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As an English teacher, this made me weep tears of awestruck joy.
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As an English teacher, this made me weep tears of awestruck joy.
A while ago, for fun, I started doing some reading on some of the stranger naming choices made by the Puritans between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. (Yes, for fun. I am a dork.) Here are a few of my favourites:
A Sussex jury roll from the 1600s includes the names Accepted Trevor, Redeemed Compton, Kill-Sin Pimple, Fly-Fornication Richardson, Search-The-Scriptures Moreton, The-Peace-Of-God Knight, Stand-Fast-On-High Stringer, The-Gift-of-God Stringer, and Fight-The-Good-Fight-Of-Faith White, Obediencia Cruttenden, Called Lower, Hope-For Bending, More-Fruit Flower and Meek Brewer. Some other wonderful Sussex names around this time include Safely-on-High Snat, Mortifie Hicks and the marvellously-named Humiliation Scratcher. And let’s not forget Be-Stedfast Elyarde, Faint-not Dighurst, Hew-Agag-in-pieces Robinson, Swear-not-at-all Ireton and Obadiah-bind-their-kings-in-chains-and-their-nobles-in-irons Needham.
Here’s another good naming method: There was a tradition among some Puritan villagers of opening the Bible and selecting the first name their eyes landed upon, which led to some interesting christenings. One poor child was landed with the name Ramoth-Gilead as a result of this method, reportedly leading a rather bemused parson to ask, “Boy or girl, eh?” There’s some evidence that certain parents, whose reading was perhaps not the best, would simply open the Bible and choose a word at random - hence the existence in Connecticut of Maybe Barnes and a girl by the rather unfortunate name of Notwithstanding Griswold. One child in England was christened Sirs, the parents insisting that it was a Scripture name and citing as proof the passage “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Another Puritan named his dog Moreover after the Gospel passage “Moreover the dog came and licked his sores.”
Yet another story tells of a priest who was befuddled when a woman informed him that her child was to be name “Axe-her”. “What name?” he spluttered. “Axe-her,” repeated another woman. After much discussion he discovered that the women were referred to Achsah, the daughter of Caleb. This may also explain the existence of an Axar Starrs in Stockport - the daughter, appropriately, of one Caleb Starrs. The name Axar remained popular in Devonshire for some time.
A little boy called John wound up with an unfortunate bonus name due to his godparent’s strong accent and a misunderstanding at the baptismal font. “What name?” the priest asked, to which the godparent replied, “John honly.” The priest dutifully went on to declare, “John Honly, I baptise thee…”
Thomas and Elizabeth Pegden, residents of Kent during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, named their first four sons after the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. When Elizabeth gave birth to a fifth son in 1795, they decided to continue this theme by naming him after the next book of the New Testament, and thus he was christened Acts-of-the-Apostles Pegden. According to one source, his nickname was Actsy, “for the Vicar of Boughton has heard a parishioner speak of her uncle Actsy Pegden.” An older relative bore the name Pontius Pilate Pegden.
In the late 1800s, a Thurstonville man named his four sons Love-well, Do-well,Die-well and Fare-well Sykes. Around the same time, another boy, being the younger sibling of sisters Faith and Hope, was given the name And Charity.
Another fellow, rather bemusingly, named his son Judas-not-Iscariot.
Zachary Crofton, died 1672, clearly scoured the Scriptures in order to find names for his children. His five sons were called Zachary, Zareton, Zephaniah,Zelophehad and - presumably after all alliterative possibilities had been exhausted - John.
The Presbyterian clergy were fond of foisting on illegitimate children names reflective of the sins of their parents - names like Helpless, Repent, Repentance,Forsaken, Fly-fornication.
Among many other excellent Puritan names, there was also:
All of these are trumped, however, by a Puritan girl who, when asked for her Christian name, replied, “Through-Much-Tribulation-We-Enter-The-Kingdom-Of-Heaven, but for short they call me Tribby.”
“no-merit” oh my god why
This is great and I’d just like to add that a member of Oliver Cromwell’s government was named Nicholas If-Jesus-Christ-Had-Not-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damnéd Barbon.
Well good luck finding any of those on a Coke bottle.
This is the money courage, reblog at your leisure for wealth, positivity and good fortune. Add any negativity to this post and a man will appear outside your home yelling “return the slab” over and over.
Hazel Scott playing two pianos at the same damn time with ease
Hazel Scott was a musical sorcerer and a civil rights hero. She:
She was brought down by the House Committee on Unamerican Activities, and has been largely forgotten. But she was a sorcerer, and a hero.
let’s largely remember her, then.
trans women who can not have bottom surgery due to complications are still women. trans women who can not afford or attain bottom surgery are still women. trans women who don’t want bottom surgery are still women.
reblog this to make a terf angry
More importantly: reblog it to make a trans woman feel better
not to sound preachy but i’ve never seen anybody rebut “make a terf angry” with “make a trans woman feel better” and… that’s kind of tumblr’s attitude towards trans women summed up as concise as possible. more people should strive to be the second thing because the first is performative and lazy… thank u discourser-of-kruphix…
reblog it to make a trans woman feel better
I’d like to believe that the reason that the Amazons have the most EXTRA fighting style in existence is because they’re a warrior people with no war to fight so instead of just doing basic training like normal people, Antiope is like, “And now I’m going to teach you how to BACKFLIP off of a MOVING HORSE,” because they have to fill their time somehow.
If you don’t play bassoon reblog this because it applies to you too
I’ve never tried playing the bassoon, but if it’s anything like a trombone or a violin then I’m sure I can manage.
I know the bassoon, but I prefer violin or flute.
What the hell is a Bassoon? btw Im not from ‘murrica, but this applies to Hungary too, we dont have a President, we have Prime Minister, basically the same, Orban is a corrupt racist idiot….
*cough* that last one
I love my mom.
I am risking nothing
Will not risk.
sorry followers :(
omg im so glad to se so many people love their mummy
Why’re you being mean to my mum?
goddamn it
Nope. Googled it. 15 minuets. Nope. Not taking any chances
This has 1.2 million reblogs …
Ps not riskin it
1.4 almost
ps not risking it
Fuck this post
2.5 million notes I hate myself
I reblogged this twice now
I’m so sorry this isn’t b99 related and this isn’t real but I can’t not skip this I’m sorry
Not taking a fucking chance
Sorry, guys, but Im not taking a chance
No chances… She’s out… And she must be protected.
How dare you
Whatcha doin to me Farkle!
i can’t risk it
sorry babes my moms just my favorite person ever
Sorry I can’t risk it
Fuck sorry guys I love my mom
Omg I hate these things but I am paranoid. So sorry guys.
2.8 million notes
Sorry guys
sorry 😩
I did, my mom is STILL DEAD. Works.
3.3 million notes GURLLLLLL
Not worth the risk.
Still can’t risk it
Someone said no one would ever read my book because there’s no love triangle. Prove them wrong?
of fuckin course?
It almost happened once, but then she had to go through puberty and I was actually mad at her for chosing the guy she did.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
I’ve never hit reblog faster or harder.