Man if i had a penny for everytime i heard a woman complain about those damn "nice guys" i'd be filthy rich. Last night i finally realised why they always complain about that.
It's so they could date "bad boys" and douchebags without being looked down on.
They actually managed to instill this sentiment that EVERY guy that's polite and well manered is somehow an evil, pathetic loser that acts this way just to get laid. Now i know those type of people exist but honestly they're a minority and most (actually) pleasant people aren't like that.
My roommate is really a great guy, we've been friends since we were kids and i know for a fact he truly is an amazing human being, far better than I am. And you know what? Yes, he often gets labeled a "nice guy". Last week we were at the party and i overheard some chicks commenting "oh he's one of those "nice guys" and started giggling like idiots. It honestly made my blood boil.
I know i'm not the first one to realise this, just wanted to share this with you bros.
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