Vim - the ubiquitous text editor
Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and
changing any kind of text very efficient.
It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X.
Vim is rock stable and is continuously being developed to become even better.
Among its features are:
- persistent, multi-level undo tree
- extensive plugin system
- support for hundreds of programming languages and file formats
- powerful search and replace
- integrates with many tools
News |
is the current version |
Vim voted #1 text editor on diffur
It's no surprise to Vim users, but always nice to see how Vim compares to other editors. You can view the list on (Bram Moolenaar)
Secure connection available
Notice the "go to HTTPS page" link in the header? Use it to go to the securely connected version of the same Vim pages.
This runs on the sourceforge servers, thus the URL cannot end in This is especially recommended if you upload or download scripts. (Bram Moolenaar)
Vim 25 birthday presentation
On November 2nd I did a presentation about Vim at Google Zurich.
This is exactly 25 years since the first public version of Vim was
The presentation gives an overview of Vim history and highlights the
important choices that were made. With background information on
my personal life and what was the state of computing, the context in
which Vim was developed.
You can find it on Youtube.
(Bram Moolenaar)
Vim: The power tool for everyone!
See pictures of Bram's latest visit to Uganda on
Google Photos.
Read the visit report on the ICCF website.
Recent Script Updates |
5,447 scripts, 11,916,605 downloads |
[2017-06-17] |
HyperList : Everything. Concise and precise. Outliner, organizer, brainstormer, project mgmt |
(2.3.6) Added basic autonumbering (with <leader># or <leader>an)
<leader># or <leader>an toggles autonumbering of new items (the previous item must be numbered for the next item to be autonumbered). An item is indented to the right with <c-t>, adding one level of numbering. An item is indented to the left with <c-d>, removing one level of numbering and increasing the number by one. Thanks to Jerry Anto... - Geir Isene |
[2017-06-16] |
Vim-Swoop : Grep and replace easily in multiple files being context aware ! |
(1.1.8) fix fix from old code for buffer delete - Clément CREPY |
[2017-06-15] |
LiterateVimrc : Plugin for creating |
(0.0.2) Updated README, left version alone on this one. - Tyler Cipriani |
[2017-06-15] |
CompleteParameter : complete parameter after select the completion. |
( Support multi called for a file. Support cpp class template. - tenfy zhong |
[2017-06-14] |
vim-sass-colors : sass/scss color variable highlighting (works with imports) |
(0.6.4) Fix for using with vim split - Maxim Ivanov |
more recent |
most downloaded |
top rated |
Vim Tips |
The tips are located on the
Vim Tips wiki.
This is a platform to exchange tips and tricks from and for Vim users.