In my journey of going my own way, I’ve found that I’ve truly started going my own way. Even to depart from the opinions of many other MGTOW.
I’ve concluded that in our society (I am in the United States, but speak of western society), men are not given value by women because women do not need them for survival. For example, if we go back to the past to say the dark ages, it was pretty obvious what the value of a man was to a woman: Her very survival. For without men to protect and provide, her death was assured.
I give this dark age woman credit, as she was probably toughened by her life to a point that puts me to shame, and I’ve been toughened by my own life. The times were different. But at the end of the day she needed men, valued them and respected them. Because she knew that without the men in her life there was very little hope for her continuance.
Today, this is not the case. And on one hand that’s not a bad thing. It means that human civilization has progressed to the point where most of us, at least in the 1st world, are not constantly scrambling for our very survival.
There’s really no need for me to cover the basics of MGTOW philosophy. By our combined experiences we have drawn our conclusions. There are disparities of opinion but by and large the idea is this: It is no longer a viable option to continue to engage in romantic interpersonal relationships with women.
Are all women “like that”? Open for debate and discussion. I think that yes, all women are like that. However, I also believe that there is a scale of just how “like that” they are, based upon upbringing, religious beliefs, environment etc… I know some Christian couples where both were raised Christian, homeschooled, married as virgins or near to it. And it works for them.
But even though it works for them, if the husband in these relationships were to have, say, an emotional breakdown, develop depression etc… The most likely course of action would be that he would quickly find himself branded “bad” and cast aside. I’ve seen that plenty too.
Having emotional or mental difficulties as a man is quite frankly a social death sentence. No one cares that you think about committing suicide sometimes. They don’t want to hear it. It bothers them that you talk about such things. Wierdo. Psycho. Etc…
Seen that dynamic too.
I hope that as men, we can at least care enough about one another to be there when these times happen. Please consider that as you go through life (and many have chosen strong self interest as a survival mechanism), it might be good to seek to help other men. Because statistically, men don’t talk about their struggles with depression. They don’t talk about their suicidal thoughts. They just act on them.
From the Wikipedia entry for “Gender Differences in Suicide”:
Typically males die from suicide three to five times more often than females.Use of mental health resources may be a significant contributor to the gender difference in suicide rates in the US. Studies have shown that females are 13–21% more likely than males to receive a psychiatric affective diagnosis. 72–89% of females who committed suicide had contact with a mental health professional at some point in their life and 41–58% of males who committed suicide had contact with a mental health professional.
Three to five times more likely guys to commit suicide. 13%-21% LESS likely to receive an "affective diagnosis", or in other words, 13%-21% less likely to receive help.
If you're struggling with suicide, talk to someone. Get a counselor, request a male. They don't lock you up unless you threaten imminent harm or make an attempt.
Dealing with divorce rape and at your wits end? Don't do anything drastic. Because if you kill yourself, she wins. And she won't care. Quite frankly, it'll probably be an ego boost for her.
And you matter a hell of alot more than that.
Edit: Formatting