
Beautiful math in all browsers

A JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.
No more setup for readers. It just works.

Features & benefits

High-quality typography

MathJax™ uses CSS with web fonts or SVG, instead of bitmap images or Flash, so equations scale with surrounding text at all zoom levels.

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Modular Input & Output

MathJax is highly modular on input and output. Use MathML, TeX and ASCIImath as input and produce HTML+CSS, SVG and MathML as output.

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Accessible & reusable

MathJax is compatible with screenreaders & provides zoom for everyone. You can also copy equations into Office, LaTeX, wikis, and other software.

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Simple integration

To quick start with a CDN, copy this snippet. You can also download a copy and configure MathJax yourself.

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A rich API

Use our extensive APIs to create interactive content, advanced authoring tools, and math-enabled web and mobile apps.

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Works everywhere

MathJax generates identical, high-quality output on all browsers & platforms. Our support starts with IE 6, Firefox 3, Safari 2.

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Contact us


We host our code (incl. this site) on GitHub. Please report issues & submit patches!

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Mailing Lists

We host the MathJax-User and MathJax-Dev Groups as well as a news list.

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You can reach out to us on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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About us

The MathJax Consortium is a joint venture of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) to advance mathematical and scientific content on the web.

Core Goals

The core of the MathJax project is the development of its state-of-the-art, open source, JavaScript platform for display of mathematics. Our key design goals are

  • high-quality display of mathematics notation in all browsers
  • no special browser setup required
  • support for LaTeX, MathML and other equation markup directly in the HTML source.
  • an extensible, modular design with a rich API for easy integration into web applications.
  • support for accessibility, copy and paste and other rich functionality
  • interoperability with other applications and math-aware search.

Advisory Committees

The MathJax Steering Committee and the MathJax Technical Committee meet regularly to advise the MathJax team on its development goals and priorities. We’re grateful for the support of our committee members!

MathJax Steering Committee

  • David Fullerton, Stack Overflow
  • Ken Rawson, IEEE
  • Paul Mostert, Elsevier
  • Ted Kull, SIAM
  • Robert Harington, AMS

MathJax Technical Committee

  • Omar Al-Ithawi, Edraak
  • David Carlisle, NAG Ltd
  • Paul Dlug, APS
  • Jason Grout, Bloomberg
  • Jean Kaplansky, McGraw Hill Higher Education
  • Martin Lessmeister,
  • Christopher Maloney, NIH
  • Marko Obrovac, Wikimedia Foundation
  • Matias Piipari, ManuscriptApp
  • Phil Schatz, OpenStax CNX
  • Neil Soiffer, Independent Consultant
  • Alfred Wassermann, Universität Bayreuth
  • Ed Woodward, OpenStax CNX


MathJax grew out of the popular jsMath project, an earlier Ajax-based math rendering system developed by Davide Cervone in 2004. In the following years, there were many significant developments relevant for web publication of mathematics: consolidation of browser support for CSS 2.1, Web Font technology, adoption of math accessibility standards, and increasing usage of XML workflows for scientific publication.

In 2009, AMS, Design Science, and SIAM formed the MathJax Consortium to enable Cervone and others to design MathJax from the ground up as a next-generation platform, while still benefiting from the extensive real-world experience gained from jsMath. Since its initial release in 2010, MathJax has become the gold standard for mathematics on the web.

The MathJax Team

The MathJax team is Davide Cervone, Volker Sorge, Christian Lawson-Perfect, and Peter Krautzberger with support by the staff at AMS and SIAM.

MathJax ©2009-2017