Black people understand: Under this current stage of white supremacy, they are NEVER going to punish a race soldier for killing youpic.twitter.com/hAtEtaSOqc
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Tariq Nasheedさんがリツイート
@GloriaAllred severely injured me and my family. Where's the media questioning?#BillCosby#CosbyTrial#BillCosbytrial今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
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Whats that saying.."Hit dogs will holler"...
#smhpic.twitter.com/eqZ4PzDomu今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
I swear I thought this was photoshopped when I first saw it.Then I researched it and its real.
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Um..You do know you tweeted THIS, right? https://twitter.com/DIGITALPRlNCESS/status/875225555431378944 …https://twitter.com/DIGITALPRlNCESS/status/876266778229211136 …
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Here is yet ANOTHER poc Bill Cosby accuser repped by Gloria Allred, who they made "blacken it up", so that the case wouldn't look racialpic.twitter.com/rSgVx0Q2Ds
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I just saw one of your tweets like this....Ya'll really be caping for "Zaddy", don't you?https://twitter.com/laurenadinab/status/839467270380335104 …
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I wonder why the
@FBI allows all of these white supremacists to send me death threats all the time? https://twitter.com/9Neiler/status/876237064743919616 …このツイートはありません今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
LOL where did this guy come from?
https://twitter.com/davidwebbshow/status/876235801398530049 …
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White Supremacy Collaborator Gets Banned For Harassing Black Twitter http://melanoidnation.org/white-supremacy-collaborator-gets-banned-for-harassing-black-twitter/ … via
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Tariq Nasheedさんがリツイート
Hi Tariq! White People® greatly apologize for Gloria Allred. She is an older unit and does not have many of our modern updated features.
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I told ya'll about these "Cosplay" people.....
https://twitter.com/Gallifreysbae/status/876181287517794304 …
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That judge in the Cosby case was clearly trying to coerce the jury into making a guilty plea. THATS the travesty of justicehttps://twitter.com/Metro_Ents/status/876177399397974021 …
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If thousands of people, including non-racist white ppl, say that the Bill Cosby case was racially motivated, are they all lying?
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When Black people are not railroaded by the system, they start talking about changing laws https://usat.ly/2sAGsbp
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Race Soldiers found not guilty for executing Blacks= "Respect the judicial system" Bill Cosby not convicted="The system is broken"
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Tariq Nasheedさんがリツイート
tfw your country is so racist even the National Review is outragedpic.twitter.com/7Qud3ThXiX
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So this suspected white supremacists Laura Loomer is threatening me with legal action for suspect she is a racist.
#Letsdothishttps://twitter.com/lauraloomer/status/876030947518500864 …今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す