Tariq Nasheed認証済みアカウント


Get my gear at -- Anti-Racism Strategist- Constitution Advocate- Email me info@tariqelite.com

Los Angeles




  1. 固定されたツイート

    Black people understand: Under this current stage of white supremacy, they are NEVER going to punish a race soldier for killing you

  2. 19 分前
  3. さんがリツイート
    6 時間前
    返信先: さん

    severely injured me and my family. Where's the media questioning?

  4. 8 時間前
  5. 10 時間前

    Whats that saying.."Hit dogs will holler"...

  6. 13 時間前
    返信先: さん

    I swear I thought this was photoshopped when I first saw it.Then I researched it and its real.

  7. 13 時間前
  8. 13 時間前

    Here is yet ANOTHER poc Bill Cosby accuser repped by Gloria Allred, who they made "blacken it up", so that the case wouldn't look racial

  9. 15 時間前

    I just saw one of your tweets like this....Ya'll really be caping for "Zaddy", don't you?

  10. 15 時間前

    I wonder why the allows all of these white supremacists to send me death threats all the time?

  11. 15 時間前
  12. 17 時間前
  13. さんがリツイート
    21 時間前
    返信先: さん

    Hi Tariq! White People® greatly apologize for Gloria Allred. She is an older unit and does not have many of our modern updated features.

  14. 19 時間前
  15. 19 時間前

    I told ya'll about these "Cosplay" people.....🚂🚂🚂🚂

  16. 19 時間前

    That judge in the Cosby case was clearly trying to coerce the jury into making a guilty plea. THATS the travesty of justice

  17. 19 時間前

    If thousands of people, including non-racist white ppl, say that the Bill Cosby case was racially motivated, are they all lying?

  18. 19 時間前

    When Black people are not railroaded by the system, they start talking about changing laws

  19. 19 時間前

    Race Soldiers found not guilty for executing Blacks= "Respect the judicial system" Bill Cosby not convicted="The system is broken"

  20. さんがリツイート
    20 時間前

    tfw your country is so racist even the National Review is outraged

  21. 20 時間前

    So this suspected white supremacists Laura Loomer is threatening me with legal action for suspect she is a racist.



