I want to feel this.
Audrey. 25. INFP. Hufflepuff. Gemini. 296.89. Art major. Psychology minor. Part-time student, full-time intellectual.
I also post about bipolar disorder, anxiety, and mental health.
Currently reading: The Radioactive Boy Scout by Ken Silverstein.
Es lebe die Freiheit!
I want to feel this.
The World of Roses by Bertram Park, 1962
(Quelle: adelphe.nz, via roseperfume)
(via roseperfume)
(Quelle: natureandbeauty)
the planet’s aligned and i actually cleaned my desk
ig: softartboy
(via sleepygogh)
(Quelle: mark-06, via thatsmoderatelyraven)
(Quelle: witlovesyou, via 90s90s90s)
That restless need to do something creative, but having no idea what to do.
I love when people open up to me and call me nicknames on their own and just like me and trust me it’s such a nice feeling
(via girlfig)
Today I got lost in a bookstore made up of five separate buildings
(via sleepy-koala)