This is all types of wrong. Does this person even know the biological and geographical reasoning behind fair and dark skin? Why some peoples are tall and skinny, and others are stout and short?
Is it really that hard to understand that people consciously stayed within their own cultural regions? Why would a large middle eastern or African group of peoples migrate into medieval Poland?
Ultimately, when your entire argument is pedantic to the point of being pathetic, the only reason to make it is to be spiteful. I mean, really, potatoes?
Don’t like the product? Don’t buy it. You don’t have the right to not be offended, or to be catered to in every medium. If you seriously can’t get into a game because “too much wypipo” then guess what? You’re the one that’s racist.
Not to rain on your “Perhaps it is YOU who is Teh RACISMS!1!!” party, buuuut there’s some pretty simple answers to a rather straightforward question you asked: “Why would a large middle eastern or African group of peoples migrate into medieval Poland?”
Already in 1235 blacks had been observed in
the splendid retinue which Frederick brought with him on an expedition
to Germany. A monkish chronicler relates that the emperor “proceeded in
great glory with numerous carriages laden with gold and silver, byssus
and purple, gems and costly vessels, with camels, mules as well as
dromedaries, with many Saracens, and with Ethiopians having knowledge of
rare skills accompanying apes and leopards and serving as guards
bringing along money and treasure.”’ These unusual servants were surely
Lucerans, since we know that the exotic animals were kept in Lucera
between trips. Musicians are not mentioned, but the role of these
blacks as guardians of the royal treasury is noteworthy.
Like…hello? Central Europe doesn’t have a “white only” forcefield around it, and you’re both a fool and a bigot if you think your racist assumptions trump scientific and historical evidence of this magnitude.