CNN’s Jim Acosta, who has been sharply critical of President Trump and the White House over press access, tonight referred to the President as a “purveyor of fake news.”
Don Lemon asked him about the President’s affinity for “peddling” fake news, and Acosta said such attacks from the President should be put in perspective:
“The President of the United States is also a purveyor of fake news. I shouldn’t say ‘also’ like we are, he is himself a purveyor of fake news. He is the founding father of birtherism… He came out right after his inauguration and said his inauguration crowds were bigger than President Obama’s, when they weren’t.”
Acosta went on to bring up when Trump tweeted about millions of illegal votes, his tweet about Barack Obama wiretapping him, and then the hint at James Comey “tapes.”
He said this is probably the reason Trump hasn’t been holding more press conferences, because if he does, “we’re gonna ask all of these questions.”
And on top of all that, Acosta appeared on screen with the chyron PRESIDENTIAL FAKE NEWS:
The President and the White House have been going after CNN this week after 1) the Russia report they retracted and three staffers resigned over, and 2) Project Veritas’ undercover videos yesterday and today.
Watch above, via CNN.
[image via screengrab]
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