

hey guys, god is dead

you fool… that IS god





lol hackers are pissed at gtav banning them so they’ve managed to make its rating on steam overwhelmingly negative what absolute mugs

gamers are the most entitled people on the fucking planet

Just feel like pointing it out that it’s not because of the fact that people were “hacking” but the OpenIV tool which was used to make mods was sent a cease and desist because it COULD make malicious things in game. 

I’m all about shitting on gamers but I think its pretty shitty how take two just takes a shit on the modding scene simply because one tool has the ability to make hacks. I don’t think that’s fair to the many more people who use it for fun mods.

Don’t spread misinformation

the OpenIV tool couldn’t even be used online - the developers SPECIFICALLY prevented users from going online if the tool was active, and also made sure that any modified game code was encrypted so that A. it complied with copyright law, and B. from what i can work out it couldn’t even be reverse-engineered to allow online mods at all. in fact, most of the hackers that plague GTA Online use online trainers and mod menus, which don’t even require anything like OpenIV at all

this isn’t a case of gamer entitlement, this is a case of developers and publishers milking as much cash as they can out of what is already one of the most successful entertainment properties ever at the expense of their userbase, and it’s a genuine threat to modding communities in ANY popular game if other publishers and developers start to believe they can get away with the same thing


fools: wow, skyrim has been re-released so many times!!

resident evil 4: you are like a little baby, watch this






where’s that post where someone erased all the extra lines and crosshatched shading from a jojo character’s face

cursed image

Oh my god it’s an actual 17 year old he’s been under there the whole time

Erin ur post

QuestionIf cards that let you finish off a nearly-dead opponent are called "reach cards", Does that mean that burn players have noodle arms? Answer


Pictured: Your Average Burn Player

(Source: bace-jeleren)

“ overheardinwod:
“ goldhornsandsteel:
“ stupidjewishwhiteboy:
“ battlships:
“ why-i-love-comics:
“ All-New X-Men #13 (2013)
“written by Brian Michael Bendis
art by Stuart Immonen & Rain Beredo
” ”
This is the Kitty Pryde that... animatedamerican:
“ overheardinwod:
“ goldhornsandsteel:
“ stupidjewishwhiteboy:
“ battlships:
“ why-i-love-comics:
“ All-New X-Men #13 (2013)
“written by Brian Michael Bendis
art by Stuart Immonen & Rain Beredo
” ”
This is the Kitty Pryde that... animatedamerican:
“ overheardinwod:
“ goldhornsandsteel:
“ stupidjewishwhiteboy:
“ battlships:
“ why-i-love-comics:
“ All-New X-Men #13 (2013)
“written by Brian Michael Bendis
art by Stuart Immonen & Rain Beredo
” ”
This is the Kitty Pryde that... animatedamerican:
“ overheardinwod:
“ goldhornsandsteel:
“ stupidjewishwhiteboy:
“ battlships:
“ why-i-love-comics:
“ All-New X-Men #13 (2013)
“written by Brian Michael Bendis
art by Stuart Immonen & Rain Beredo
” ”
This is the Kitty Pryde that...







All-New X-Men #13 (2013)

written by Brian Michael Bendis
art by Stuart Immonen & Rain Beredo

This is the Kitty Pryde that should be in the movies.

Hooray for openly Jewish superheroes (looking at you, MCU Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver)

I want to see one movie reach this level of representation. Just one.

Seriously, this is what I want to see more of in the MCU.

This is what I want to see any of in the MCU.


i’ll kick anyone’s ass. i’ll kick your ass. i’ll kick your dog’s ass. i’ll kick my own ass

(Source: tinylobelia)