A character is perfectly fine being single, but the author of the book insists on giving the girl a love interest!
That’s when she saw him for the first time: laughing at a friend’s joke with a smile that never stays still, dancing around his lips like he knows a secret, his blue eyes -
…excuse me?
“No. You are not setting me up with that guy.”
I, uh, what? Are you talking to me?
“Yes, you, narrator person, who else?”
“Right. So, first off, I’m gay.”
What?! But I -
“Second, I’m not looking.”
But -
“Give me some dragons to fight, an old tome of forbidden lore, make me the fucking vampire slayer, whatever, just get on with the plot already.”
But you were going to rescue him from the clutches of -
“Were we going to date?”
…I mean…
“Then no, and fuck you. Write something else, I don’t care about his blue eyes, and even if you make him a girl I will not care about her blue eyes, I have enough to worry about in my life without some fucking blue eyes, give me something useful to do.”
…fine. But no dragons.
“I don’t care about dragons just don’t give me a love interest and we’re cool.”
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