The media is to blame for President Donald Trump once again attacking a female journalist using a misogynistic and disturbing blood image, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders insisted at today’s televised White House press briefing.
“The president has been attacked mercilessly … by that [Morning Joe] program. And I think he’s been very clear that, when attacked he’s going to hit back,” she said of POTUS’ controversial tweet about Mika Brzezinski . “The American people elected somebody who’s tough, who is smart and who is a fighter. It’s Donald Trump. And I don’t think it’s a surprised to anybody that he fights fire with fire,” Huckabee Sanders insisted stoutly.
This in response to first question, which went to John Roberts, White House correspondent at Friend-of-Trump network Fox News Channel. He noted that Sanders appeared already on his network and said Trump had the right to defend himself and it is “no secret this program has been very critical” of Trump. But Roberts noted, the “nature of this morning’s tweet” has drawn condemnation even from House Speaker Paul Ryan and other “Trump allies.”
“Did he go too far in his deeply personal response,” Robert said, queuing up Huckabee Sanders’ reply, “I don’t think so.”
MSNBC’s Morning Joe has called Trump and members of his staff some “deeply personal” things, she said. It’s “like living in The Twilight Zone,” she complained, for reporters in the briefing to suggest that, while the show is “doing this, day after day,” when Trump “responds and defends himself, everybody is appalled and blown away.”
“Frankly if this had happened in the previous administration, this type of attack” – she ticked off: “utterly stupid,” “personality disorder,” “mentally ill“ and calling members of Trump’s team “liars” to their faces – “the rest of the media would have said to Morning Joe, ‘Guys! No way!”
“But nobody does that,” she complained.
Trump had kicked off his Thursday by tweeting:
Somebody in the briefing room reminded Sanders that Trump gained early political currency as head of the birther movement, in which he insulted Obama for years with bogus claims he was not born in this country and therefore held the office illegally.
She insisted the focus on Trump having singled out Morning Joe’s female co-host Brzezinski particularly aggressively, and with yet another blood image – similar to his “you could see blood coming out of here wherever” blast of then-Fox News host Megyn Kelly after she moderated the first GOP debate – was a “false narrative.”
Asked if she’s going to tell her kids “this behavior is OK,” Huckabee Sanders responded: “When it comes to role models, as a person of faith, I think we all have one perfect role model. And when I’m asked that question, I point to God, and to my faith. And that’s where I tell my kids to look.”
During the briefing, Sanders insisted Trump was focused and prioritizing his party’s agenda for the country, “but he is not going to sit back and be attacked by the liberal media, Hollywood elites. When they hit him, he’s going to hit back,” she said, playing to the camera.
It was only the second time this week the briefing was held on camera.
Asked if she thought Trump’s tweets contribute to a hostile atmosphere that can lead to violence, Sanders shot back, inaccurately, “The president in no way, form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. Quite the contrary.”
As Sanders grew increasingly frustrated with the continued questions about the tweets, she began dismissing them as “asked and answered.”
“The president is pushing back against people who attack him, day after day after day. Where is the outrage on that?” she complained. “You guys are constantly coming and asking, ‘Is this OK? He does it one time; you guys are day after day after day.
“The only person I see a war on is this president, and everyone that works for him,” she continued to scold media in the room.
“The American people elected a fighter. They knew what they were getting, and he won overwhelmingly.”
Are these people even human?
They all drink from the same well…Trump water.
Nope, you give up your human card when you sell your soul to the devil for power and money.
Poor Sarah.. got her father’s looks AND brains – she’s cursed. Also a huge hypocrite since she is allegedly a “Christian” yet has no trouble lying or defending the odious behavior of the alleged sexual predator, Drumpf.
He actually lost the popular vote hon. She’s Spicey in an ugly dress and bad hair.
Does she mean the “Hollywood elites” that Trump worked so hard to become a part of? Or did he just host a TV show to help make America great again? Her answer role models should make everyone with a sense of faith furious. Using religion to cover up for her boss’s violent, irrational, incompetent behavior.
The “they started it” defense. Fitting.
this is worse than high school!
Still waiting to see the tough, smart, or fighter part. So far he’s only provided childish bickering and thin skinned behavior.
Nonsense. The American people elected a thin-skinned weakling. There’s nothing tough about the orange clown. He is, and always will be, a spoiled, nasty little rich kid.
I wish Jesus would come back and tell her, “Leave me and Dad the hell out of this. We do not approve.”
Dear Sarah Huckabbee Sanders : Please leave God out of this. If he exists, he is no doubt appalled by your behaviour and the behaviour you are defending so relentlessly. Or could it be that you really don’t know the Bible at all and only hide behind it when you want to defend your outrageous views ? Because if my memory serves me well, the Bible is all about “turning the other cheek” and most definitely not about “fighting fire with fire”. Latter is more meinkampfian than Christian. Then again, you should probably know all this much better than I do considering I’m an atheist. So why don’t you ?
George Orwell is spinning in his grave.
The “American People” voted for Hillary Clinton, as she won the majority of the vote. Trump was appointed by the electoral college. And no, he is not a smart person. A Smart person is not petty and childish and act like a school yard bully, which he is.
I think it is disgraceful that Republicans want to stay in power so bad that they will defend trump even when they know in their heart they shouldn’t. Please show some moral fabric, I am an independent, and believe in calling things out no matter what party, let’s be Americans first.
She is not a Christian–you need to walk the walk, not just carry God’s name around like an iPhone.
OMG, it is us, the American people who are living in the Twilight Zone. Is this for real? Rod Serling couldn’t have written a more bizarre tale of a President who is corrup, immature and clueless. No one would have believed it and yet, here we are!