Here at the international Church of Jediism, we connect people from all backgrounds and ages with one goal and that is to understand the true meaning of life and discover their full potential. You don’t have to change your religion or drop a certain belief (some Jediists are deeply religious, others are atheists) to become a part of the Church of Jediism. We are here to help you find your own unique path to your own unique truth by offering you suggestions and signposts rather than commands.
When you join our church you will find that we believe in infinite possibilities. We promote the path of harmony with the Force through finding happiness by helping others. One day if enough of us Become the Force we will have created a New World in which there is no discrimination, no violence, no cruelty and no poverty. The Church of Jediism is focused on unifying people all over the world in order to help them learn how to use the power of the Force to achieve this goal.
In this website, you will be met by me and the master Jediist team working for the Church. You will also meet our master Jediist artist and Jediist wedding planner and our team of eight master Jediist trainers who look forward to working with you through the five pillar training. This program will give you all the tools, techniques, guidance and inspiration you need to become a master Jediist.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and you have already taken that vital first step by reading this. We are beyond excited to welcome you to our community and truly value whatever unique insights and gifts we know you will bring.
The Force is already on your side because you are here.
Now it truly is your time to Become the Force!
Daniel Morgan Jones and The Church of Jediism Team.
“When you are born in a world you don’t fit in,
it is because you were born to help create a new one”
Green | Holistic Well-being
Module One: FREE Video Documentary on The Church of Jediism History
Module Two: FREE Ethics Course
Module Three: Video from Daniel Introduction to Jediism Well-being, Featuring Dr Carole Griggs – Life Coach & Nutrition Expert
Module Four: Video from Daniel Introduction to P.U. Featuring Brooks Palmer
Gold | Physical & Mental Control/Alertness
Module One: Daniel Video Lecture on Jediism Meditation, Featuring Richard Cox – Meditation Expert Training Course
Module Two: Daniel video Lecture on Jediism Self Defence, Featuring Christopher Jones – Martial Arts Expert Training Course
Orange | Creativity
Module One: Robert Cheung – Mozart Effect
Module Two: Jo Angel – Intuition Development
Blue | Intelligence
Module One: Dr Julia Mossbridge – The Importance Of A Curious Mind
Module Two: Dr Julia Mossbridge – Jedi Math, Science & Technology, Spirit Meeting Science
Red | Developing Your Superpowers
Module One: Featuring Loyd – Psychic Development
Module Two: Featuring Loyd – Living As A Jediist Master