President Donald J. Trump |
07/27/16 r/The_Donald Exclusive: Candidate for President of the United States Donald J. Trump AMA |
Milo Yiannopoulos |
06/11/17 Milo joins us for his second AMA! |
Lucian Wintrich |
06/01/17 Lucian is the White House Correspondent for the Gateway Pundit. Joins us for his first AMA! |
Faith Goldy |
05/25/17 The lovely Faith Goldy from TheRebel.TV joins us for her first AMA! |
Jack Posobiec |
05/03/17 Jack Posobiec from TheRebel.TV joins us for his first AMA! |
Nik "The Carny" Lentz |
04/12/17 Pro UFC fighter, Nick "The Carny" Lentz joins us for his first AMA! |
Dick Masterson |
04/12/17 Right-wing comedian and the host of The Dick Podcast joins us for his first AMA! |
Colonel "Buzz" Patterson |
04/08/17 Retired USAF Colonel and previous Bill Clinton Personal Aide joins us for his first AMA! |
Ben Garrison |
04/05/17 Based Cartoon Man, Ben Garrison, joins us for another great AMA! |
Kyle Chapman |
04/03/17 Based Stick Man joins us for his first AMA! |
Kaya Jones |
03/28/17 No longer a Pussycat, but forever a Doll. Pop/EDM recording artist and DJ. And a lover of God and country. |
Corey Stewart |
03/24/17 Republican Candidate for Governor of Virginia and former State Chair for Donald Trump for President. |
Trump's First Member |
02/03/2017 A personal friend of President Trump, a founding member of Trump National Golf Club, and one of the most influential advisors to the Trump campaign’s online and digital efforts |
Madison Gesiotto |
02/01/17 Regional Press Secretary for Trump's Inaugural Committee, a Trump Surrogate on the campaign. Former Miss Ohio USA |
Joe Biggs |
02/01/17 Investigative journalist Joe Biggs AMA |
Robert Spencer |
01/27/17 Director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and the author of sixteen books, including two New York Times bestsellers |
James Allsup |
01/26/17 Conservative writer, YouTuber, and Students for Trump veteran who was assaulted outside Deploraball; AMA! |
Howie Carr |
01/26/17 Host of the Howie Carr Show on more than 25 stations throughout New England and Boston Herald columnist |
Tucker Carlson |
01/13/17 Tucker McNear Carlson is an American political news correspondent for Fox News. He has hosted Tucker Carlson Tonight since November 2016 |
Dave Rubin |
12/19/16 I'm a liberal and think I can show you that classical liberals aren't what you've come to hate about The Left |
General Bert Mizusawa |
11/08/16 Silver Star recipient and Peter Navarro, Trump Economic Policy Advisor and Oz Sultan - Counterterrorism |
Mike Cernovich |
11/04/16 I'm Mike Cernovich, author of MAGA Mindset and free speech activist. Ask me anything! |
Bill Mitchell |
11/03/16 Hi everyone. This is Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) from Twitter and YourVoice™ Radio. I'm 100% for Trump, our next President. Ask me anything! |
Paul Nehlen |
11/02/16 I'm Paul Nehlen, challenger to soulless globalist sell-out Paul Ryan for Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District. AMA |
Chuck Johnson |
11/01/16 Charles Carlisle "Chuck" Johnson is an independent American journalist and owner of the websites and |
Malik Obama |
10/31/16 I am Barack Obama's brother and today I voted for Mr. Trump. Sorry for being late, I was getting supplies at Home Depot for the wall. Ask me anything! |
Richard Davis, M.D. |
10/26/16 LCDR US Navy Ret., creator of the PollMole App, designed to combat election fraud |
Brad Parscale |
10/25/16 Brad Parscale, Digital Director for the Trump Campaign! AMA. |
Wayne Dupree |
10/17/16 Also known as the "NewsNinja", an award-winning radio show host winning 2014 Podcast Of The Year and also 2015 ACU Blogger Of The Year. |
James O'Keefe |
10/14/16 James Edward O'Keefe III is an American conservative political activist, the man behind Project Veritas. |
Curt Schilling |
10/12/16 Baseball legend joins us for his second AMA! |
[–]NoBahDee 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]miket67MA 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]ChipBlaze[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]ChipBlaze[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)