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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
“ future-feature:
“Looking for a sugar daddy only to have to do token young person tech support is the most fitting punishment ever
I am calling BS on most people in the 30-40 range needing this kind of super-basic tech support...

Looking for a sugar daddy only to have to do token young person tech support is the most fitting punishment ever


I am calling BS on most people in the 30-40 range needing this kind of super-basic tech support from 20-somethings.


it’s about as believable as the idea that men in the 30-40 range are good candidates for sugar daddies

Source: dinuguan
“ 4gifs:
“Cuttlefish pretending to be a hermit crab
Cuttlefish have such an incredible capacity for mimicry that isn’t talked about enough. Not only can they pretend to be a different sex in order to get sneaky matings...

Cuttlefish pretending to be a hermit crab


Cuttlefish have such an incredible capacity for mimicry that isn’t talked about enough. Not only can they pretend to be a different sex in order to get sneaky matings with females who are already being guarded by a male, and change their skin color for camouflage, now they’re apparently pretending to be crabs. 

What’s interesting is that when I went to look up pharoah cuttlefish mimicry, the only result I got was this behavior that potentially looks like hermit crab mimicry (the paper on it wouldn’t confirm for sure that’s what the behavior was, just that it seems likely) I couldn’t find evidence of cuttlefish mimicking any other species. So it’s just hermit crabs, I guess. 

Source: ForGIFs.com

OK, this is gonna sound weird, but: there is something very sexual about Danny Elfman’s music

Not sexy music, per se, more like an attempt to convey the physical experience of sexual pleasure in the medium of orchestral music?

Like, listen to this from 7:30 onward and tell me it doesn’t sound like a depiction of sexual build-up and climax


You could say this about a lot of music, but some examples are better than others.

One of my (female) friends told me that if you want to understand the female orgasm, the best thing you can do is listen to the guitar solo from “Freebird”. Which “clearly represents a woman masturbating, and she orgasms twice.”

I’ve always been partial to Gretchen am Spinnrade, though.

Source: nostalgebraist huh
  • People using an Ouija Board, 2096: What do you want?
  • Me: t o c r a c k o p e n a c o l d o n e w i t h t h e b o y s
  • People: ...What?
  • Me: s o m e o n e p e e d i n t h e b a l l p i t
  • People: We don't understand! Please, who are you?
  • Me: s h r e k i s l o v e s h r e k i s l i f e
  • People: Shrek? What is Shrek? Is that your name?
  • Me: *the entire Bee Movie script, one letter at a time*
Source: karstaag-reborn
the other day i was at a party and one of the attendees had a start-up where he’s trying to sell insects for human consumption, and he brought some to share.
the roaches were kind of hard to eat, but the crickets and mealworms were pretty okay and...

the other day i was at a party and one of the attendees had a start-up where he’s trying to sell insects for human consumption, and he brought some to share.

the roaches were kind of hard to eat, but the crickets and mealworms were pretty okay and left me feeling not too bummed about our cyberpunk future.

the other day i was at a party and one of the attendees had a start-up where he’s trying to sell insects for human consumption, and he brought some to share.
the roaches were kind of hard to eat, but the crickets and mealworms were pretty okay and...

the other day i was at a party and one of the attendees had a start-up where he’s trying to sell insects for human consumption, and he brought some to share.

the roaches were kind of hard to eat, but the crickets and mealworms were pretty okay and left me feeling not too bummed about our cyberpunk future.