“Choni Ha-Ma’agel,” or in English, “Honi the Circle-Man,”
I’ve seen it rendered as “Circle-Maker” but that’s not quite right either? “Circler” would be the word if that were a thing in English.
I’m just sort of confused as to the op blog name and content. Is the suggestion we draw a circle and refuse to step out if it until people stop being hateful?
It’s not a suggestions blog (that would be alternativestodiscourse I guess?), just a blog for discussing Torah study and related things instead of The Discourse.
Although now you’ve got me thinking …
“He drew a circle in the dirt, and called out, Master of the Internet! I will not stir from this circle until the toxic discourse ceases.”
“At once the entire Internet fell silent.”
“Honi called out, Master of the Internet, it is not this ceasing I mean; for is not a drought of speech surely as terrible as a drought of rain?”
“At once the entire Internet burst forth again in speech, in finger-pointing, and in shaming.”
“Once more Honi called out, Master of the Internet, it is not this I mean either, but a debate for the sake of truth.”
“And there came a mighty voice from above, and it spake: my dude, the Unfollow button is there for a reason. And Honi saw that it was so.”