everyone in silmaril has too many names
one name per person please
their names are Drama Gay, Drama Straight, Dad 2, Jock One, Econ One, and the Weasley Twins
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daniel-r-h reblogged this from scientiststhesis and added:
I think you have the order wrong there; I’m pretty sure Dad 2 goes after Econ One. I’d also go with “Drama Jock”,...
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silver-and-ivory said: these are excellent kennings and should regularly be substituted for the characters’ actual names
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consumptive-sphinx said: listen those names have NARRATIVE PURPOSE, calling your brother Makalaurë is VASTLY DIFFERENT from calling him Maglor and both are VASTLY DIFFERENT from calling him Káno, they imply DIFFERENT THINGS and DESERVE TO BE THERE
boojum42 liked this
trickytalks reblogged this from plain-dealing-villain and added:
Then why the hell do they go blue in Amenta?
plain-dealing-villain reblogged this from shitifindon and added:
When they’ve talked about what Ambarussa do in timelines where they have time to do stuff, they actually do seem a lot...
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shitifindon reblogged this from inquisitivefeminist and added:
maybe THAT’S ambarussa’s niche
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inquisitivefeminist reblogged this from transgirlkyloren and added:
their names are Drama Gay, Drama Straight, Dad 2, Jock One, Econ One, and the Weasley Twins
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