Tim Cook's barf face at Trump's big tech meeting says it all
Damn, Tim. You're not looking so hot.
Maybe, and I'm not a doctor, but could it be because you were forced to pay homage to The Great Orange One at the inaugural June 19 meeting of Trump's American Technology Council?
Or possibly, and I'm just spitballing here, you look like you just swallowed a first-generation iPhone simply because you had to sit quietly and listen to the president boast about his great and many successes?
While we can't be sure what kept your frown pointed down, some more photos might help us, the American people, get to the bottom of this great mystery.
Let's start with the body language between you, the CEO of Apple, and the deflating balloon seated to your right.
Doesn't look too fun.
Image: NICHOLAS KAMM /AFP/Getty Images
I hate to say it, Tim, but it doesn't look good. You're leaning in toward Jared Kushner — which is a plus! — but this jaded citizen thinks that's only because you fear what's to your left.
Hm. How about this one?
Image: NICHOLAS KAMMAFP/Getty Images
Well, you look a little better — engaged, even — but now it appears that President Donald Trump is struggling with the effects of a totally authentic taco bowl. Was it something you said? Trump did, reportedly, make a joke about you talking too long.
Maybe this picture better captures the progress being made?
Deep in thought.
Image: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images
Uh, I guess not.
Anyway, Tim, don't feel too bad — we're right there with you. Oh, wait, no we're not. Why did you go to this thing again? Even Travis Kalanick decided it was a bad look to be seen with Trump.
Oh well. Next time remember to bring the Pepto-Bismol.