One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energies, maybe even the atom… energies that could ultimately hurl us to other worlds in… in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will be able to find ways to feed the hungry millions of the world and to cure their diseases. They will be able to find a way to give each man hope and a common future. And those are the days worth living for.
getting random sharp pain in your organs is a lot like when your check engine light comes on in your car. you dont know what it means so you just ignore it and hope you dont blow up
tumblr discourse has truly taken away the right to subjective opinions and its exhausting
like now instead of saying “i like this tv show because it is entertaining and engaging” you have to come up with totally ridiculous reasons as to why this random television show on like, the CW or something is Actually the paradigm of feminist media even when it isnt at all
instead of saying “this celebrity is obnoxious and overrated and annoying” you get people searching meticulously through their twitter or interviews in order to find something incriminating enough to end up on a yfip list, and now you can pretend that your reasons for disliking this celebrity arent entirely personal and have some kind of Righteous Cause backing it
you dont need to put politics into everything you love and you dont need to bend over backwards trying to explain why this Thing you love is Actually Totally Political. you are allowed to subjectively enjoy things. conversely you can hate looking at a celebrity’s dumb face without acting like theres always some kind of social justice reason fueling it
hey guys, just got back from my very long journey of re-writing history to put us on a timeline where harry potter doesn’t exist! no need to thank me, but don’t worry, it’s gone now.
what is this person talking about
This post gives me a great idea for seven books and eight movies
hearing women say “my wife” and men say “my husband” is therapeutic tbh
Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?
No it’s absolutely not supposed to be the other way around you homophobic banana peel.
So it’s wrong for a women to say “my husband” or a man to say “my wife”? I never said it was wrong. I just asked because the other form for which I have just stated is missing. I find that form, too, to be therapeutic
No because the post is meant as positivity for LGBT people, not for some straight rando with a porn blog.
So a straight can’t ask for some positive for too? Perhaps include all the groups for true equality
Watch This Brave Porn Blog Fight For Equality For Heterosexuals
Perhaps Include All the Groups for the True Ending
Tumblr: No she isn’t! There is a perfectly logical explanation as to why she mastered everything she touched perfectly on the first try.
Star Wars fans: ….how then?
Tumblr: She used the Force.
Star Wars fans:
that is literally how the force works if you can use it have you never seen a star wars movie before or
anakin never finished a race, then wins one first time out
anakin never flew a starship before and manages to do what the other pilots couldn’t: blow up a droid control ship
let’s not forget luke
luke never used a lightsaber or piloted an x-wing before, then the second he uses the force, bam, perfect first time out
lmao look at this person tryin’ to call rey a mary sue like it’s 2004
That and like. She has better reasons for knowing this stuff than the above dudes do.
Like, of COURSE she knows all about mechanics- she’s been scavenging starships for parts most of her life, so knowing what’s what and how it works is a crucial life skill.
When she handles a lightsaber, she’s very obviously using it like she would a staff (and spends most of the fight running away from Kylo anyway). You know, like the staff she carries with her all the time for self-defense in the desert hellhole she grew up in.
Everything we see her do with the Force is stuff Kylo did in front of her- he invades her mind, and she invades his and then mind-tricks a Stormtrooper (which still takes her three tries). He Force-holds her and later tries to Force-pull a lightsaber, and she Force-pulls it to her instead.
Practically everyone in the Star Wars universe is casually multilingual, and the only character in TFA who’s shown to be unable to understand at least one of Chewie or BB-8 is Finn, who was raised and brainwashed as a Stormtrooper (and neither the Empire nor the First Order seems to be much of an equal opportunity employer when it comes to species). Given her scavenger history, Rey having met astromech droids before isn’t just possible, but likely.
Her skills are better-established than either Luke’s or Anakin’s before they matter, but nope, she’s the Mary Sue, apparently.
For god’s sake, if you take Episode 1 at its word, Anakin was a goddamn virgin birth caused by the will of the force, and has an extensive prophecy about him being the Chosen One.