全 73 件のコメント

[–]ItheItheWorthless faggot 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]Wolfgang315 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

So the majority of this list is against western feminism. Which is a small percentage of women.

[–]canceleBlack pilled normie 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Women find emotionally vulnerable men EXTREMELY unattractive, and will abandon you are your darkest moment.

There's a lot on this list that I want to comment on, but I'll just pick this one. I would actually not mind it if women were honest about this, but they are ubiquitously not. Literally every time I displayed vulnerability, a girlfriend or girl I was "talking" to(I'm not an Incel) would be revolted by me and way more often than not it was the last I ever heard from them. This would always happen after they would ask me to open up too. NEVER has opening up led to anything good. This is the case with all of my friends too. Women are unattracted to emotional weakness, period. It's funny how women say they feel bad for men that they have to hide their feelings, yet they reinforce that standard the most. To the women reading this, I know you disagree. I don't know why you do, but this is the truth no matter how much you argue against it. This isn't some "Incel/Redpill/Blackpill" line of thinking either. Most normies even know this. Shit, I'd wager even half of all male feminists agree with this, but are just too flagrantly vaginal to complain about it.

[–]TheIncelPill[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I would appreciate women a lot more if they admitted that their love acted more as a checkpoint for successful men than anything based off of kindness, personality, mutual interests, etc. Heck, if they treated low status men with even a modicum of respect, I wouldn't even be posting on r/Incels. But neither are the case. Women make dating a freaking maze to navigate through, and if you're a low status male, they make sure to chuck burning spears into your skin along the way.

[–]NotQuiteSane4218, Normalfag -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Want equal rights, but not equal lefts

This is such a cleverly worded criticism of the far left.

[–]hindustan_zindabadhyakushikikannon 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I enjoyed reading this

[–]yaanchan 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (4子コメント)

You want arguments? Alright.

  1. Women don't like the word 'female' because of the connotations- it's usually said by men who want to put us down. We don't dislike it when it's used in say, a clinical setting, but usually in other settings, it's used to put us down. Also, you don't call men 'males'.

  2. Historically, we weren't inventors and the such because we weren't allowed to be. However, we've done great things when we were. Historically, take women like Marie Curie for example. Currently, there are many women inventors and scientists. It isn't hard to find them.

  3. See point 2. We aren't absent from the sciences at all.

  4. We are a minority of politicians, but you're using the availability heuristic here. There's a lot of good female politicians. Angela Merkel, Tammy Duckworth (a personal favorite), Erna Solberg, among others. Michelle Obama, but some don't consider her a politician. Also, there's plenty of bad male politicians: the Kim Jongs, Bush, Blagojevich, Boehner, among others.

  5. In the same vein as 2, women have historically been absent n arts and such because they weren't allowed to participate, but even then they haven't really been absent. Frida Kahlo, Ethel Myers, and Rosa Mayreder are historic female painters that you'll learn about in any art history class. In music, there's tons of women, such as Hilary Hahn, Clara Schumann, and Ethel Smith, and those are just for classical pieces. Film has been historically male-dominated, but there are many women. Maybe you're only watching action films, but women direct and produce many films in different genres. Trans women directed The Matrix. Kathryn Bigelow is a big current name. Sofia Coppola, Jane Campion, Claire Denis, among others. As for literature- what? Wuthering Heights, The Outsiders, Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, To Kill a Mockingbird, and A Wrinkle in Time are all written by women. So is the Harry Potter series. Women don't only write romance and YA, either.

  6. The historic political climate is to blame for women historically not being involved. Women simply weren't allowed to. It's a fact.

  7. If a woman gets hired in a position demanding strength, then she is just as strong as the man who gets hired due to hiring requirements and tests. They can do the same work; they deserve equality.

  8. Women are able to do whatever men can. We might have to work harder and such, but we can. Therefore, we deserve equality.

  9. This is an opinion. You can think it all you want.

  10. If you're referring to finding girls under 18 attractive, then yes, when you're over 18. As an 18 year old or above, your brain is far more developed and mature than that of anyone under 18. By law, you could be considered a pedophile for being attracted to girls under 18.

  11. Women have a choice to dress up or put on make-up. However, in the media, it's typically the only way women see themselves.

  12. Can I get a source on single mothers are terrible mothers?

  13. Women aren't the only people pushing for abortion, and it's not just because they 'don't want them'. Some women were raped, some women medically cannot have a child, some women are too young, some women do not have the financial capabilities to raise a child, some women are being abused, some women were pushed into sex, some men want the woman to get an abortion, some men don't want the kid, etc.

  14. You're criticizing a woman for being protective of a baby she chose to bring into this world? You're literally saying that women don't like it when you try to take away their choice of becoming a parent, and you don't like it when they're protective of a baby they chose to have.

  15. Men gossip, too. You're basing this on your small interactions with women. Most do have interesting things to say.

  16. Men bully as well. Also, you're again basing this on your small interactions with people. Availability heuristic and confirmation bias.

  17. What? Women are people. People have varieties of interests. Some women like nerdy things and some don't. Some men like nerdy things and some don't. I've met plenty of women who play video games, are into tech, and read comics, myself included.

  18. Because things are more available when they're popular? Don't blame people for not knowing about obscure things. So what if someone likes something after it becomes popular? That's how they got exposed to it. Stop being a stuck-up hipster and realize that not everyone is exposed to everything.

  19. People love social media. It's not just women, and not only women like popularity on social media.

  20. I'm gonna need more explanation on this one.

  21. I don't believe this, but even if it were true, the proper way of saying it is that women as a whole are mostly attracted to the most attractive people. Aren't you, as a man, most attracted to 8/10+ women?

  22. Looks and status are what you see first in a person. Aren't you first attracted to a woman by her looks, rather than her personality? The personality stuff comes later.

  23. Confirmation bias. Women want many different types of men.

  24. See 22.

  25. Where are you getting this from? The portrayal of the terrible housewife you see in media? Most women work and spend their money wisely.

  26. Weddings are expensive and not every woman wants an expensive engagement ring.

  27. You got a source on that?

  28. That is completely insane. You're saying that a woman needs to have sex with her husband, even if she doesn't want to. Marriage is not a sex contract. It does not force a woman to have sex with you.

  29. Only a small number of women do this. Most divorces split assets 50-50. Also, prenups exist for both parties.

  30. You're basing this off of a small number of women.

  31. Women are people. People are different. People want different thing. Some women end up with assholes of men. Some men end up with assholes of women.

  32. It's because you're taking a small amount of women and saying that they are the norm when they're not.

  33. No? 'Nice guy' is a term, just like 'Stacy' or 'Chad' is a term for you. It's a certain type of person.

  34. People are assholes for wanting you to be kind to them?

  35. see 32.

  36. These are social media networks. They will draw people towards them. Jezebel and The Mary Sue are female-orientated, so of course they're going to draw in women, just like male-orientated sites draw in men. There's plenty of men on Tumblr, and there's plenty of women on Twitter, Reddit, Imgur, and the likes.

  37. Incels and men invented terms like 'femoid' 'FMO' 'Stacy' and such. Can I use that as a reason to dislike incels?

  38. What? This was probably one nutty woman. Don't think that we're all like that because one person said that.

  39. I actually think that some men's rights issues need to be more fore-front with feminism, like male custody rights and male sexual assault, so I can't argue with this point too much.

  40. Male issues is broad. If it's something like the ones I mentioned above, then it's unfair to be called a misogynist. If it's something like 'women won't have sex with me and they're bad because of it', then yes, they are a misogynist.

  41. There is rape culture. I can't count the number of times incels on this sub have said that a woman deserved to get raped or she deserves to get raped because of what she's wearing/doing.

  42. Male prison rape is definitely a problem that something needs to be done about. I agree with that.

  43. You're mad because your mother nags at you, so you attribute it to all women. Alright.

  44. "Less work at every turn" you got a source on that? Women should be paid the same and have the same opportunities a man has.

  45. Many men do, too. Young adults of both genders overwhelmingly support this.

  46. No, we don't. We get offended when you deliberately insult us.

  47. Some women are offended by Islam.

  48. Again, you're basing this on a small number of personal interactions. This is not actually true for most women.

  49. Men should be able to cry, as well.

[–]fagotonabikesuicidecel 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lol you're either a woman or a cuck

[–]erikthesmasher 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The will to argument is strong in this one. Are you trying to prove women are actually moral creatures? I guess we wouldn't exist if that was right. "Women want many different types of men." Especially the chad type. "Men should be able to cry, as well." I bet you are imagining a chad crying not some ugly incel. Chad crying - cute , Incel crying - no one gives a fuck

[–]yaanchan 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

  1. Honestly, if a woman cares about that at all, then I lose a lot of respect for her.

  2. Many women advocate for gender roles to be diminished on both sides.

  3. Men do the same, as well.

  4. I hear that a lot on this sub, and 'be yourself' typically means don't be a misogynistic asshole and treat women like people and you might have a chance.

  5. Stop taking things you've seen one or a couple women do and attribute it to all women. There are shitty women, just like there are shitty men.

  6. Have you ever raised or babysat a child for an extended amount of time? It's fucking hard work. It's financially, emotionally, and physically draining to have to meet each and every need of a small human being.

  7. What?

  8. Neither do you.

  9. 'Always' is a strong word. Again, attributing something to ALL women because you've seen it a few times. What does low-value even mean specifically?

  10. It's easier to listen to the people who aren't spewing misogynistic shit every other post. It's easier to take their opinion as valid. I understand that not having intimacy or companionship and having to watch everyone else get that absolutely sucks and is depressing, but my understanding stops when people start talking about how women are terrible people and deserve terrible things.

  11. I'm sorry that you had bad experiences with women, but it doesn't justify hating every one of them because no one comforted you.

  12. It's because most TRP/PUA treat women terribly and like animals.

  13. Do you have legitimate sources on this? Also, it's probably because you're using those sources as an excuse to talk about and treat women terribly. And if this hypergamy shit is true, women aren't the only people involved.


  15. I don't personally really see this, but if it is happening, women are taking it more as a 'step in the right direction' more than anything else.

  16. This is mostly because with those characters, their only real characteristic is that they are Woman, whereas male characters get actual development and personalities.

  17. The women who slut shame are shitty and any person against slut shaming will tell you this.

  18. False rape allegations are actually very rare and shouldn't take away from the horrid nature of rape.

  19. I agree that this is wrong.

  20. Why is believing in religion a bad thing? I'm an atheist, but have never understood why religious people are viewed by atheists as bad people.

  21. Source? Obesity is a problem for both genders.

  22. You think all men want 10/10 chads, so this point makes you pretty hypocritical.

  23. That's the school system's problem, not women's.

  24. No? Men like pop music, too? Also, women make up 50% of the population. Why is it so terrible that something a lot of women like gets popular? That's like me complaining about the popularity of action movies.

  25. Some women love toxically masculine men, not all.

  26. What the fuck? No one needs drama in a relationship. Stop taking the shit you see on TV as absolute.

  27. Illegal prostitution is due to the government, which, as you said in an earlier point, is run mainly by men.

  28. Some think this.

  29. A woman can't necessarily control who gets more attention.

  30. You don't want to date fat women. We all have our preferences.

  31. Source?

  32. How is this a bad thing? Why? The industrial revolution introduced women to the workforce and gave them a voice. Also, this wasn't a recent thing. It was over 200 years ago.

  33. What the fuck are you talking about? Who has ever said this?

  34. Women who want a provider are the minority, not the majority.

  35. If you're married and someone asks you to do something around the house, why say no?

  36. That's because women are the biggest group in poverty due to lesser opportunities and the poverty cycle by itself.

  37. So this is all a personal grudge based on personal experience then, right?

  38. What? What are you talking about? Where is this a thing?

  39. Men also popularized the selfie. Taking photos of yourself isn't a horrible thing, nor is it exclusive to one gender.

  40. Didn't know who Jeremy Meeks was, honestly. Personally, he's not that attractive. I can't speak for other women about this, though, since everyone has their own preferences.

  41. Women typically see love as romantic, too, but relationships usually have an end-game for both parties- something they both want out of it.

  42. Everyone has their preferences. Some women don't care. Some care a lot. Some are more vocal about it.

  43. It's not? I've seen a lot of short men killing it with women.

  44. I personally dislike it when people have racial preferences, so I won't argue with this one.

  45. Again, all just a personal grudge.

  46. See 94.

  47. What? The example you gave is not hypocritical at all.

  48. There's plenty of women who can do this. You want examples?

  49. You're running out of ideas here. Why should a woman automatically know how to do that stuff? Do you?

  50. 'Never' is an incredibly strong word.

  51. What are you talking about

  52. Here's your arguments!

[–]Thizizwhyimincel -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

didn't read, LOL. Get out whore.

[–]erikthesmasher 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

81 Is a very interesting viewpoint. To connect the industrial revolution with the rise of womens rights. Intriguing.

[–]TheIncelPill[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Its a popular settlement among MGTOW circles. Everything unique thing I say is probably filtered-down MGTOW or Red Pill.

[–]Shamijay 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Men build everything from the ground up. When is the last time you saw a woman on a construction site doing the dirty work?

Women are not in manual labor. They do not logically understand buildings or wirings. Without men, women would be living in mud-huts with 0% of the inventions that we consider commodities today.

[–]GreenGengar459 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I agree with most of this, but some of this seems really specific and is not something all girls do, and it shouldn't be presented as such

[–]TheIncelPill[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (1子コメント)

"I agree with most of this, but NAWALT."

[–]GreenGengar459 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I get the acronym, don't get why you said it tho

[–]welcometoearth42 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (29子コメント)

I've never been to this sub before, but I've seen it referenced quite a few times. I decided to check it out and this is one of the first posts I saw. I read through it and weighed each point as I read.

As a woman, I'm curious what exactly you're looking for. I see your issues with women and I see you say most women won't respond with arguments. Do you actually want to encourage a discourse between yourself on offense and a woman on defense? Or is this more a place for you to vent and find other woman-haters?

Because I'd be more than happy to go point by point with you. I think there are a few points we may agree on and more that I would say are technically true, but true for most people not just women. Assuming it won't turn into an attack/fight I think we may be able to have a interesting conversation about gender and gender politics.

[–]uglyjewishboy 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

consider your own wants, your boyfriend is probably conventionally attractive. What makes you think other females feel differently

[–]IncelCuckWipe all life 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (4子コメント)

How did you get here? Did someone link you? What do you know about us?

Do you actually want to encourage a discourse between yourself on offense and a woman on defense?

I want a discussion. Nothing more, nothing less. No strawmans or mocking (like those in R/the blue pill) involved.

Or is this more a place for you to vent and find other woman-haters?

Vent out.

[–]welcometoearth42 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I've seen it referenced (most recently I think in r/trashyboners) just about every time someone hates on women. I've mostly ignored it as people generally refer to it as a hateful place, but today I decided to see for myself. You really need to see for yourself, you know? Previously all I knew was that the rest of Reddit does not hold this place in high regard. I know that most times I've seen this sub mentioned people have said it's full of vile, pathetic, women hating men (I feel bad saying this to your face since you haven't in any way attacked me. I'm just trying to be transparent and those are always the words used).

If it's just a place to vent. That's fine, I get. I understand this isn't my place. The rules didn't dictate outsider participation and I couldn't really gauge if this place was full of trolls or people who genuinely felt these things based on the comments I saw. So I figured I just ask.

I want to be very clear. I didn't mean to mock or offend. But the responses I got didn't really make me feel like this is a place for discussion. Which is fine. So while I appreciate your openness I'm not really comfortable engaging further for fear of upsetting some less open minded members of this sub.

Thank you for your time. I'm just going to finish responding to the comments I got and then I'll back away from here, never to be seen again.

[–]IncelCuckWipe all life -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You are not supposed to comprehend this place, and you understand that. A step-up from the invader mocking our attitude and beliefs. That's good of you.


[–]welcometoearth42 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah I mean I was hoping for a little more of a conversation, but if that's not what this place is about then I'm certainly not going to antagonize anyone while I'm here.

Why violate someone's safe space, you know?

[–]lifefailuerlove was meant for others -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

We hate females, deal with it. Our numbers are also growing as more broes get enlightened.

[–]TheIncelPill[S] 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Its a place for venting, although I'll allow for a rebuttal.

[–]welcometoearth42 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

First I want to say that I really appreciate you not coming out the gate hot and ready to fight. The fact that you're open to a rebuttal is awesome. But I respect that this a a place for venting and I don't really want to take that away from anyone. I'll summarize my points:

I think we live in a time of increasing gender equality. After pushing to fairness and equality for so long many women have developed a warped sense of equality that isn't sustainable. While I don't think women should be denied rights based on gender I do think people forget there are fundamental differences between men and woman that are undeniable. But I think these unfair standards are kind of like a toddler pushing their boundaries- humans always want to see how far they can take things. I think women (in America) have more or less achieved a pretty solid sense of equality and while there still are battles to be fought a lot of what we see is people pushing boundaries and testing limits to see what they can get away with.

And I think all humans are just a little to shallow. I think most women want top tier men. But I also think most men want top tier women. That's why beautiful people end up with beautiful people- they have the luxury of being picky.

[–]TheIncelPill[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

At least you aren't a capital F feminist, so you get the non-snarky reply:

The problem isn't just with feminism: a majority of women don't even identify themselves as feminists (although they often lean towards feminist policies). The problem is women's natural gender role, the drastically changed environment in only a few thousand years, and the place of the social hierarchy Incels find themselves.

Women are the biological control group. In all areas of life, they take less risk, from physical, to financial, and especially social. Which means that, while the average woman will be competent enough to breed, it is much less common to see them travel the highs and lows of society. You won't see many women striking big in business and science, because it requires major time and financial risk for questionable benefits (most men aren't looking at women for their achievements). You won't see too many female criminals (unintelligent, low social status), but you also won't see many female nerds (Highly intelligent, low social status). So the average women really is average, but with an instinct to defend her social standing at all costs.

As Incels, we can't have a serious conversation with women. You could say we don't know how to talk to them, but really, we don't know how to talk DOWN to them. Women don't care about, say, the themes of Persona 4 vs Persona 5, and how the psychoanalytic components of the previous game was largely lost in the sequel. Women care about gossip and shoe shopping - the interests of low status men are distinctly unattractive to her. And we certainly don't have the visual qualities to attract women (We are 5s at best, 3 points below the threshold at 8). So the question remains - what is there to like about women left?

The only thing truly honorable about women, distinct from men, is their religious defense of their children (when they actually want them). But this sense of nurturing seems to be largely absent outside for their sons and daughters. In fact, a man displaying low-status acts is enough alone to be conflated with evil (bearing a fedora/neckbeard, a self-professed anime nerd/brony, a man who struggles with dating). I had to be told by a drunk friend that at my former job, girls were saying things about me, simply because, despite always being well-meaning, I'm far from perfect in terms of social skill (which is enough for people to get extremely frustrated). We started r/foreveralone, but women themselves pushed us to r/Incels, which permanently became our residence when r/FA refused to deal with biological truths.

Being TFL is a cause of our misogyny. But getting laid won't change the fact that women are constantly dishonest about what they're attracted to, usually have limited interests, and usually are the opposite of "sugar, spice, and everything nice" when it comes to low status men. Even if the gender wars end, most of my points still stand.

[–]ostelne vaut rien -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (9子コメント)

why not read some more posts and spend some more time here before trying to insert yourself where you do not belong?

[–]welcometoearth42 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Honestly I read through several posts and I thought this place was overrun by trolls. I couldn't tell if anyone was serious.

I didn't mean to wrongly insert myself in what I now see is a place considered by many to be a closed safe space. I apologize for any grief I have caused anyone by my presence.

I've seen this sub mentioned many times and people always say it's full of vile, hateful people. I wanted to give this place the benefit of the doubt and see for myself. I tried to be as polite as possible and now that I have been informed that my voice isn't welcome here you can rest assured knowing that I'm just replying to the comments I received and then I'll be leaving. I don't want to antagonize anyone or start any fights. You're entitled to your options just as much as I am.

Have a good day.

[–]AutoModerator[M] -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

'Entitled' is a fairly meaningless word that does not accurately describe most of the incels on this sub or elsewhere on the Internet. On one extreme, the word 'entitled' is used to describe men who literally believe that they should be able to force women to date them. On the other extreme, the word 'entitled' is used to describe men who are merely frustrated or sad that they can't find anyone at all to date them. This type of frustration is reasonable, since sex and romantic relationships are regarded by many as one of the most fulfilling things in life. The problem with using the word 'entitled' for both categories of men is that it lumps them together, demonizing men in the latter category by comparing them to men in the former category. If you wish to criticize our views, please be more specific than merely calling us 'entitled.'

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

[–]redditor41217 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Get the fuck out of here you normie. Don't you have a Chad to be draining right about now

[–]ElliotsSecondAscent[Incel Guard] 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (2子コメント)

This isn't a place for discussions with normies. Disgusting femoids like you are not welcome here.

[–]welcometoearth42 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Oh…Kay. That was a slightly more aggressive response than I was expecting. But I respect that this sub is a closed, safe space to you.

I'm still going to wait for OP to respond. But your comment has helped me see the atmosphere of the sub. If OP responds similarly I promise I'll keep my face out of these parts in the future.

[–]Enigmatic93 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't forget the fact that they're all pathological liars.

[–]GubGabber 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (5子コメント)

How do children get damaged upbringings from single mothers? I don't quite understand how they could damage it

[–]BF821120, (((Militarycel))) -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You must have never met a man raised by a single mother. You're lucky.

[–]Deadp00n 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You can just google "single motherhood statistics." In literally every single facet of life, without exception, children raised by single mothers are at a disadvantage compared to children raised in a two parent environment. Higher risk of criminal activity, unemployment, unsuccessful social life, etc.

[–]memoo456 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

parental alienation syndrome - one parent (usually the mother but can be the other way round) turns the child against the other parent. or does their best/worst to achieve this. obv not all separated parents do this but it's fairly common sadly. emotional consequences to child are huge - like losing a parent but not being allowed to grieve. tho I have no idea if this is what op meant. runaway dads also cause huge emotional distress for child but again most separated dads don't do this

[–]lifefailuerlove was meant for others 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't see why misogyny isn't more widespread

[–]MarriedAndLookin4Funbody of a human, mind of a god -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]IncelCuckWipe all life 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

They bitch about the term “female”, not doing anything to challenge the validity of the statement.

This is not the only instance of this kind of behavior. Whenever an incel or someone of a similar group challenges them, they do the same thing.

Here is an example of it. "lol ok" is a very insightful response, isn't it?

[–]WulruseREEEEEEEEEEEEE 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Love it bro

[–]ElliotsSecondAscent[Incel Guard] 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (1子コメント)

God tier post. Sticky this sacred list!

[–]IncelCuckWipe all life 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I second this.

Mods please do this. We need a quality sticky.

[–]mohbent 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

i agree with this nonsense

[–]StagetailCuck 20 ポイント21 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wow, I thought the title was a joke.