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21 June, 2017

WikiLeaks reveals that literally every router in America has been compromised

The latest Wikileaks Vault7 release reveals details of the CIA’s alleged Cherry Blossom project, a scheme that uses wireless devices to access users’ internet activity.

As cyber security expert John McAfee told to RT and Natasha Sweatte:

Virtually, every router that's in use in the American home are accessible to hackers, to the CIA, that they can take over the control of the router, they can monitor all of the traffic, and worse, they can download malware into any device that is connected to that router.

I personally, never connect to any Wi-Fi system, I use the LTE on my phone. That's the only way that I can be secure because every router in America has been compromised.

We've been warning about it for years, nobody pays attention until something like WikiLeaks comes up and says 'look, this is what's happening'. And it is devastating in terms of the impact on American privacy because once the router is compromised and it infects the cell phones that are attached, your laptop, your desktop computer, your tablet, then they become compromised and [someone] can watch the data, start listening to conversations, start watching through the cameras on these devices.

We are in a situation with our government where they know everything about us and we know nothing about what the government is doing. They have the right to privacy and secrecy, but the individual does not, anymore.



  1. Anonymous21/6/17 18:20

    read up on Calea. using LTE only means that they will gather all your internet traffic further up the chain.

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous21/6/17 19:13

    lmao how do you think they route packets on LTE networks? or did you mean to say only consumer-grade routers have been compromised?

  5. Anonymous22/6/17 00:15

    LTE LUL, what a maroon.
