It’s been a while since I last wrote about Singapore. Now that the old man is gone it’s seldom on anybody’s radar anymore. But that has changed recently. Singapore is in the news. First there’s this article by Nick Land on Jacobite, where he quotes my coinage of Singapore Singapore as an IQ Shredder, and notes how we don’t yet have a fix to perhaps the biggest problem we have.
But there’s a pretty big piece of news going on in Singapore. Big enough that the Prime Minister, Harry Lee’s son Lee Hsien Loong, is out on a charm offensive to defend his honor. Hear him speak.
Now, I intend no offense. But man, this guy is goofy. Compare him to his father’s speeches. Man, Lee Kuan Yew had an iron fist and a steel tongue. He could talk a crowd like he was Sulla on horseback. But then look at his firstbon son. Who by all accounts has a genius IQ, is tall, athletic and a very fine specimen. But he’s just goofy. Look at his inaugural smile, the lame bow with the head. And his English. How the hell does he speak worse English than his father? The accent is pretty standard Singaporean English, not that he’s bad at it or anything. But English is this guy’s first language. And he’s lived for years in the US. And yet look at him. This shows again my personal theory that language ability and IQ aren’t at all correlated. And that for people with low language ability, bilinguism is just too hard. And so you get people like the Second King of Singapore, Lee Hsien Long, who speaks goofy English and lousy Chinese.
Again, not dissing the guy. He’s probably 2 sigma smarter than I am. A legit math progidy. Just a pity that he was born in a royal household, where he has to do things that aren’t his strong suit. As the Chinese poem,
吾本西方一衲子 为何流落帝王家
But anyway, what’s going on in Singapore right now? We are witnessing a crisis of the monarchy. Lee Kuan Yew had 3 children. The eldest, now king (prime minister), a daughter, Lee Wei Ling, and a younger son, Lee Hsien Yang.
The younger son is just a lame prince, spent some time in the military, then was an executive, now is Chairman of the Aviation Authority. Take a look at him. He’s just your run of the mill , boring mediocre Chinese business cuck.
Things start to get interesting when you factor in his wife, Lee Suet Fern. As it often happens, if some big shot is just some mediocre boring cuck, odds are its his wife who wears the pants in the household. And the young daughter in law of Lee Kuan Yew is exactly what you’d think she would be.

There you go, a good looking, well dressed, heavily jeweled up lady. She also happens to be a big shot lawyer in Singapore. And she just looks like a scheming witch. As she should be; she didn’t marry that boring lame ass beta prince for nothing. She wanted power, status. And big earrings.
Why does this matter? Well this matter because there is another very prominent woman in the Lee royal household. The wife of the Lee Hsien Loong. The Queen of Singapore, Ho Ching. Now, go back to the top of the page and take another look at our goofy king. How do you expect his queen to be?

Everyone in Singapore says she looks like his mother. Which is a bit unfair. She’s 64 years old, she looks like an average 64 year old before feminism. She doesn’t need to look like a scheming witch covered with diamonds. But basically because everybody knows she’s the mother of all scheming witches. She was, before marrying into the royal household, already a high ranking bureaucrat. And she is the leader of Temasek, the Singaporean sovereign investment fund, managing over 300 billion dollars in assets. She has the money. The Queen controls the purse, the huge purse of the very small country of Singapore. Many say she’s the actual ruler of the country. She certainly looks more like it than her goofy husband.
Here’s a video of her in her professional capacity:
So well, right now you might imagine that this two households, the eldest and youngest sons of Lee Kuan Yew, just don’t get along very well. Which they don’t. But we’ll get to that later. Now it’s time to talk about the other child of LKY. His daughter. Daughter?
Let me put some more pictures of Lee Kuan Yew’s dear daughter. I’ll make them smaller as I don’t want anybody to choke.

![Screenshot 2017-06-20 17.37.00]()
There ya go. This is Lee Wei Ling, daughter of Lee Kuan Yew, royal princess of Singapore. She’s 50 something. Unmarried, as you might have guessed. As it happens she’s a talented neurosurgeon. Yes, she broke the glass ceiling into this traditionally male occupation. You might have figured out why.
Now, some might say I’m being nasty about her. Nothing wrong about being ugly. But no, sorry. I don’t buy that. First of all because she needn’t be this ugly. Not at all. She looked fairly pleasant while young.

And while some say she got this nasty disease or whatever, it’s still no excuse. Being fat is, generally speaking, a choice. Looking bad is in the overwhelming majority of cases, a choice. She could just eat a bit more. She could let her hair grow a bit more. She could buy a decent pair of glasses. She could stop juicing on steroids to get thicker arms than 90% of Singaporean man. And more importantly, she could stop being a bitch and writing articles all over the state controlled media in Singapore saying that she’s hot stuff. She’s “eccentric“, is glad of “looking like a boy“, how she “chose” to be single, writes books about “being a woman” while doing everything she can to avoid looking like a woman. She just won’t shut up about how much of a victim she is because people think she got it easy by being the King’s daughter. Poor little thing. She’s the perfect example of Steve Sailer’s law of female journalism: everything a woman ever writes is advocating for social change so that come the revolution, the woman herself would be considered hotter. It just happens that she’s, by far, the ugliest woman in Singapore; probably the ugliest woman in all East Asia. And yet she’s the King’s sister, so the state media better publish her crap. If she were in the US she would’ve been arguing for her own pronouns 20 years ago. Might have called herself zorg.
You’d think she at least would be thankful to his brother who lets her keep being the worst example possible of behavior by a royal princess? Oh no. She’s been shitting on her brother publicly for years. And it all culminated last week when Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang, brother and sister of the Prime Minister, issued a joint letter accusing the PM of using the state apparatus to harass them, to use the inheritance of the late Lee Kuan Yew to prop up the dynastic hopes for their son; and just being so much of a corrupt asshole, he and especially his wife Ho Ching, that they will go into exile right away. Here’s the letter.
The whole thing is just some lame family dispute about the house of the late LKY, which passed to his heir, but he was nagged into selling it to his brother, who wants it demolished but the government won’t do it because they want to make a museum of it or whatever. It’s pretty lame stuff. It gets pretty complicated because apparently there were 6 wills by LKY and the last one was quite different from the previous one. But you’re probably bored out of your mind already. Who gives a crap? Well Singaporeans give a crap. This sort of mind-dumbing family disputes are the plot of 99% of SEA soap operas, including Taiwan and Hong Kong. These guys just eat up this stuff. It’s pretty similar to South American soap operas; just without the hot chicks and the sex.
So anyway, this is perhaps the biggest scandal in Singapore in decades; all just a petty dispute by the very very petty characters in the royal household. For all those monarchists out there; that’s what happened to traditional monarchies. Here we have the very son of Lee Kuan Yew playing Duke of Orleans, bringing down the monarchy out of spite. And most likely not even personal spite, but just spite between their wives.
As it also tends to happen, the people at large are quite sceptic of all the scandal, and majoritarily support the King against his evil brothers. So it may still happen that the Queen gets her way and the Lee Dynasty goes on for a 3rd generation. I gotta say the crown prince, Lee Hongyi, does look like a proper king, though he denies any interest.

Or maybe it happens like countless previous times; the elite uses this scandal to dump the king, and follow up with what formally is already a Republic. So you’d get party politics and dissolve state controls on the media, and the typical signaling spirals of all democracies. The end of Singapore.
I did say that history wouldn’t be kind to Lee Kuan Yew’s legacy. But I didn’t think it would come down so fast. It is also no wonder that the old man looked so depressed in old age. What a bunch of useless brats. Especially his daughter, who lived with him until the end. He was pissed to no end at why she turned out like that. But I guess that, like so may men of action, he cared much more about his work than about his family. Reminds me of American Sniper, with Chris Kyle choosing Iraq over his family for many years. Why? Because he had a job to do. Domesticity was not for him. Well, we all reap what we sow.
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