More victims should've been permitted to testify. That said I can't imagine jurors were totally unaware of the history. Probably 1 holdout
When jurors are retained they are told they cannot consider any info/evidence outside the trial when deciding verdict.
I'm aware of that but it's naive to think people are not impacted by what they know even if it's unconscious
1/2 I agree & I'm a rape survivor who didn't get justice. I'm also aware of how lopsided the laws are. The rapist has ALL the protections.
2/2 A victim's sexual history is fair game; defendant's history -even prior rape convictions - are considered prejudicial.
tragic joke.
Beyond f'd. I know so many survivors and not one of their perps have been punished by law.
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Were you in the courtroom to see all the evidence and to hear all testimony? Apparently there was reasonable doubt....
I pray you never have a daughter.
I pray I don't either. Lol.
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@aliciakeys@womensmarch#WomensLivesMatter in response 2Crosby Trial, marginalized women & r archaic patriarchal USA. Vid 1st posted 1/ - 他1件の返信
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BTW, this is exactly why women should report:if one of the 60 had the courage to report perhaps he's in jail - now we don't know who's lying
Exactly why wait so long? Theirs almost no point in him be punished anymore. Not saying the women are lying 1/2
But they wouldve had a better chance if they spoke up back then and didnt wait and out of no where juat say he did something mant years ago.
Sometimes it can take yrs to come to turns with what happened, yrs b4 bravery, don't judge. Btw, its Never pointless, NEVER.
I don't disagree; but there are repurcussions tô not coming forward
Repercussions to coming forward 2, Which is what puts women off. Not being believed, fear, shame, lack of tangible evidence, take your pick.
I agree, many negative emotions, one needs to experience rape to understand what a person is trying to deal with it, within themselves.
Agreed. It changes you, takes so much away from you, leaves devastation in its wake. You can move past it but its a part of you forever.
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