Aspiring to a Mr. Rogers level of friendship is great but
I aspire to a Mr. McFeely level of friendship.
He shows up to Mr. Rogers’s house unannounced (which he can do because he’s the postman),
and is like “I brought this tape of tomatos being canned, wanna see?”
and Mr. Rogers is like “of course, throw it on the Picture-Picture”and then they watch it, and Mr. McFeely explains the whole thing,
and when Mr. Rogers is like “that was dope as hell,” McFeely is like “WELP, very busy, gotta go, speedy delivery” and bolts.
you can come over to my place but only if ur willing to explain how thumbtacks are made
Literally me
My life goal is being able to walk into your house, explain the history of Han settlement in southern China, and then roll out. I will do that right now, actually. Come on, let’s go.
(via helicoidcyme)
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