Oh my look at the change and all this work he’s put into his slacktivism
Truly an inspiration
getting fired so easily must be a black people skill
For anyone who’s not fully aware of what’s happened: He only knew of what DG were planning the day before the show. They were using him and plenty other media influencers as a means of “mocking millennials” and exploiting the idea of boycotting. They’re doing the classic “we have a black guy who’s chill about all this! Look!”, But he doesn’t want to participate in the “irony”. Hence why he wrote “I’m not your scapegoat” on himself.
Black, Brown, and Asian models and artists aren’t scapegoats to problematic fashion houses. D&G are going through a late life crisis because they know after their 2014-15 collections, they peaked and can’t do better so they’re desperately trying to be more expensive Moschino knock-offs.
What these dumbfucks mocking him don’t understand is that he played them at their own game. He knew the ins and outs of the fashion show. He protested in the absolute best and most tactful way he could have, spent just enough time on stage to have some photos taken of his protest, and then got the fuck out of there before he could be tackled by security or wrongfully detained.
Here’s his account of what happened afterwards:
Good on him, and the “I’m not racist but black people are lazy and can’t hold a job” assholes on this post can choke on a cactus.
Really wish I could cut those racist as fuck assholes off without erasing the goods commentary
Ads taken out by formerly enslaved people searching for their family. This should be in every US high school history book. Alongside pictures of lynchings.