You’ll be so sick of winning. Or just of being sick.

So the Senate’s version of Obamacare repeal has finally dropped with a mighty splash, and dear Crom, it is a big ol’ stinky one. As Ezra Klein says at Vox, it “takes what Americans hate about Obamacare and makes it worse.” It keeps some aspects of the Affordable Care Act — at least in name only — but makes health insurance more expensive and far crappier, rolls back the ACA’s Medicaid expansion, and cuts Medicaid as a whole even more than the terrible House version did. This thing is a disaster that will let people die of preventable illnesses and drive families into bankruptcy, which means it will probably become law. At least it has a memorable name: the “Better Care Reconciliation Act.”

If you look really closely with a scanning electron microscope, there’s an asterisk that clarifies: “Not better than the ACA, but probably better than health insurance in Somalia.”

Sarah Kliff at Vox has a detailed explainer, which you should read, and Pensnylvania Democratic Senator Bob Casey highlights some of the worst of the worst in this Twitter thread. Let’s put on our HAZMAT suits, dab some Vicks under our nostrils, and take a look at this mess, which will sacrifice the budgets and health of the middle and working class, not to mention more than a few lives, so the very wealthy can have a huge, no really, HUGE, tax cut.

As we’ve already discussed, this beast is going to be terrible for the poor, rolling back the ACA’s Medicaid expansion for 14 million people just like the House version does, but with one very important difference: That rollback will start in 2020, so that maybe Republicans can get through another election or two before the worst pain really hits people. Isn’t that thoughtful of them? Since the Medicaid cuts are the one thing we already knew would be horrific, and we’ve gone over them in some detail, we’re going to move on to other stuff here. Not because the Medicaid cuts are unimportant — they’re central to this fucked-up plan’s cruelty and to freeing up revenue for the tax cuts. The program will be gutted over the next 10 years, and people will die.

For people buying insurance on the individual marketplace, “Better Care” will reduce the amount of tax-credit support for all users, and subsidies will be cut off once buyers’ incomes reach 350 percent of the poverty level ($41,580 for individuals; $85,050 for a family of four) instead of the ACA’s 400% ($47,550 / individual; $97,200 / family of four). Not only will it allow states to opt out of participating in the individual marketplaces, it will actually do even more to move individual insurance toward mostly consisting of hollow “junk insurance” plans. Where the House bill allowed states to allow the sale of plans without the ACA’s essential health benefits — stuff like ER coverage, maternity and gynecological care, hospitalization, prescription coverage, coverage for major illnesses, and mental health coverage — Slightly Better Than Nothing Care just plain eliminates the requirement for essential benefits for people on Medicaid starting in 2020. It’s right there on Page 41:

For people on individual health plans, states would have an easier time opting out of EHB mandates — instead of those waivers being requested by state legislatures, a state’s governor could unilaterally request the waiver. Presto! In many states, no more arguments about mandating birth control benefits for companies’ whore lady workers — there simply won’t be any requirement that insurance provide it for anyone. You can buy insurance with that if you want. For a lot more. The standard for insurance will now be much less useful plans that make you pay much more for care.

Where the House bill replaced the ACA’s individual mandate with a provision allowing insurers to jack up rates for people who go two months without insurance, the Senate version eliminates both the individual and business mandates altogether, and replaces them with nothing at all. So there goes any incentive for younger, healthier people to buy insurance, which was a key part of making the ACA’s protections for people with preexisting conditions affordable. As Kliff notes (heh) at Vox:

The Senate bill still requires insurance companies to accept all patients, regardless of how sick they might be or what preexisting conditions they have. Building a health insurance system without an individual mandate or any replacement policy runs a significant risk of falling into a death spiral, where only the sickest people buy coverage and premiums keep ticking upward.

That’s a hell of a plan: It has a death spiral designed in, so future Republicans won’t have to induce a death spiral by refusing to pay for individual market subsidies.

Like the House plan, the Senate bill allows insurers on the individual markets to charge older enrollees premiums up to five times more than younger adults. The Senate pushes the implementation of that “age tax” from 2018 to 2019, again, presumably because then maybe we olds will have forgotten who did it to us. (Not. Bloody. Likely)

Oh, and remember how some Republican “moderates” like Rob Portman were fretting that there wasn’t enough help for people trying to kick opioid addiction? Better Die Quickly Care includes $2 billion in aid for opiate addiction. For one year — the House bill covered 10 years.

So here’s a heck of a surprise: People DO NOT LIKE THIS PLAN. Disability rights protesters blocked the halls outside Mitch McConnell’s office after the bill was released, chanting “No cuts to Medicaid — save our liberty!” as if having access to medical care and adaptive equipment had something to do with “freedom.”

Don’t these people understand that Liberty is a Tea Party worship word, and refers only to the freedom to not have to pay taxes to help people who have made the bad choice to have a disability? If these people want freedom, they need to work harder at not being disabled anymore, and maybe get a gun. That’s how America works under the New Cruelty.

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[Vox / Bob Casey on Twitter / Vox / WaPo]

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  • Bananas Foster
    • Latverian Diplomat

      The local warlords will command that all people in their areas of control be healthy…or else.

    • mailman27

      The libertarian paradise!

  • Biel_ze_Bubba

    SO . . . can a Democratic Congress flush this turd in 2020?

    • BigCSouthside

      Yes, by ramming through single payer, opposition be damned

  • anwisok
    • Marion in Savannah

      Babby donkey and flowers… SQUEEEE!!!111!!

      It doesn’t make the bill taste any better, but seeing the babby donkey makes me feel a tiny bit less stabby.

    • CogitoErgoBibo
      • Cliff Hendroval

        I was at a restaurant on Father’s Day and I saw something similar – Big Daddy wearing a shirt that said “The Legend” and his eight-year-old daughter wearing a matching one that said “The Legacy”.

        • CogitoErgoBibo

          That sounds adorable! Those just made me smile.

    • MizzMazz

      The baby animals help so much. Thank you for posting them.

  • Cheesus Crust _ Rebel

    There isn’t enough hatred in the world to cover how I feel about Republicans right now. Nor enough fucks for me to adequately explain what they can go do at the moment.

  • Robbertjan Brandenburg

    I am trying to imagine this going on in a EU country. In France nobody would ever work again crippling the economy until it would be repealed.

    • laughingnome

      I think a nationwide strike is long overdue but it will never happen.

      • Oblios_Cap

        Those days are over. Americans have been beaten down by the monied interests

  • crunchyknee

    FINALLY, the rich man is catching a break!

    • Vagenda and Pee-ara

      I’m sick of watching the man hold the rich guy back, with a boot on his neck.

      • schmannity

        I’ve been needing a new pair of boots, so I am considering taking a job with the feds for a pair of those jack boots I’ve heard so much about.

        • Vagenda and Pee-ara

          Act now, and we’ll throw in a free pair of bootstraps! Operators are standing by.

    • LouiseLouise

      I want a list of all the rich folks…..I’d like to send them a card to congradulate them. And then pass the list on the the poor folk who need some help paying for their medicare.

  • Nounverb911

    Capital police are ripping protestors from their wheelchairs! How nice of them.

    • geoffalnutt

      Mitch McConnell would do it himself but he wouldn’t want blood-stains on his suit.

      • Marion in Savannah

        Besides, it looks like work. And lifting. He’d rather sit at his desk and kill them that way.

      • crunchyknee

        Turtles can’t lift.

      • cmd resistor

        I bet Mitch has trouble dragging his own butt down those halls.

    • BigCSouthside

      Couldn’t believe that shit

    • Vagenda and Pee-ara

      Dragging disabled people off to jail = excellent optics!

      • AnnieGetYerFun

        It’s just a false flag operation something something sex rings and pizza.

        • Vagenda and Pee-ara

          Needz moar BENGHAZI!!!1!!!!11!!!!!

      • Hollandaise

        These days it is.

        • willi0000000

          a large part of their base (sitting in their Rascals) will approve.

      • cmd resistor

        And they will probably expect reasonable accommodation.

        • Vagenda and Pee-ara

          Snowflakes! I say we let Sheriff David Clarke teach them how to be a real American.

    • Michael Smith

      Fake news fake news nanana I can’t hear you

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      How else will the Capitol Police be able to have those hallway wheelchair races they were planning for later?

  • BoatOfVelociraptors

    I wonder if anyone realizes the danger in allowing everyone to own a gun while kicking people off of medical care and giving them a death sentence…

    • Master Contrail Program

      I’ve been wondering about that for years. What is the ultimate endgame for breeding a large populace of angry, easily-frightened, ill-informed and heavily-armed people with nothing to lose?

      The rank and file may be idiots, but I don’t see how that benefits even the folks who pull the levers and grease the wheels in the long run.

      • Crank Tango

        There’s a long run?

        • Master Contrail Program

          Precisely. I’m starting to wonder if the Dominionists haven’t got more reach than we thought. Who cares about the future when there’s a Rapture’s Delight within reach?

        • Oblios_Cap

          They don’t care. That’ll be someone else’s problem.

      • Michael Smith

        Well, for the time being you could always redirect their rage against people you don’t like, if you can convince them that that group is causing the problems that you are actually creating. That usually works for a while. Sometimes a long while. People are really stupid.

        • Master Contrail Program

          Maybe we should replace E.Pluribus Unum with “People Are Really Stupid”. It seemed to go over well in Iowa yesterday!

          • cmd resistor

            What would that be in Latin?

          • Master Contrail Program


          • Oblios_Cap

            qui vere stulti sunt

          • cmd resistor

            That might look nice on money.

          • willi0000000

            “E Pluribus Unum” was never the official motto . . . in 1956 “in god we trust” became the official motto.

            never should have happened . . . when/if we ever get control of the White House and both houses of Congress we should repeal the 1956 shit and put “E Pluribus Unum” in as official!


  • Panika MCD

    I’m just going to put the CRS’s ‘splainer on what “reconciliation” is right here:

  • Oblios_Cap

    I remember when the Republicans were a decent opposition party.

    • Marion in Savannah

      Me too, but then I am Very, Very Old.

      • Mary Theresa

        Same here.

        • Oblios_Cap

          not I. I’m only 59.

          • Mary Theresa

            Your just a sweet baby.

    • Hollandaise

      I don’t.

    • Gigglesnort

      Well, maybe pre-McCarthy. McCarthy was hardly decent and he started the long process of demonizing Democrats (he started calling them the “Democrat Party.” And that was about the best thing that came out of his mouth when talking about Democrats).

    • Rags
  • Resistance Fighter Callyson

    Sarah Kliff at Vox has a detailed explainer

    Why are the Republicans insisting on pushing this unpopular policy, Sarah?

    The bill would cut taxes for the wealthy. Obamacare included tax increases that hit wealthy Americans hardest in order to pay for its coverage expansion. The AHCA would get rid of those taxes. Obamacare was one of the biggest redistributions of wealth from the rich to the poor; the AHCA would reverse that.


  • ariel_gee_398

    A perfectly toxic stew of cruelty and fiscal irresponsibility. I assume that not every Republican Senator was an absolute monster when they were first elected. But anyone who could vote for this – vote to kill people, to screw disabled kids and adults and leave them without essential services, all so that the rich can keep more of their money – certainly is. To vote for this requires a level of disconnect from and disdain for their constituents (and humanity in general) that I just have difficulty fathoming.

    • willi0000000

      you pretty much have to tear up your membership card in humanity to even contemplate doing something like this to human beings.

  • Machnethylsteinerbincolabird

    It’ll never pass.

    • Marion in Savannah

      Wanna bet?

      • Nicholas

        I expect it to fail the first time it comes up for a vote, when the Tea Part or another group tries to hold the bill hostage, to either demand changes or to grandstand to their supporters. Then, the Republican leadership will call a special emergency session, at great expense to the taxpayer, to hurriedly push through some cobbled together version of the bill with little fanfare, while the media is distracted by some other issue.

    • Marceline

      At this point let’s never underestimate the evil and corruption of these people.

    • cmd resistor

      I saw John McCain seemed to be ok with it.

      • willi0000000

        that’s just walnuts being all mavericky

  • geoffalnutt

    Mitch McConnell = mass murderer.

  • DainBramage
    • LouiseLouise

      Could we get a list of those ‘weathy” people who are going to get all this money please? my program would be to hand it out to all the poor people so they could contact them if they needed help to cover their medical bill. We could print their answers. i like open goverment!!!!!!!

  • Vagenda and Pee-ara

    Thank God we have patriots like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee standing up to big government, and saying “we want the free market to take care of killing people providing insurance, therefore we can NOT vote for this bill, which is way too cushy.”
    Whew, for a minute there I thought Cruz was turning in to a snowflake who thought everyone deserved health care.

    • Nounverb911
      • Vagenda and Pee-ara

        I’m pretty sure even Cruz’s wife and kids dislike him.

      • elviouslyqueer

        I wouldn’t hug Ted Cruz even if I was covered from head to toe in rusty razor wire.

        • redarmyzombie

          Oh come on, surely there’s *some* exceptions…

          • Maree Martin

            Coated head to toe in degreaser?

        • AnnieGetYerFun

          Speaking of which, what do you think of the ready-to-wear line from Alexander McQueen for fall?

      • Cliff Hendroval

        I’m currently listening to the audiobook version of Al Franken’s “Giant Of The Senate”, and he’s got an entire chapter of what a smarmy, sanctimonious little prick Ted Cruz is. The chapter title is “Sophistry”.

        • MizzMazz

          Great book,innit?
          My favorite Ted Cruz moment was after one of the republican primary debates, when everyone is milling about the stage, making small talk and shaking hands, and how Ted was just frozen out. No one wanted anything to do with him. XD

      • AnnieGetYerFun

        I am beginning to like her so much.

  • Resistance Fighter Callyson

    Since the Ezra Klein link didn’t work, here you go:

    Policy after policy in the bill is built to achieve the same goal: making poor people pay more for less health insurance.

    Why does that fail to surprise me?

    • doktorzoom

      thanks, fixed!

  • Persistent Tennessee Rain

    This will not end well.

  • Bananas Foster

    So, what are the odds on this killing more people than Stalin?

    • Marion in Savannah

      About 110%.

  • jaspersdad

    Republicans do not care about access to safe abortion for victims of sexual violence…….Anywhere.

    “The United States on Thursday rejected a United Nations resolution on the elimination of violence against women because it called for access to safe abortion for all women in countries where the procedure is legal.

    The resolution, led by Canada, was adopted by consensus — that is, without taking a vote.

    U.S. First Secretary to the UN in Geneva Jason Mack said that the U.S. “must dissociate from the consensus,” specifically on access to safe abortions.

    “We do not recognize abortion as a method of family planning, nor do we support abortion in our reproductive health assistance,” he said in a statement read to the council.”

  • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

    So pretty much the plan is, since Obamacare’s individual parts besides the mandate are too popular to replace, they’ll just replace it without the mandate and with a self-destruct mechanism built in. Once it inevitably implodes, we’ll be right back to where we were in 2007, just as intended, with a massive cut to Medicaid on top of it.

    • Persistent Tennessee Rain

      Don’t forget the part about people over 50 being unable to afford insurance. But, it’s not like they’re a demographic that needs it anyway, right?

      • MrTusks

        A bold move, since (certain of) the poors and the olds are Republican bread and butter. This looks like a smash and grab by the Republicans to get the tax cut before 2018 washes them away and their donors can reward them with lobbying jobs.

    • Unmutual Tetsu Kaba

      Or worse with the bigger tax cuts for the 1%

  • Weird Fishes

    Our government is shitty.

    • Persistent Tennessee Rain

      Yeah, but we provide our elected officials with really awesome health insurance.

      • Marion in Savannah

        Yay us?

      • Weird Fishes

        Thank heavens. It would be a shame to see more people begging on the streets.

  • Cousin Itt de La Résistance

    Berners protest and vote for universal health care and taxing the rich.

    Get the exact opposite.

  • Panika MCD

    aw, look! CNN briefly found it’s balls and captured the disabled protesters being dragged out.

    • mancityRed6

      how long until Lord or Santorum say they were asking for it?

      • Panika MCD

        depends on how long it takes for the cameras to get to them or for them to find some millennial who knows how to operate the internet.

      • cmd resistor

        Takers, whiners and haters. Just hook up some bootstraps to those wheelchairs and they will be JUST FINE.

      • SeeTrain65

        3 … 2 … 1 ….

  • Marion in Savannah

    If anyone ever calls this appalling piece of shit anything other than Trumpcare I think I’ll stab them, with very, very, VERY pointed votes.

  • anwisok

    You know how some words are just fun to say? Try this one: vivisection. You’ll enjoy saying it!

  • Michael Smith

    This’ll teach those Dems to support the civil rights movement. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

    • jesterpunk

      They are also still mad about Nixon resigning and almost being impeached.

  • Persistent Tennessee Rain

    Can Justin Trudeau adopt all of us now, pleaze?

  • Swampay

    I am beginning to believe in demons and hellspawn. How can these “people” do this with a straight face? What rotted bit of rancid marmoset vomit resides where they (probably) were born with hearts? I can’t even.

    • mancityRed6

      I have less problems with the “people” (and I use that term loosely) who wrote the bill than I have with the people who voted them into office with this in mind.

      • Swampay

        I come from a long line of people who have been/would have been duped by these evil bastards. My brother-in-law thinks Trump is a business genius because he played one on tv. My step father (long since deceased) voted for some kkk nutjob in a primary state election 40 years ago because the fat-cat politicians needed to be shaken up. (this guy: – he ran as a DEM!). He would have been an easy target for Trump and his ilk.

        So, more dupes than evil.

    • SeeTrain65

      Souls were sold long ago. Evil is now reaping its harvest.

  • Unmutual Tetsu Kaba

    The American Hospital Association is against this bill.

    • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

      Well sure, they’re the ones who’ll have to dispose of all the corpses.

      • AnnieGetYerFun

        I thought Soylent Corp was going to handle that? JERB KREYAYSHUN!

        • anon_the_great

          Line up, you’ve got work to do
          We need dog food for the Poor

    • La forza del resistino

      the AHA must be Dem stooges hired by Mueller, maybe Soros.

  • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

    I’m sure Nancy Pelosi could have stopped this if she’d just believed and clapped her hands hard enough. And didn’t have that ver-gy-ner.

    • cmd resistor

      I think it’s a matter of believing and clicking one’s heels. Of course you might need ruby slippers even then.

      • Raan

        Please, the last thing we need in politics is more red.

  • Vincent Ricola

    “… costly for older and sicker Obamacare enrollees who rely on the law’s
    current requirements, and would be asked to pay more for less generous

    This is why the boomers have been so demonized in the past few months with all the “once they die out, we’ll finally have a liberal America full of free college and $35 minimum wages and hookers and blow” talk. Not only is it a great dividing tactic, it dehumanizes older people and makes it easy for normally decent people to be okay with cutting their healthcare to shreds.


    • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

      I do think that the Boomerhate arose from genuine grievances from among my age bracket (25-35) that we’re called on to clean up messes that predominately originated from a certain white-haired cohort, and told we should be happy for the privilege to do it at miserable wages and no prospect of it coming back to us.

      But hating a group of people based on the actions of a few helps no one but the Republicans and excuses their massive, overwhelming culpability in all this. The problem isn’t old or young people. The problem is that conservatives in this country have lost their damn minds.

      • Vincent Ricola

        I’m 35-40 and get the argument. I just think it’s wrong. Those boomers are the ones that have brought us to the most progressive time in our history. They fought for civil rights and busted ass being great teachers and lawyers and feminists and did all the things.

        I blame the republican money grabs and financial collapse in 2008 for the mess you are seeing now. The unfair distribution of money in this country was not caused by boomers, it was caused by republicans of all ages who have systematically been robbing the country for 40 years now.

        • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

          A small quibble: my dad (a Boomer, bn. 1952) made a similar argument about Civil rights, and laid claim to the 60’s music environment. I pointed out that when Dr. King marched on Washington, he (my dad) was 12, and that he was 15 when Sgt. Pepper came out. The Boomer’s actual impact on either, such as that it can be traced, was minimal until the 70’s, when the pendulum of politics began to swing back towards conservatism.

          There’s arguments to be made about culpability and what specific groups of people that vote for the Republicans, but they ultimately serve no purpose other than to alienate potential supporters, I agree. No amount of yelling at a liberal Boomer will turn their conservative counterparts lefty. But the anger and disillusionment among the young is real and pervasive and does need to be countered, else it’ll fester into something worse.

          • Vincent Ricola

            In fairness, I may be bias. My family is full of strong liberals who were born between 1947-1950 and were very much activists. They marched and Woodstocked and my mom will speak endlessly about how Dr. King’s speech in 1967 (she was 17) formed the next 3 years of her protesting life. These are the boomers I know. They live in red states and are still as active as they were in their youth.

            Compared to the young male republicans I see everyday, the ones that would happily take away all my rights for a small taste of my tears, I’m always falling on the side of team boomer.

          • Angela Ruzzo

            I was born in 1956, so I am a “tail-end” Boomer. Even though I was only 6 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and 7 when MLK marched on Washington and JFK was assasinated (yes, I know exactly where I was), and 9 when MLK marched to Selma, and 10 when the Beatles gave a concert in St. Louis (my mother wouldn’t let me go), and 11 when the Stonewall Riots took place, and 12 when MLK and RFK were assassinated, and 13 when Woodstock happened (damn, mom wouldn’t let me go AGAIN), and 14 when Kent State happened, that does not mean that the impact was minimal. It was absolutely NOT minimal. My sister was in grad school in Mexico City during the Tlatelolco student massacre in 1968, and she saw Tommie Smith and John Carlos give the Black Panther salute at the 1968 Olympics there. My brother turned 18 in 1968, and he had a very bad draft lottery number. I bought my very first LP when I was 9 at a K-Mart Blue Light Special (it was “Up Up & Away” by the Fifth Dimension”). I completely wore out my copy of Sgt. Pepper by the time I was 14. I campaigned door-to-door for Shirley Chisholm when I was 16. Nixon resigned the week I turned 18.

            So never say people who were children during the 60’s were only “minimally” affected. We were growing up very fast, and our little plastic brains were sucking all this stuff up and turning it into opinions and lifestyle choices.

          • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

            I meant the impact they had on the events I was talking about, not the impact on them. My dad might say that Dr. King’s march inspired him, but he didn’t have anything to do with it happening because he was in grade school. I was disputing his attempts to claim those things for the Boomers, rather than being things he witnessed.

          • Angela Ruzzo

            I think you are nitpicking. The vast majority of adult Boomers did not get a chance to attend the March on Washington. There were 76 million Boomers, and only 250,000 people participated in the March on Washington. The adult Boomers witnessed it on TV, just like I did. But it was their generation’s openness to new ideas and new ways of thinking and living and treating other people, and their refusal to accept the old ways, that made the March on Washington possible. Your father was part of that.

            I did not have to be present on the Grassy Knoll and personally witness JFK’s assassination, or participate in the investigation afterwards, to have my world rocked by this event and be permanently changed by it. It was MY generation that was most seriously affected by this event, even though we had nothing to do with it.

        • Angela Ruzzo

          You are pretty close. Everything began to go downhill when Reagan was elected in 1980. I knew several hundred Boomers in 1980, and we were all speechless with shock when he won the election. Several of us had to have our jaws wired shut. By that time the Boomers had jobs and families and mortgages and didn’t have the time to actively protest, as they had done in the 60’s when they were in college. We’ve all been working our tails off for 40+ years and paying huge amounts in taxes without any major complaint. You will not find a more productive generation. Several of my friends had their retirement plans wiped out by the financial collapse of 2008. And then a lot of us became caregivers for elderly parents as well. My parents managed, through more frugality than you can imagine, and careful research, to save $300,000 by the time they were 65, and every penny ended up in the hands of nursing homes.

      • Angela Ruzzo

        Please identify these culpable Boomers, because I think if you investigate their backgrounds carefully you might find they are not bona fide Boomers.

        • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

          I’ll do that, once I find that ever-elusive True Scotsman. /s.

          For real tho, a lot of the resentment stems from the simple fact that most people in higher positions of government (including the President and his former challenger), along with former Presidents Bush and Clinton (both of which, among us, are not remembered fondly), to the bulk of the Republican voting base, right down to the senior members of various places of employment who keep wages and hiring down by not retiring, are all Boomers.

          In much the same way that Boomers themselves resented their parents, the youth do now. It’s a narrow and ill-informed view of the world, but it exists, and we would be fools to ignore it or allow it to fester because it lets the Republicans, the actual authors of all this, off the hook.

          • Angela Ruzzo

            It takes more than a birthdate to be a Boomer. The Boomers had parents who were part of The Greatest Generation – men and women who grew up poor or middle class during the Great Depression, and then went to war, and then either got jobs or went to college on the G.I. Bill, and then worked hard and saved money while raising large families in small houses that their grandchildren would refuse to live in today. Their sons grew up with the Viet Nam War hanging over their heads. Their daughters were the first generation of American women who were widely admitted to universities and who could control their own reproduction.

            Trump was born rich to a father who did not serve in the military during WWII – instead he got rich building military housing. Donald got 4 military deferments – for being in college and having bad feet. I do not consider him to be a Boomer – he gets an “F” on the admissions test.

            During the Great Depression, Hillary’s father went to college and played football and joined a fraternity. He served in the Navy during WWII, but he was stationed at the Great Lakes and trained people to go to war in the Pacific. Is Hillary a Boomer? Maybe. I would have to meet her to know for sure.

            Bill Clinton does count as a Boomer, sort of.

            George W. Bush? Don’t make me laugh. He grew up rich and Daddy got him out of serving in the Viet Nam War. If he’s a Boomer, then I’m a platypus.

          • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

            As I was trying to make clear above, these are distinctions that mean much to you, having lived through it. To many in my bracket that now finds the Boomers (which artificial or not are a generational, not an experiential, cohort) as they presently are, this means very little. They only see them as they are now: in positions of power in a system that treats them (my age bracket) poorly. The finer distinctions of Vietnam service and college attendance, to them, are irrelevant. It’s very much the same as the #notallmen argument.

          • Angela Ruzzo

            But every generation says that about the preceding generations that are now in power. And if the younger generation does not understand the finer distinctions of what made the older generations tick, then it’s no wonder their experiences mean so little to you, and you resent them. If I had not understood what the Great Depression was all about and what effect WWII had on my parents, I would probably have hated them.

      • CripesAmighty

        Well, if all y’all young yout’ folk’d get off your asses and vote in numbers comparable to those of us crusty old fart folk, maybe you’d have a better argument. Just sayin’.

    • Ian

      I’m all for the death panels so I don’t have to be the fucking IT department for my family! #ISITON #YOUHAVETOTURNITONFIRST

      • Angela Ruzzo

        I feel your pain, as I, too, have considered charging friends and family $100 per hour for the 1 am phone calls about why they can’t log in to Netflix. But at least I no longer get calls from relatives saying “The computer won’t boot and the screen says ‘No System Disc'” because nobody uses floppies anymore, so the days of people booting with a floppy in the drive are long gone.

    • Angela Ruzzo

      So it’s really all Hitler’s fault, cause without Hitler there wouldn’t have been a Baby Boom. My parents would never have met if it wasn’t for Hitler, and don’t think I don’t think about that every now and then. Also, if we had sent our troops to invade Japan and 1 million of them had really died like the experts said would happen, my father would have been there and died and I wouldn’t be here not commenting. So that makes it…let me see…Truman’s fault??? Einstein’s fault??? I’m getting a headache.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Susan Sarandon is happy.

    • Wild Cat

      Amy, Katrina, Ralph, Glen, Steven, and Jill also.

    • Unmutual Tetsu Kaba

      As if she has trouble buying insurance.

      • Wild Cat

        And she gets wet watching the handicapped protesting their death sentences.
        I gotta get out of this fucking country, but then I’d end up giving away my health care.

        • WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

          Depending on where you end up, you will probably gain much better health care than what you will give up.

  • Michael Smith

    Soros is paying the Senate to pass this bill to try and make conservatives look bad

    • NellCote71

      I heard that too, so it must be true.

    • BearGHAZI

      I’m going to steal that sentence, post it on Breitbart. See if they like it.

      • Michael Smith

        lol I’ve been attacking right wing trolls on Facebook lately by accusing them of accepting soros money to make conservatives look bad

  • elviouslyqueer

    Dear Democrats:

    If y’all don’t SHOW THE ACTUAL FUCK UP AND VOTE in the midterms in 2018, all y’all can go die in a fucking fire.

    Not even remotely joking.


    • Angela Ruzzo

      I want the earth to open up and they all fall in the hole and then the earth closes. And I want to see the video at 10.

    • cmd resistor

      My local county dems are doing a volunteer training thing today. At least they seem to be not waiting till 2018 to get going. One of these days I will make it to one of their meetings, or at least take them a pie.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    I just couldn’t trust Hillary.

    • Vincent Ricola

      I mean… emails and something about a server that someone on reddit who knows about the computers said was bad… what could a reasonable person even do?

      • CogitoErgoBibo

        Well, and she has ladybits. It affects…things.

        • Vincent Ricola

          older lady hormones parkinsons health issues

          • cmd resistor


        • h4rr4r

          Bleeding from her wherever.

    • SeeTrain65

      Keep casting that line, Mr. B. You’ll catch a troll sooner or later.

  • Resistance Fighter Callyson
    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      This is why I wish we would stop being so doom-and-gloom about these special elections. We were NOT going to win these seats. We DID narrow the gap in HEAVILY republicanized territories.

      • Opalescent Riddles

        Exactly. Those particular seats were vacated BECAUSE they were safe.

    • jesterpunk

      Yes but both parties are the same and voting doesnt work, also since St Bernie didnt get elected burn the whole system down. Something something identity politics too. (That is all sarcasm)

      • h4rr4r

        We had to spend a lot of money to get that return in GA-06, that is not sustainable.

        We need a hope, a dream, a single unifying positive thing. This will get the non-voters to vote. I don’t care if single payer can’t pass, it is a good dream. Hell, pick anything else. It’s a fucking means to an end, any popular dream that will get people energized. Anybody but Trump is not that dream. We tried that with Dubya and he ended up an 8 year president.

  • blarg

    Not sure whether to barf, scream or cry. Help me out folks.

    • msanthropesmr

      Try all three at once.

      • Unmutual Tetsu Kaba

        Just don’t suck the barf back in when you inhale.

      • blarg

        Upon further reflection, those three things usually all do happen at once for me.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Which Republican said a bill shouldn’t be more then two pages? Was it trump?

  • La forza del resistino

    putting the GOP in charge of a collective, re distrubutive system like health insurance is like hiring a vegan to man your BBQ pit.

    • h4rr4r

      I don’t understand.

      The senate bill is redistributive, it takes taxes from all americans and gives them to the wealthy.

  • Sedagive ’em Hell

    Snark: you know who else wanted to “eliminate” the sick and disabled?

    Not snark: you know who else wanted to “eliminate” the sick and disabled?

  • OddMan

    Thanks Doc,
    For those that want to see the real thing, MJ has it up.

  • Master Contrail Program

    I would like to think that this is typical GOP overreach that they’ll pay dearly for, but 2010, 14, 16 and the way these fucks have gone full-tilt boogie does not inspire a lot of confidence.

  • BMW

    Slightly OT, but:

    My home page is filled with books about the 2016 election, because I bought Matt Taibbi’s “Insane Clown President” and that “Shattered” book. Most seem to be called some variation on “Why Did Trump Win?” with an emphasis on the political climate, or how Trump had “connected” with working class voters, or how Mrs. Clinton had run a mistake-ridden campaign whose defeat was inevitable (see “Shattered”). It’s like the authors of multiple books, who collectively spent probably thousands of hours writing, buy into the myth that this election outcomes actually reflected the will of the people and the people chose Trump. Ignoring that disproportional human geography is all that kept the electoral college from reflecting the popular vote. That’s not to say Clinton didn’t make mistakes, but her mistakes were what probably kept her from crushing Trump by 10-20 points. For all Clinton’s weaknesses and Trump’s strengths, her defeat was definitely not inevitable, given that she got way more actual votes.

    • Wild Cat

      Taibbi is not your friend. Taibbi is Taibbi’s friend.

  • CogitoErgoBibo

    Here. Have a really depressing visual depiction! I know. There will be drinking in the Cogito household this eve.

  • Lance Thrustwell

    Know what really gets me about this? Do ya?

    Well, since you asked… there is only one possible argument for doing this that makes any sense: it’s the argument that Obamacare – or anything like it that involves an expansion of Medicaid/care and guarantees coverage – would bankrupt America in the long run, or at least severely cripple its economy due to inefficiencies, rising costs, etc., and that making these changes is a highly regrettable necessity.

    And the thing is – Republicans say they believe this. But when pressed on the issue, this is not always the first thing out of their mouths. Instead you get some kraken mucus gargle about “choice” and “quality” and “keep your doctor” and a lot of other steaming horseshit.

    It’s like… I’m at a loss for words. It’s almost like they see the effort to appear human as some sort of betrayal of principle.

    • Vagenda and Pee-ara

      They all HAVE to know at this point that trickle down economics doesn’t work, yet they keep pushing it. If I was a more cynical woman, I’d think it was because they like having huge sums of money given to them for their re-election campaigns, by people like the Kochs. Good thing I’m not a cynic.

      • Lance Thrustwell

        And they don’t even bother to come up with plausible lies anymore! I really see it as adding insult to injury. At least have enough respect for me to come up with a decent lie!

        • C4TWOMAN

          I think they stretch the lie far enough for their base to buy it. In the old days they were worried about looking “reasonable”. Now they just go for reasonable enough to get reelected.
          Less work that way.

        • JAKvirginia

          They can’t govern decently. They can’t lie decently. You expect too much from these incompetents.

        • Vagenda and Pee-ara

          Trump lies EVERY fucking day, and most of them don’t say a thing about it. Obviously, they’ve realized the people who vote for them are morons, who won’t notice, and/or don’t care.

      • jesterpunk

        Republicans in Kansas finally this year realized that shit doesnt work and ended it over Brownstain’s objections.

        • Vagenda and Pee-ara

          Yeah, but they re-elected the son of a bitch, too, so there’s that.

          • jesterpunk

            Baby step, it only took them 30 years to learn trickle down doesn’t work.

          • Vagenda and Pee-ara

            Slow learners, apparently. I’m hoping Republicans will fuck them so hard this go round, that they might actually start thinking about voting for Dems again.

          • jesterpunk

            That wont happen, the most that will happen is they decide not to vote for republicans in the next election.

        • Vagenda and Pee-ara

          Also, too, Trump won Kansas by 20 points, and Kansas has not voted for a Democrat for president since 1964. I wouldn’t exactly say they’ve learned that trickle down economics doesn’t work. What I’d say they noticed is that Brownback is A idiot.

      • Angela Ruzzo

        Sorry, but you are a cynic. There is treatment for this. It’s called emigration to Canada.

        • Vagenda and Pee-ara

          Pickwick won’t let me crash on her couch, and I don’t know any other Canadians.

          • Angela Ruzzo

            There used to be a dating website for Americans who wanted to marry Canadians and get “marriage” visas. If I wasn’t 60 and post-menopausal and a confirmed Singleton, I would seriously consider using it. I was offered a job in Toronto 30 years ago and I turned it down, because I thought Canada was too cold. I was an idjit.

          • Vagenda and Pee-ara

            I don’t like the cold, but I like fascism even less. I’d gladly move to Canada at this point.

    • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

      “. . .bankrupt America in the long run, or at least severely cripple its
      economy due to inefficiencies, rising costs, etc., and that making these
      changes is a highly regrettable necessity.”

      I have heard this argument before and even that part is just a lie. A federal system would apply federal standards, thereby reducing overlap in health care and ultimately saving lives and money.

      Better healthcare ultimately creates more taxpayers. Healthier people work better. Make people healthy, they will work.

  • msanthropesmr

    You know, purity ponies, if Sec. Clinton we’re elected, she’d just smack this shit down with a veto.

  • Wild Cat

    Pats fans: Remember—Tom Brady and Bill Belichick and Robert Kraft love our current “president.”

    Cubs fans: No one cared because of Ricketts. So have fun celebrating yourselves.

    Jets fans: Woody Johnson. ‘Nuff said.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      It’s not like the Jets give us a reason to stick around.

      • Wild Cat

        The “Ass Fumble” didn’t make you a Fan for Life???

        • Mr. Blobfish

          Ahem. It’s butt fumble, thank you very much. When I was a young lad, Tom “Terrific” Seaver and Broadway Joe Namath were the toast of the town. Who knew I’d be stuck with such loser teams?

          • Wild Cat

            Me too. Seaver actually had a career—first saw him in person in June 1970 at Shea. (Grote was a neighbor of mine.)
            Namath—those tragic knees. If you look at his stats, he only had a few full seasons. I missed his hey day—he was always injured when I started watching the NFL.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    The coastal elites don’t understand the concerns of rural US Americans.

    • Vagenda and Pee-ara

      Coastal elites like Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, the Kochs, Rush Limbaugh, Rupert Murdoch, etc…

    • Master Contrail Program

      Every election cycle sort of proves rural Americans don’t seem to understand the concerns of rural Americans.

    • Mavenmaven

      After this plan, the rural Americans will all be dead.

  • TheGrandWazoo2

    The for profit insurance/health care/politics industries is going to kill us all. Literally.

  • Anna Rompage

    Does it count if the tree of liburtee is watered with the blood of those who prematurely die from preventable chronic health issues?

    • ariel_gee_398

      It counts, but it’s more profitable if that blood and any other usable parts are sold off when the patient dies.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    No healthy insurance. No health insurance. You’re the health insurance.

    • CogitoErgoBibo

      No health insurance. No health insurance. YOU’RE the tax cut for the rich.

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Tax cut for the rich is dem FAKE NEWS! Pocahontas better hope there is no “tape”.

  • Blackest Noobs

    Senate Republican put up a shitty bill and doesn’t have full confidence of the Senate.

  • mackafritz

    “Sorry poor people, and old people, and children, and pregnant women. But now I can buy that ivory backscratcher I’ve been wanting.” – the rich.

  • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

    It is looking like this bill, in it’s current form, is DOA. Four republicans have already come out as “no” votes. The bill was not mean enough for the teabaggers.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      They’ll vote for it. They always do.

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Yeah, but four of them are on record saying they won’t. I don’t know if they ultimately will, just that this is what they say and it’s going to be a hard sell to just “change their minds” without changing the bill itself.

        It’d be smarter, if they were going to vote for it, not to tip their hand in any one direction. Of course, that’s a political move and these guys clearly do not understand politics at all.

    • jesterpunk

      They will blame Democrats again when it fails.

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Again? You say that like they ever STOPPED blaming Democrats.

        • jesterpunk

          Trump will twit about it this time again.

    • blarg

      Well bless their shriveled, coal black hearts.

    • Wild Cat

      It’s kabuki. They’re not going to let something this cruel slip through their claws.

    • Dr. Rrrrrobotnik

      Was one of the no’s McCain, Graham, or Collins? Because we all know what their word is worth.

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Nope, it’s Rand Paul, Lyin’ Ted, Ron Johnson and Mike Lee.

    • TheGrandWazoo2

      The Senate will do like the House did and make it meaner to get Cruz, Paul, Lee, etc. on board leaving only Murkowski and Collins to oppose it, then Pence can cast the deciding vote. Hooray!

    • cmd resistor

      So won’t they just make it crappy enough to make those guys happy, like they did in the House with the Freedom Caucus people who were against the first bill they had? Or can it get crappy enough that some GOP people would NOT vote for it?

      • Pre-Existing Condition Jack

        Well, it looks like if they veer too hard to the right, they might lose some moderates who actually live in swing states.

        The main objection to this bill is that it does not “repeal Obamacare”. All four of these guys said that and maybe that means something deeper.

        Either way, it buys us some time.

        • cmd resistor

          I know there were a few House republicans who didn’t vote for the second bill because they actually thought it sucked. I don’t remember how many, though. At least one of them (Iliana Ros-Lehtinen) isn’t going to run in 2018, but she did say it was a bad deal for her constituents, which is more than you will get out of MOST of those turds.

          • miss_grundy

            I beg to differ. The Cubiches of Miami, especially the old people, are not going to like this one bit. Especially the ones who are seen by their nice Cubiche doctors or attend the medical clinics at JMH (Jackson Memorial Hospital).

          • cmd resistor

            I think the old people in Miami were some of her constituents who convinced her that the House bill sucked.

  • Mr. Blobfish
  • OutOfOrbit

    “‘We’ –can put a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth.” but we cannot (and never will) be able to fix stupid.

    • Regret

      Oh yeah?
      How many decades ago did that last happen?
      Face it, ‘we’ even suck at something as basic as putting a man on the moon.
      It was 2 generations ago…

      • OutOfOrbit

        NASA has the peeps and the know-how to do again & do it well. But they don’t have the monies and even if they did, (R)corruption would totally fuck it up.

        • Bobathonic

          Aren’t we supplying the ISS with Roosky rocket motors?


    having access to medical care and adaptive equipment

    You can’t have it both ways: demand people bootstrap themselves up if they were born without limbs or lost them in accidents and not offer prosthesis for them to function.

    Libertarian Utopian delusions aside, no one really wants to go back to the days where blind people were forced to beg or depend on charity.

    • miss_grundy

      Considering all of the olds who voted for Dolt 45 and the Rethuglians, they will have to subsist on dog food just like the olds did during the Reagan era.

    • The Wanderer

      The GOP apparently does.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    That does it. I’m voting for Kanye next time.

  • Mavenmaven

    Should be Care Reconciliation Act Program.

  • SeeTrain65
  • Ωbjectifier
    • ariel_gee_398

      Ted Cruz, as a blobfish American, is their diversity pick

      • Oblios_Cap

        Mr. Blobfish libel!

      • Ωbjectifier

        Now you’ve done it, summoned the wrath of our Mr. Blobfish.

    • Anna Rompage

      Hey look, a bunch of conservative stagnate old white wealthy men who will receive a huge pension & health insurance for life, just wrote a bill that’ll fuck over 10s of millions of poor & middle class people, not including those with preexisting conditions who are gonna get equally fucked…

      • Joe Beese

        Just picture them all sitting in the same room in their leather chairs, “conducting business”, sharing a laugh.

    • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance

      Yeah, they are all murdering fascists in disguise.

      • Joe Beese

        they are all murdering fascists in disguise.


    • elviouslyqueer

      I doubt even Pornhub has that many assholes in one place.

    • The Wanderer

      “Wherefore in the name of God the All-powerful, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, of the Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and of all the saints, in virtue of the power which has been given us of binding and loosing in Heaven and on earth, we deprive them and all their accomplices and all their abettors of the Communion of the Body and Blood of Our Lord, we separate them from the society of all Christians, we exclude them from the bosom of our Holy Mother the Church in Heaven and on earth, we declare them excommunicated and anathematized and we judge them condemned to eternal fire with Satan and his angels and all the reprobate, so long as they will not burst the fetters of the demon, do penance and satisfy the Church; we deliver them to Satan to mortify their bodies, that their souls may be saved on the day of judgment.”
      – Catholic anathematization

    • There is more white here than at the dairy tour I just took.

  • ez

    When a giant Turd like that hits the bowl, you just know there is going to be splash back.

  • miss_grundy

    These assholes will be coming home soon for their 4th of July recess. Make sure to picket in front of their district offices and make phone calls to drive the congressional district staff insane. They deserve it, the POSs.

    • Anna Rompage

      Maybe Soros would be kind enough to hire some of those Turkish body guards to work as protesters…

    • Unmutual Tetsu Kaba

      I’ve heard a demonstration is being organized for ReaganNational to send them off.

    • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance

      Is the plural of POS, POSs or PsOS? It is something I have been pondering lately.

      • Joe Beese

        This is the kind of issue I get passionate about.


        • Bobathonic

          Wouldn’t it just be one complete S?

      • CripesAmighty

        Piles Of Shit.

        • generalleeme

          HUUUGE piles of shit…

    • Old town Urbandale

      I’m checking schedules and will be at whatever Fourth of July parade Senators Grassley and/or Ernst grace so that I can at minimum boo when they go rolling past.

  • CripesAmighty

    Hey, kids, betcha thought you couldn’t get all weepy and wistful by reading a dry, sober policy statement. Well, try this. Dare ya.

    • NastyBossetti


    • Proud Liberal

      God I miss him.

    • TakingAmes

      Ya know what’s brilliant? The fact that he called out the “fundamental meanness” of the bill. Throwing it back on 45*.

    • Msgr_MΩment


    • Bitter Scribe

      How could we go from someone like that to someone like Trump?

  • OddMan

    I’m a goddamned heathen, but I do read the bible a bit, just to argue with the Christians. Bible gateway is a good source.
    Don’t often quote scripture, but a commenter on that twitter thread said his Christian neighbor did not want to “pay for someone else to live”. Then someone reminded them of Matthew 25:35-46. A small bit I thought was important.
    41 Then the king will say to those on his left, “Get away from me! You are under God’s curse. Go into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels!
    42 I was hungry, but you did not give me anything to eat, and I was thirsty, but you did not give me anything to drink.
    43 I was a stranger, but you did not welcome me, and I was naked, but you did not give me any clothes to wear. I was sick and in jail, but you did not take care of me.”
    44 Then the people will ask, “Lord, when did we fail to help you when you were hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in jail?”
    45 The king will say to them, “Whenever you failed to help any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you failed to do it for me.”
    46 Then Jesus said, “Those people will be punished forever. But the ones who pleased God will have eternal life.”

    This seems to be a part of the bible that Christians forget. Like Matthew 6-5 the other part of Matthew I like.

    • BigBoppa ~ Résistent

      This seems to be a part of the bible that Christians forget.

      That’s cuz there’s nuthin ’bout homo killin’.

    • Vel Venturi

      They only like the bits in which Fightin’ White Jesus rides in on a T-Rex and uses his automatic weapon to defend fetuses from trans people who are looking for a bathroom to use.

  • IdiokraticDrumpfenResistance

    “Somebody had ‘Better Care’ ’cause we sure don’t.” – Yr Republican Party.

    • Bebecca

      We don’t care if you care

  • Latverian Diplomat

    “What good is health insurance that actually covers stuff. That’s no way to make money!”
    — Insurance Company/Republican Party Axis of Evil

  • The Wanderer

    “Better Care.”
    Yep, that’s how far this rolls back our health care. We’ll be down to reciting prayers to Thoth and Aesculapius before long.

  • jesterpunk

    Exclusive footage of Trump and McConnell meeting before this bill was released today.

    • Zyxomma

      Pumpkin and tortuga LIBELZ!!11!!!!!

  • cmd resistor
  • Bebecca

    But you all know Trump will veto it because it’s mean.

    • The Wanderer

      Pfft, please. Trump is so hungry for a victory, any victory, he’d sell his own children to a pimp in Port Said.

      • Bebecca

        Sorry, I should have used the sarcasm thingy. I know he won’t veto it because he’ll consider it a win, whatever it is whatever, it looks like.

  • Marla

    This is awesome. Seeing Ryan and Turtle boy slash their own throats and taking the joke that is the GOP with them.


    Maybe they should call it the “Hospital Gown Act” because it does a shitty job of covering your ass

  • Les Appentis De la résistance

    They should have thrown in legal weed for the Bernie Bros.

  • gene108

    This is just Phase 1 of their plan to destroy us all.

    I’m sure Medicare and Social Security are next up on the chopping block to pay for more tax cuts for the rich.

    There was a lot of violence in the Progressive Era of the late-19th-to-early-20th century. I kind of understand why.

  • Les Appentis De la résistance

    Its not mean enough for Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee so we have that going for us.

    • lovelydestruction

      And if they meet THEIR standards maybe they’ll lose moderates.

  • Major_Major_Major

    Guess which on is ‘Merica and which one is the GOP?

    • phoenix00

      Funny, it’s the white blond guy with the red trunks getting kicked in the balls…

  • Blackest Noobs

    so the Republican’s Anti-Obama Health Care Bill is pretty much DOA ( DEAD ON ARRIVAL)

    so it begs the question….they had what…7 or so years to craft some kind of bill and STILL these mutherfuckers cannot get that shit right?

    sure…Democrats suffer from some their own incompetence but this fucking takes the fucking cake….Repubs had something like 2555 days or 61320 hours to come up with something…and the best they can do is a bill that won’t see the light of day.

    HA HA HILARIOUS. that’s it folks….burn it all down….start over. you hear me God, you can turn off the lights and begin again.

    • Old town Urbandale

      But, from what I’m reading, a big reason it’s DOA is because ***IT’S NOT MEAN ENOUGH*** for lickspittles like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. In a couple months I’ll have gone 30 years without a drink, but man, these times are hard to face sober.

      • it’s not DOA until it’s fucking stabbed in the heart.

        make this shit go away. i am tired of waking up worried about health care.

    • Lefty Wright

      Because there never was a solution. I have been saying this for seven years, since the GOP came up with their first list of five things to replace the ACA. Including banning that huge expenditure of federal funds on abortions. Covering pre-existing conditions is expensive and people without insurance have those problems more often than people on group plans. That’s why they are not working and on group plans. But the media and all the expert pundits allowed, and still allow the myth that there is some magic plan floating around that will solve that problem without some tax increases for some people.

      The ACA placed those increases on groups most able to afford them. The GOP plans to give those taxes back and solve the problem by cutting the insurance not only to people in the marketplace private policies but to traditional and expansion Medicaid recipients. So within 10 years, the health insurance/Medicaid situation will be worse than it was before passage of the ACA. If this passes, they will start pushing for vouchers for Medicare, under the same fiction of ‘choice”. Do you want to eat, have a roof over your head, or have health insurance. Eventually, you will be lucky to get two out of three.

    • god i hope you’re right.

      • Blackest Noobs

        it’s probably not dead dead but i wouldnt bet it’ll happen before the 4th.
        they will eventually pass this shitty bill.

        they have to be unified when they give the big fuck you to the black guy President. vote for this bill is the middle finger.

  • House0fTheBlueLights

    What the fuck is wrong with the Republicans.

    • Blackest Noobs

      Cameron Poe from Con Air would say, “A LOT.”

    • Jeffery Campbell

      Everything. The human parts are missing.

    • CATMAN

      The RNC demands that all candidates have their consciences surgically removed before they are allowed to run for office

      • Lefty Wright

        Considering many Bernie fans claimed their conscience would not permit them to vote for Hillary, the Republicans are not the only ones with conscience problems.

    • Platos_Redhaired_Stepchild

      They’re racist, sexist corporate whores who sold themselves to a foreign government for the almighty $$$$. That’s primarily what’s wrong with them.

    • Vel Venturi

      Complete lack of human empathy.

  • chascates

    I make $12,120 a year from Social Security, am single, and will turn 63 next month. Am I screwed or not?

    • Lefty Wright

      Makes me feel appreciative of my state retirement pension. I got a 1% cost of living increase this year. The first permanent increase in the retirement system in 6 years.

      • chascates

        Yeah, I got a $5 a month cost of living adjustment this year.

        • CATMAN

          So did I but my Medicare premuim went up $6, so I’m screwed again

        • Lefty Wright

          Yeah, even the Social Security increases suck. For a couple of years, the cost of living index was just below what would trigger a raise, so cumulatively, you now receive less based on inflation than 3 years ago. And that is not based on the real increase in cost most people in our age group experience. Low gas prices have screwed most of the olds by lowering the CPI, while medical costs are not really counted.

    • CATMAN

      You and me are–I’m 67 and glad to make it to medicare after 2 yrs on Obamacare but we know that that lying sack of shit with the widow’s peak and big nose has Medicare next on his list for “reform” which is a GOP euphemism for “destroy”

    • tehbaddr

      You’re fucked. Doesn’t matter who is in office, or controls the congress. but you’ll be fucked quicker now!

    • this won’t go into effect until 19. when do you turn 65?

      (technically we’re all screwed)

      • chascates

        Two more years until I’m eligible for Medicare.

  • chascates

    From that Vox article:
    Someone who has earnings right around the poverty line (about $12,000)
    would still be expected to spend 2 percent of her income on premiums.
    But in return, she’d get a health plan that covers less than what she
    gets under the Affordable Care Act.

    So I’m guessing they plan on fucking up Medicare as well which I should be eligible for in 2 years?

  • Blackest Noobs

    Republican Healthcare bill has a great provision for cancer patients!
    they’re gonna throw them into an active volcano….see problem solved!

    Thanks Republicans!!!!!

  • Relativicus

    I was thinking that Cruz has been uncharacteristically quiet the last awhile. Then I saw an article a couple weeks ago that claimed he had become a dealmaker in the secret write-up meetings. That didn’t sound right. It turns out, he’s been working with Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and who’s the other jackass (?) to chafe McConnell’s turtle-taint and squeeze as much cruelty into the plan as possible in the small amount of time they have.

    Because of course that’s what Cruz has been doing.

  • Alexander Stallwitz
  • Poly_Ester

    The GOP should call this “The parity with Russia on healthcare outcomes” Act.

  • Me not sure

    The Wannsee Accords would have been called The Free Rail Transportation and Accomodstions Agreement if the Republicans had written it.

  • RugzYaBurnt

    Awesome policing from the cops who spent their day rolling disabled people out of the Cowardly Turtle’s office! Takes a big fuckin’ man to bounce somebody in a wheelchair, right?

  • Alex Grey
  • brittany

    Well this sure isn’t going to help you poor bastards lift yourselves back up from the second tier of the Social Progress Index…

    • BKScooter

      Haha. I’ll be perfectly honest. I got nailed with work last night and couldn’t go pass out literature in Georgia’s 6th (wait, what do you mean it’s over?). In all seriousness, I did crack open the Tivo from two months ago and watch Sam’s headline show. I love her in small doses, but this special was almost perfect. It was worth every minute.. I don’t always want to be battered with politics…being battered with a proper issue was great.

  • BKScooter

    *deep sigh* I love the word sunset. When I’m healthy and standing on the top of a mountain. Other times, it never ends well.

    • mary5920

      The sunset on requiring the Post Office to fund pensions for 75 years was one good thing. The Patriot Act was supposed to sunset too but kept getting renewed, grrrr.

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