paperless Tiger

    Great gymnastics over at Red State as they try to pretend they’re above all this.

  • marxalot

    This is “punching” in the same way a third-grade slapfight is “punching,” complete with the screwed-up face and the high pitched keeining.

    • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

      it’s the playground bully fighting back against fair criticism with more bullying – and the rightwing rags are the helicopter mom telling everyone it’s okay cause he’s a snowflake.

      I just may have tortured that analogy to death. My condolences to it.

    • TundraGrifter

      And the windmill hand waving.

      • marxalot

        Yup. Picture him, face all the way averted, eyes closed, lumbering forward with his forearms in T-Rex position, desperately flapping his tiny hands.

  • OrdinaryJoe

    There is something positively deranged about this man’s fixation with bleeding and women. Really bizarre.

    • For a supposed germaphobe he really displays no germphobic tendencies.

  • TundraGrifter


    TO: The World
    FROM: Me
    DATE: Today

    Subject: President Trump’s Tweets

    Here’s what we do: IGNORE Mr. Trump’s Tweets. All of them. Don’t write about them, don’t talk about them, don’t re-Tweet them.

    He won’t be able to withstand the lack of attention. Confused, hurt and alone, he will double-down with even more crazed nonsense.

    We continue to not pay attention and he will self-destruct. With votes. Also.

    • mackafritz

      Just hope there is no collateral damage from his self-destruction. He may drop a nuke on someone just for the attention.

      • Boscoe

        Maybe himself though, so possibly worth the risk.

    • IDK. Ignoring the bully does not really work. Just makes them think you secretly agree with them because you are so silent about it.
      I kinda liked Mika’s response the best of all of them. He won’t get it, and it will make him mad he does not get it, and he will fire the poor SOB he commands to translate it for him

    • Darrell Imaginarian

      Most of these tweets are for the purpose of firing up his caveman base. They love this stuff. They aren’t going to ignore his tweets. They will like and retweet every one 100000 times.

      • TundraGrifter

        Which actually makes no sense at all because his base is as adamantine as his head.

  • Jenny

    Seems weird so many people are noticing that he is a loser cry baby asshole. Better late than never.

    • TundraGrifter

      I wish I could be as generous as you are but I can’t. To all the people so late to this party: Fuck you!

      • Boscoe

        Yeah I’m with you, I’d be more forgiving if his utter contemptible horribleness wasn’t so completely OBVIOUS THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    When Melon says her husband punches back ten times harder, we should believe her.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    While it’s true duh preznit is a jerk baby, it’s hard to feel sorry for Mika. Her and Joe were all buddy buddy with trump and gave him lots of free airtime.

    • Boscoe

      yeah, I don’t have any specific sympathy for them, it’s just the principle of the thing. A “president” acting like this is just nauseating and depressing.

    • TundraGrifter

      I would agree with you that they pushed his candidacy and were remarkably tolerant of his many obvious flaws. That doesn’t mean she (or we) deserve this. We need to always stick up for the people that it may be kind of hard to stick up for. It’s no challenge to defend the Obama Family from all the crap they had to deal with. That’s a four inch gimmie.

    • Darrell Imaginarian

      They were so buddy buddy Joe and Mika were at that New Year’s Party, chatting up Trump, and Mika looked very nice and not bleeding at all. There’s pictures to prove it. So in that sense… I do empathize with her in that she’s being attacked by a complete fucking psycho with no grip on reality. Just like the rest of us.

  • Pilotshark

    so Don is that what you tell Melania? when she says something?

    Don: Melania why don`t you shut up and go bleed from somewhere.

    Melania how in the hell are you going to fight bullies when you can not even stand up for yourself, you first need to gain some respect for yourself.

    • pussygrabber in chief

      Melania doesn’t care about fighting bullies. She has everything she wants, and self-respect isn’t one of those things.

      • teele

        And apparently she doesn’t want it for her son, either. Tiffany is the only one of his children to have a mother who cared enough about her child to keep The Dolt away from her.

  • II Gosala

    Leaders punch up.
    Bullies punch down.
    Trump lashes out.

  • TundraGrifter

    Here’s my most up-to-date roster. Can anyone add one I’m missing?

    #1 – Fake Time Magazine covers posted at his golf clubs.
    #2 – Fake claim to have been named “Michigan Man of the Year” in 2011.
    #3 – Fake claim to have received a major award from the US Marine Corps.
    #4 – Fake claim to have received a civil rights award along with Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks.
    #5 – Fake hotel awards posted at his properties (and formerly listed on his Presidential campaign website) he purchased from “Joey No Socks.”
    #6 – Fake heraldic crest he stole from the Post family and tried to pass off as his own.
    #7 – Fake contributions to charities – including running an un-registered “foundation” that made an illegal $25,000 political contribution that still hasn’t been refunded.

    • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

      does Fake “University” count?

      Also, fake total net worth?

    • Persistent Tennessee Rain

      #8 – Fake friends who died on 9/11

      • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

        ah yes, fake muslims dancing on tops of buildings in New Jersey.

    • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

      gah, how could we forget!?
      FAKE INAUGRATION CROWD SIZE. (or inflated one)
      Also Fake Biggest Electoral College Win or whatever that nonsense was about and Fake Popular Vote Win (by including Fake Illegal Immigrant Voters and excluding California).

      • TundraGrifter

        Thank you! I was trying to limit my list to fake awards and accolades. The NYT recently published a long list of his lies. I don’t have THAT much free time on my hands…

        • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

          ah! Fair point then. (Although I think his claims about the pop vote and EC win count as a “fake award and accolade” – but hey, it’s your list. ; )

          • TundraGrifter

            I can’t argue with your fancy pantz librul “logic.” It’s just a matter of time. I don’t have that much…I’m supposed to be working. My wife thinks I still have a job.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      FAKE being at the top of his class at Wharton.

      • TundraGrifter

        Thank you! Mr. Trump always claims to have graduated from the Wharton School of Finance – to suggest he has an MBA. Nope. He went to the U of Pennsylvania and attended some undergraduate classes at Wharton. Has anyone ever seen his school records or diploma? Of course not!

    • C4TWOMAN

      Fake Bowling Green Massacre –wait, that was Kellyanne. Never mind.

    • JD Mulvey

      “drain the swamp”

  • Jenny

    Melon Trump’s platform isn’t preventing cyber bullying, it is supporting her husband’s cyber bullying.

    And the motherfucker is old, fat, and out of shape. All he has is a loud mouth. Attempting to actually punch harder would result in a coronary.

    You’re a grown ass woman, Melon. Supporting the idea of a “protective, fighting husband” is a fucking joke when he leaves your ass on the curb to chase cameras.

  • BigCSouthside

    Can’t wait for Ivanka to tell me her dad is a champion for women

    • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

      didn’t trump say through the campaign nobody loves and respects women more than he does?

      Weird idea of love and respect, that.

    • Thiazin Red

      Its also a bit rich him criticizing having plastic surgery since his wife and daughter that he wants to bang aren’t exactly 100% organic.

    • CaliCheeseSucks

      Give her time to “architect” that response!

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    As a side observation about Little Babby Donnie and the FAKE NEWS Time covers he plastered all over his atrocious golf clubs …

    As many have noted, he has actually been on the cover of Time many times. And he is rich. And he has a model TWENTY-FIVE years his junior for a wife. And he is President of the United States of America. (pause to clean vomit off the keyboard) And he is unhappy all the time, angry all the time, insecure all the time. The only satisfaction he seems to get is in belittling others and undoing Obama’s presidency because Obama roasted him at the White House Correspondents Dinner, seven years ago.

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      I’m actually willing to believe that he didn’t know about these particular Time coves being all over the place. I mean, he’s a total fuckwit and a crook and a deplorable puddle of dicksnot with bad hair, but I don’t know if he attended to every single decorative detail in the resort, you know?

      • AnnieGetYerFun

        NOT that I’m not enjoying the living hell out of all the memes that have come from this. I am.

      • Thiazin Red

        I can totally see someone making something like you would for your dad on his birthday, and he is such a moron he thought it was real and ordered it put up everywhere.

        I can also totally see him ordering someone to make them and put them up everywhere.

        • AnnieGetYerFun

          That, too.

      • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

        Trump doesn’t get a free pass on any detail from his personal/business life. He nitpicks others with cruel glee over things that are one, two, three steps removed. For example…

        The 2011 DNC email from Jennifer Palmier to John Podesta (& others) about how conservative Catholics support policies counter to many of the church’s positions. Here’s what Trump said about that at the Al Smith Dinner last year: “For example, here [Hillary] is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics.”

        No free pass for Trump.

        • AnnieGetYerFun

          It’s not a pass so much as not really wondering “what was he thinking???!” because it’s unlikely that he ever has.

      • CaliCheeseSucks

        Eh, I guarantee that when it comes to something being displayed with his face on it, he’s looped in for all approvals.

  • weejee

    Arkansas diabetic, or one in the making, oinked what?

  • keenanjay

    When I retired from the Army I was pretty much ready to go. Today I’m glad that I never served under an asshole like this. I would have had to show deference, by regulation, to this disgusting pig. I work with a bunch of active duty Trump supporters who seem to have nothing but glowing praise for Trump. Strangely, I recall no reticence by them to defame Obama when he was CInC. The rest are mum on the subject as it is their duty to do so.

    Every time I hear someone say that they delayed their retirement to avoid receiving a retirement congratulations letter signed by Obama I want to puke on their shoes.

    • pussygrabber in chief

      I would suggest that you actually puke on their shoes, but that much puking isn’t good for you.

    • C4TWOMAN

      I know from both personal experience and anecdotally, enlisted personnel aren’t the most politically savvy. The usual media outlets aren’t bombarding you all day so you don’t casually pick up things that might change your mind. And your social circle is quite limited. Maybe the Internet made a difference–I got out before it was big. But most people I know had the same politics leaving as when they entered.

    • That reminds me. I saw a high schooler post a picture of one of those president’s education awards, signed by Trump. He was asking Obama if he’d be willing to cross out Trump’s signature and sign it with his name instead.


    This is a president who fights fire with fire and certainly will not be allowed to be bullied by liberal media and the liberal elites within the media or Hollywood or anywhere else….

    I’ve raised my eyebrows so far, they’ve disappeared into my hair line. They may, possibly, never return….

  • TX Dept. of Space Tacos

    I guess teh daily press briefing is starting soon, anybody liveblog it for us? I just can’t stand it.

    (Also, is it good or bad that WH Press Briefings are now daily breaking news. The short time I was working, it seemed like CNN was running them live every day).

  • I rarely give Mika credit for anything, but her tweet response was perfect.

  • Notreelyhelping

    I dunno, but I’m scratching my head about this breaking through. Granted, it’s vile, stupid, and mean-spirited, but so are 95% of Trump’s tweets. I wonder if he could have grazed an electrified rail because so many wealthy people (men and women) discreetly pop into the doctor to get a bit of tightening or a dab of Botox?

    Don’t grind your teeth, affluent persons: it’s really hard on the caps.

  • AnnieGetYerFun

    “Expressing concern” is pretty much just “thoughts and prayers.”

  • BreakingDeadMen

    If I were a class action lawyer, I would be contacting Mika, Katy Tur, the gentleman Trump mocked on the campaign trail for his disability, and everyone else who has been defamed by this man while they were trying to do their job.

    • Persistent Tennessee Rain

      Mika can certainly prove the statement is false and was made with malice. She could sue him for defamation.

  • Nockular cavity

    At least you’re writing [about] this and not that we’re going to kill millions of people…because, you know, WE ARE.”

    • alpacapunchbowl

      Thank you for looking at that squirrel!

  • Iam Reading

    Funny how the outrage only ramps up when he insults or speaks of doing the pussy grabbing to white ladies

    • BreakingDeadMen

      It touches something primal for a powrful man to insult a woman like this. If he was saying this about a woman of color, I think it would outrage. But he doesn’t notice them, I reckon.

      • unclejeems

        Right, and even if he did notice them, it would be beneath the dignity of any of them to notice him back.

      • cmd resistor

        Unless he’s asking them to set up a meeting with those Black guys in Congress.

        • BreakingDeadMen

          That’s right, and there was pushback on that. But, hey, at least that was only a microaggression.

  • Nockular cavity

    Fake news! That’s not Mika at Mar-Lago, this is:

    • Beautiful Soup

      That’s the image that guy should be projecting onto Trump properties… he’d be shaking so hard he’d drop his twitphone!

  • CaliCheeseSucks

    As a woman who has never understood the “poor Melania, she’s a victim!” argument that’s gone around, her reaction to this is sweet vindication. She’s nothing but an opportunistic asshole, every bit as disgusting and loathsome as the pig she married (for money). “Cyberbulling bad… except when my fat, angry, misogynistic hubby does it, then he’s the real victim! Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.”

    She deserves NO fucking sympathy.

    • BigCSouthside

      She’s also a birther racist

    • Mehmeisterjr

      She’s a gold-digger who got in over her head, or as the old song goes:

      ♫ Она только птица в позолоченной клетке …. ♫

      • Mystery_Poster

        Agreed. Fucked him for money, had a baby to secure her wealth, an “anchor baby” if you will.

        That term is usually reserved for immigrants, but I use it to refer to any baby born to secure one’s position. My SIL had one with my rich brother.

  • CogitoErgoBibo

    Oh FFS. Huckabee Sanders Dumbass doubling down on “he didn’t go too far with that tweet” crap live right now. Avoid MSNBC for a while if you don’t want to hear stoopid coming out of her mouthplace.

  • AnnieGetYerFun

    OK, Evan, I know Sarah Huckabee Sanders isn’t that feminine, but there’s no need to imply that she has a wife.

  • OrdinaryJoe

    Hey Republicans. Does any of the following strike a chord?


    1. Toxic people are manipulative.
    2. They are judgmental.
    3. They take no responsibility for their own feelings.
    4. They don’t apologize.
    5. They are inconsistent.
    6. They make you prove yourself to them.
    7. They make you defend yourself.
    8. They are not caring, supportive, or interested in what’s important to you.
    9. They try to orchestrate relationships to serve their own ends.
    10. They try to gain sympathy and attention by claiming “victim” status.

    • NotReallyHere

      Holy shit! Where did you find this list? Because this is definitely striking a chord with me, and not because I’m a republican. It’s because I’m related to republicans.

      • OrdinaryJoe
        • NotReallyHere

          Thanks for the link.

      • Morningside

        Me too. This describes my brother perfectly, a thorn in my side for 70+ years.

        • NotReallyHere

          I’m sorry. That is a very long time to have a thorn in your side.

          Seriously, though, it’s nice to be able to put a label on why my family has been so difficult, and maybe it’s not me. Or maybe it is, and I’m the toxic one, but I just can’t recognize it? Oh boy, down the rabbit hole I go.

    • javadavis

      Sounds like half people in my original immediate family.

    • TheFamilyThalamusPersists

      Also describes narcissists. How very odd.

  • JD Mulvey

    Because the new normal is to trash talk peoples’ appearance, let’s talk about Sarah Huckabee’s weird false eyelashes.

    • Suse

      She’s upgrading her look, obviously.

      • OrdinaryJoe

        Maybe Spicey would not have lost his job if he had gone with the pearls.

        • Jon Sussex

          Would not give pearl necklace.

          • Jeffery Campbell

            Please use “pearl.”

      • Mehmeisterjr

        Even if she miraculously manages to upgrade the look, she would have to upgrade her nasty personality and abysmal stupidity.

        She has a long way to go before she even reaches the ethical standards of brother David “Crush-that-fucking-stray-dog’s-skull-with-a-brick” Huckabee.

    • jesuswasablack
  • Suse

    Fuckabee Slanders is giving a presser now. Poor Mr. Presidunce is being bullied and he’s a fighter and is gonna fight back, goldarn it!

    • cmd resistor

      I guess no one sensible got to her to tell her this approach kind of sucks.

      • Morningside

        Because she is too stupid to know.

  • OrdinaryJoe

    Here is how bad Trumplethinskin is: he has caused me to defend Megan Kelly AND Mika Brzezinski.

  • Suse

    Jobs are back and ISIS is on the run, but you never talk about that!

    • Mehmeisterjr

      It’s boom time in the coal fields. Why is nobody talking about that? Sad.

    • kareemachan

      Sez who?

  • AnnieGetYerFun

    “Did you see Nancy Pelosi on the [House] floor? Complete disgust. If you can get through all the surgeries, there’s disgust.”

    -Senator Lindsey Graham, 2015

    • TheFamilyThalamusPersists

      Borne of the envy of the feminine… oh, that he could get away with her lipstick and pearls.

      • Jeffery Campbell

        You’ve not seen Miss Lindsey at home have you?

        • kareemachan

          And do NOT want to.

  • Daniel Hooper

    Show of hands; is anybody here on Wonkette really surprised by any of this? I’m gonna guess not.

    • javadavis

      I’m kinda surprised that a few Rs actually came out and tsked at Trump for being the same piss-ant he has been for years.

      • Zippy W Pinhead

        more empty hand wringing and fake concern- they’ll still enable him and vote in lockstep…

        • javadavis

          That part is NOT surprising.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      The only thing that would surprise me about this clown would be if he became a Trappist monk and took a vow of silence.

      • miss_grundy

        He would try to change the Trappists first.

  • azeyote

    if he thinks Mika is being a big meanie – he should come pay us a visit

  • Somebody should put Donald Trump in a padded room in the loony bin and throw away the key.

    Lock him up. LOCK HIM UP. LOCK HIM UP.

    Trump should not be released, and he should not receive any more National Security briefings, until a team of psychiatrists can certify his mental health through regular mental health evaluations. Sad!

  • Poly_Ester

    I’d call HR donnie 1st, petty, but he probably doesn’t understand big words too good.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      But he has the best words. The Best. Words. They are bigly the best words, believe me. Words like “mean.” Which Obama stole. That was his word. Who knew this? I just found this out. Incredible.

  • JD Mulvey

    I just know that “pivot” to being Presidential is coming soon.

    • Beautiful Soup

      and won’t we feel foolish when it comes!

      • kareemachan

        Ye Elder Gods, Pence…..

    • Beowoof14

      Does that mean his impeachment or resignation, that’s the only positive pivot I’m seeing right now.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      You misspelled “divot.”

      • Dimitrios M.

        So that’s what Dumpf calls that silly-looking thing on the top of his head.

  • canes_pugnaces

    Given that Melon’s best and only coherent words were stolen from the first black first lady, and like her husband she is utterly incoherent on the fly, one is left to assume her statement was written by one of the many Golem residing in the fetid bowels of the once White House.

    • kareemachan

      Seems reasonable.

  • BoatOfVelociraptors
  • freakishlypersistent

    Gaddamn, gadamnit, Republicans are mean and nasty. And he’s pig-eyed. Awful assholes, lecturing the rest of us about “violent leftist rhetoric”, fuck the fuck off.

  • m3bosha

    Other than the fact Pumpkin head is lying about Mika. Has he not noticed his wife’s plastic surgery? Or his other wife… or his other other wife… or his daughter? Or shit, even his own? Didn’t he force himself on Ivana because she touched his hair transplant? Dude has the self awareness of a gnat.

  • javadavis

    He’s supposed to be the star! Didn’t those mean media people watch The Apprentice? No one is ever supposed to question him or disagree with him.
    (I didn’t watch The Apprentice. I assume the whole point was to suck up to Trump the hardest in order to get a shot at the next round of humiliation for some ultimate prize)

  • JAKvirginia

    And let’s all note the personal attack was against Mika, not Joe. Trump always seems to aim for the va-jay-jay, no? What did we all learn as kids about boys who always pick on girls? Very telling.

  • janecita

    Obama=Class! I miss having an adult as a president. God, every day brings a new fucking embarrassment. I wonder if New Zealand needs health educators?

    • AnnieGetYerFun

      They do.

    • sgt. jmk of the résistance

      New Zealand seems awesome, but don’t forget, they gave Peter Thiel citizenship after only 12 days, so they’re not that picky.

      Might want to think twice.

      • Ωbjectifier

        I looked into it a few months back. They are very picky if you don’t have a gizillion dollars like Thiel.

  • Ms.MLG on Maui

    If someone like Trump, a person with zero character and zero redeeming qualities, is hurling insults at you, you’re doing life right.

  • Marla

    Lindsey Graham only in the fight to save his own ass.

    • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

      Maybe Mika’s plastic surgeon could be of use there.

    • Les Appentis De la résistance

      Sasse(y)/Lindsey 2020 – because it sounds cool.

    • Jeffery Campbell

      The taffeta gets in the way and that stuff wrinkles like a Shar-Pei.

  • Les Appentis De la résistance

    The purveyor of fake news has fake pictures of his fat face on fake TIME magazine covers plastered all over his fake real estate holdings. This is discussed as ‘WTF is wrong with this narcissicist’ and Donny Two Scoops all of a sudden needs to fight fire with fire. His toadies need to grow up. Also- where was the media during the campaign season?

  • Jeffery Campbell

    I heard someone in the break room refer to Trump’s tweets as “off-putting.” Off-putting!!!!!!?!!!!!?111!!!??! Christ on a bicycle! Finding a merlot stain on your doily is off-putting. Since it was the break room, I broke things….with votes.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      “Locker-room talk”.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      To be fair, “off-putting” may be a sign of progress.

      Any day now, his base may find his open connivance with Putin “ever-so-not-done-in-our-circles.”

      From there, it is a slippery slope down to “despite-certain-misgivings-he-is-still-owed-the-respect-due-The-Office.”

      Which would leave Trump staring down the abyss of Republican indifference and acquiescence.

    • rosenbomb

      “finding a merlot stain on your doily is off-putting”

      I needed that laugh, thank you!

  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

    Has Ivanka reprised her role as “Shocked by the viciousness of politics!” yet?

  • Indivisible Snark Tank

    Having said that, Ben Sasse is now free to go back to voting for Trump’s agenda 95.2% of the time, while Lindsey Graham may carry on voting with Trump 93% of the time.

    I haz a confuse. Have there been enough votes in the Senate to actually score how closely these idiots hew to the Dampnut agenda? Is there actually a Dampnut agenda? Seems to me that the only actual votes they’ve had have been confirmations of the three people Dampnut got around to nominating for jobs in his administration (and Neil Go-suck-it). So how did we get enough votes to make “95.2%” possible with that kind of specificity?

  • Watching Katy Tur react to Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ defense of Trump at the press briefing was kind of fun. Katy seems very Done With This Bullshit, Thank You Very Much.

    • Blackest Noobs

      aren’t we all? done with this shit.

  • Blackest Noobs

    this tactic of an eye for an eye aka fight fire with fire is a demonstration of weakness.
    ONLY someone who is extremely weak minded, weak bodied, weak emotionally would resort to “fighting fire with fire.”

    The President is a pathetic loser who lacks the competence to be President.

  • Pisto75666

    Oh dear Melanoma, your husband doesn’t push back, he tweets, There’s a difference. Also, a grown up President doesn’t rage-tweet. If Trumpolini can’t handle that, here’s a suggestion for him….QUIT!

  • xbutter

    On a related note: the deadline is fast approaching for the Republicans to decide which Democrat is likely to be their opponent in the next presidential election so they can get their all-media sexist disinfo/hate/ridicule campaign up and running. Tump seems to think it’s going to be Pocahontas, but he could be wrong. What if it turns out to be one legged Duckworth at the last minute? How will they spool up the swift boating in time to convince their pinheaded base that her disability wasn’t nothing she didn’t deserve for being a loser libtard who couldn’t avoid the path of a rocket propelled grenade fast enough? And still collect the votes of 70% of service members? If it’s slow-talkin’ Gabby Giffords they could thrill their base by ridiculing her brain injury. At this point, after Trump’s twitter antics this morning, no attack on anyone can be depraved enough to meet the standards of one Donald John Trump.

  • whitroth

    But, but, Mika and Joe said BAD THINGS about the Presidnent! And they’re getting married, and he not only isn’t going to do droit de seigneur, he didn’t even get to grab her pussy!

    • lowenufc

      Shhhh…. Trump might be inclined to bring back Prima Nocta, as long as someone explains it to him in really tiny, hand sized words and then explains it to him again that while the words sound foreign, and then give up because Trump will be busy tweeting out some state secret to show off for the Philippines’ Douche in chief.

    • kaydenpat

      Mika and Joe tongue bathed Trump during the election cycle so their current distaste for him is strange imho.

  • Huckabee-Sanders seemed to be using her religion to justify Trump’s need to tweet nasty comments back at anyone who criticizes him. I guess that “Turn the other cheek,” and “Shake the dust of any town the mistreats you off your sandals,” wasn’t really in the New Testament. Maybe the hit back part was in the two Corinthians book that I forgot to read.

    • kaydenpat

      And those texts are directly from her Jesus.

    • Opiwan

      So wait, those weren’t autobiographies of two guys from Corinth?

  • Persistent Demme

    Yes, Huckafuck-lady!
    Cause when I think of “liberal elites,” I think of Mika & Joe!1!

  • cmd resistor

    From The Hill: “When another reporter followed up by asking if Sanders felt that the tweet set a good example for her children, she deflected by saying that God is the “one perfect role model.’”

    • Elvis Causticfellow

      What’s she gonna do, talk about the example her father set for her?

      • thixotropic jerk

        “Now look daughter, your Momma can’t make a good squirrel pie if’n you can’t git th’ hang of twistin’ off their cute lil’ bug-eyed heads with one wrist snap! Why kint ya be moar like yer brother and hang dogs er sumpin’?”

    • kaydenpat

      Our last President was a wonderful role model. It says a lot when Republicans can’t even call their President a role model.

      • cmd resistor

        Unless as a role model for how NOT to act.

    • Mehmeisterjr

      What does that even mean?

      Is she working for God? Is it a permanent position or part-time? Is she working for God in a right-to-harp-music state?

      No, actually, she is working for Donald Trump.

      Is he a good role model or an OK role model or a lousy, pussy-grabber role model?

      Without getting him into a pissing contest with God, is he a better role model than her father the greedy , grifting God-botherer or her brother the dog-strangler-and-brick-to-the-skull-crusher?

      I need some steady, reliable moral compass here. Help me, David Brooks!

      • Mystery_Poster

        Maybe she’s saying Twit Face is God..

    • thixotropic jerk

      Really? Really? Then Your God tm has a lot of ‘splainin’ to do Sister Hucknfuck about how your boss wound up as the Most Powerful Asshole Man Babby On Earth!!!!!

  • CogitoErgoBibo

    Daaaaaayum. John Heilemann just ripped Orange Dipshit a new one on MSNBC, pointing out (among many pertinent facts about Trumpy’s particular brand of mysogyny) that the moron needs the votes of many women in the Senate to pass healthcare.

  • kaydenpat

    So he was even lying about the facelift? Wow. I’m speechless.

  • cmd resistor

    Someone mentioned the Ana Navarro interview upthread. Watching it without sound, just captioned, made me put it on my list of things to watch later.

  • thixotropic jerk

    North Korea just called me a bad name Yooge mistake Kim Dongface! Here comes a covefe nuke sammich! Whose with me?

    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whiner

  • btwbfdimho

    POTUS TWITTUS is jealous because “he” will never have The Wonkette Baby on his lap.

  • Aileen

    Like it or not, Mika’s job as a television news personality (I’d say “journalist” is stretching it) means she’s expected to age gracefully to her mid-thirties and then stop time and cease aging entirely. So, pointing out that she’s had work done is not only petty, it’s pointless. It’s part of her job, you nubbin-fingered nitwit.

  • Angry Red Bird DGAF

    Fake news! Trump’s next trophy wife will be Peter Thiel.

  • CatDog

    Your President’s ongoing obsession with women and their bleeding whatevers may remind us that even a professional cartoon rocknroll villain is capable of greater sensitivity …

  • everstar

    I completely believe Trump punches back ten times harder; he has to, in order to compensate for his hands being ten times smaller.

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