Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World

Anonymous asked:

The thing you linked did not simply explain why people like church. It made fundamentalist churchgoers out to be an unfairly marginalized minority, which is bound to be completely infuriating the the people who were or are marginalized within fundamentalist church communities. Maybe they're wrong to be angry, sure. And maybe you're wrong to think you can rub people's faces in the source of their misery and not have someone call you on it.

The quote mentions fundamentalists once (1). At the top, it mentions the fact that everyone who wasn’t a conservative found mocking them fun, as part of finding broader Christianity dumb. This is true. Fundies are basically the living strawmen of Christianity, so of course everyone who isn’t politically allied to Christianity will openly condemn them. Self included, obviously.

It then goes on to say things about Christianity-in-general and churches-writ-large. You can take your problems with the quote up with the writer. But first you need to grow a pair of eyeballs and learn to fucking read.

And if you think that one quote about a large religion is “rubbing [your] face” in the specific subcluster that fucked you up, then you have a bunch of issues that you need to work through far away from me. Feel free to unfollow and fuck off and not darken my fucking doorstep again, Madison. You can take your call outs and shove them riiiiiight up your ass until you learn how to 1) read what’s actually on a page, 2) notice authorship of the thing you just struggled to pull together enough brain cells to read, 3) react in a way that isn’t smearing yourself with shit.

But until that distant and unlikely day

  1. mailadreapta said: I support u against your Anon’s
  2. sinesalvatorem posted this