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Recent updates (To report bugs or issues, or to make suggestions, click on "Webmaster" near the top of the page): |
June 18 2017: New interactive and randomizable review exercises on linear programming |
May 24 2017: Parametric plotting added to the function evaluator and grapher |
March 16 2017: New version of function evaluator and grapher |
March 7 2017: New tutorial on areas between curves (includes a game version and a Spanish version). |
Feb 24 2017: New version of the algebra review tutorial on solving polynomial equations (includes an adaptive game version and a Spanish version). |
January 27 2017: Updated version of the tutorial on matrix inverses (includes an adaptive game version and a Spanish version). |
October 22 2016: Updated version of the tutorial on graphical solution of linear programming problems (includes an adaptive game version and a Spanish version). |
October 21 2016: New summary of math of finance with randomizable interactive examples. |
August 14 2016: New tutorial on graphing linear inequalities (includes a game version and a Spanish version). |
July 31 2016: New version of the algebra review tutorial on rational expressions added (includes an adaptive game version and a Spanish version). |
July 6 2016: New summary of nonlinear functions and models with randomizable interactive examples. |
April 21 2016: New version of tutorial on related rates (includes a game version and a Spanish version). |
April 15 2016: New summary of functions and applications with randomizable interactive examples. |
March 9 2016: New interactive and randomizable review exercises on functions and applications |
Dec 13 2015: New version of time value of money (TVM) calculator |